View Award - Innovative Service - OOC

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Innovative Service - OOC

Awarded to crew members who have contributed to Starbase 900 by providing innovative ideas or materials whether they are implemented or not. This may be graphics, the maintenance of a web site or wiki, or even assisting the command staff with establishing a new storyline.

Category: Both
Awarded: 3 times

Ignatius Reilly
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:27pm
This month's Innovative Service Award goes to the writer for Ignatius J. Reilly-Zeferino, the Goliath Tarantula who has grown, in more ways than one, since she came into being. I have to start by saying that Tracy began writing Iggy back on the USS Berkeley simm that I ran before we all jumped ship, as it were, and moved over to SB900. To put that into a timeline perspective, SB900 has been running for 1 year, 6 months, a few weeks, etc--that's a long time!! When she started, Iggy was just another pet spider but when she came into contact with that crazy crystal, things changed drastically for her. Not only has Iggster grown in size, which may just be something that her breed of spider does, but she has also grown in leaps and bounds in her knowledge of the "bipedal" world that she has to survive in. She's gotten drunk with Wegener, learned to curse from Weg--er, forget those two examples. He's been a bad influence! Anyway, she's learned quite a bit, experienced even more and has gained maturity to the point that she's up for being considered a sentient being within the Federation. With the most recent posts she's found herself trying to console her former owner-turned-family member, Oz, due to the death of Chance and has wound up in a bit of a sticky situation. Peach and I both believe, without a doubt, that Tracy has hit the nail on the head with the Innovative Service award in her writing and development of Iggy.
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:44pm
Her introduction of Iggy, who went from a pet to a sentient new life form has never failed to enlighten and entertain us.
Lieutenant James Holbridge
Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 7:22pm
This OOC award is given to Shawn (Holbridge) for his constant efforts to contribute to the missions on Starbase 900 and always brainstorming to come up with new ideas and specs for us. He has always been of great help and many of his ideas are spectacular. For that, as well as his loyalty and enthusiasm, he is worthy of receiving this award.