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Posted on Mon Aug 22nd, 2011 @ 7:23am by Lieutenant James Holbridge


The funeral service was appropriately solemn. None of politician Leeds' were in a jovial mood, especially after word came back that a fellow pilot had sabotaged their boss's fighter/bomber. Jim Holbridge had spent the time ensconced with his family in their quarters, not wanting to deal with his crewman's loss, There has been too much death, so much needless dying...I didn't join Starfleet so that young kids could die!. He had spent the past eighteen hours talking earnestly with his ex-wife, rediscovering their shared emotional connections, and playing with his son and daughters. How much time had been lost because he had been off burning holes in space and chasing the enemy?

"Honey, the Corps has cost me everything I loved. My folks, my family, my home. Now, after you have come back into my life, my WSO is dead all because some sorry sonofabitch wants to get ahead by any means necessary." Jim and his ex-wife were lying together in bed, her head cradled on his scarred shoulder. Tricia knew he was hurting and had invited him to come see his children, but when the time came for him to leave, neither of them wanted him to go.

Tricia hated to see Jim so upset and held him close, kissing his ear. "The important thing is that you survived and you came back to us. I'm sure that in time you will get over this and you can keep flying..."

Jim sighed and pulled his wife close. "Baby, after all of the shit that has happened, and all of the political hoo-rahing and maneuvering, I have fucking had it with combat flying!"

Tricia sat up and rolled onto her husband's chest. "Who are you and what have you done with James Holbridge?"

Jim grinned at her, liking where her body was on his. "I was thinking about this a few months ago and I signed up for Command Training. There were no open slots in the Alpha Quadrant. I am sure that with Professor Drake operating a satellite Academy, there may be some courses for junior officers to become command-level officers. I received a message from the Alpha Quadrant telling me my transfer to the regular Fleet is approved pending completion of Command Training."

"What about flying? You love it," Tricia asked, rubbing her husband's chest.

"I love it, yeah. But at the end of the day I can't bring my fighter to bed with me. Besides, you're a lot more fun in bed than that hunk of metal I fly." Jim grinned.


Jim was up and dressed in his Starfleet Fighter Corps duty uniform with the skull-white under shirt. He had removed himself from the flight schedule and had placed himself in charge of the investigation of the explosion. He also sent a transfer request to Major Kamarov, hoping to God the Old Man wouldn't freak out on him. As the doors to Jim's office opened, Jim saw that his wish was in vain.

"Have you lost your mind?" Kamarov demanded. "You are the best pilot we have and you want a transfer to the Fleet? Why, is it because of your incident?"

"It's because I don't think I belong here anymore, major. I'm burned out on the flying and needless dying and the political bullshit and the pranks and, well every goddamned thing, sir!" Jim said, finally saying what was troubling him. "When I signed up, it was to make the Federation a better place, not kiss ass and hope that I get promoted. I feel that I can do more good in the regular Fleet.

"As what, a VIP courier?" Kamarov asked sarcastically.

"No, sir," Jim answered, keeping his low voice level. "I have other talents besides flying and running my mouth and I want to see them utilized...."

Kamarov held up his hands. "Jim, I am not upset with you, I just don't think you are looking at the big picture here. You can't run from an accident. The Fleet is going to look at this and think you are dodging responsibility here. Admiral Wegener is something of a hardass, much more so than me. In truth, I am beginning to question whether I belong here as well....but, I digress." Maxim put a big fatherly hand on Jim's shoulder. "Do what you need to do, James. "I will contact Professor Drake and arrange for you to take the command course."

"How did you know about that?" Jim asked.

Kamarov just smiled as he left Jim's office.

a post by

MCPT James Holbridge
Vampire Squadron CO/ MFW XO
Starbase 900


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