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Posted on Thu Aug 25th, 2011 @ 10:30am by Lieutenant James Holbridge

Jim had taken some time off from the squadron, which was welcome by him and more importantly his family. His ex-wife and he were on their way towards reconciliation and all three of his children were enrolled in school on the base. Jim was fast becoming domesticated again.

As he strolled along the Promenade of the base, he watched all the various species, including the paranoid Divitians, scurry about on their daily tasks. H held his daughters' hands in his as he took in the sights, savoring each breath....

"Hey, flyboy!" Kaye Holbridge's voice (OOC Jim's wife changed by request of my honey). You are about as personable as a bag of wet mice. What's goin on with you? Your kids want some food!"

Jim looked at his children who were giving him the sad-eyed routine in order to get him to give in. "Aw, what the hell, Burger Barn for everyone!" Jim smiled.

Kaye shooed the kids into the restaurant, then spoke to Jim in a low voice. "You were thinking about the accident weren't you?"

Jim nodded, then stuck his top teeth out. "Ah'm juth worried Ah'm gonna leave you and the youngun's in the lurch!" he said in his best yokel's voice.

"Don't you worry bout nuthin, pa," Kaye smiled, using her best harpy voice. "I have you insured for 60 bars of latinum! Me 'n the younguns will have a good ole time when yer dead as a stone!"

Jim stuck his tongue out at his ex as he stepped up to the counter, placing his order for two beef and veggie burgers. The kids' Cosmo-Meals took time to assemble and they were playing in the restaurant's gymnasium. The two adults sat down facing each other.

"What did you think when the kids and I came out here, Jim?" Kaye asked.

"I thought you were gonna try and stick me for more fucking alimony!" Jim said honestly, snitching one of Kaye's fries. "Granted, we had been getting along well, but I didn't think you'd ever come back to a Starfleet installation with me again."

Kaye reached out to hold Jim's hand. "I have been missing you very badly, Jimmy!" Kaye sniffed. "The girls and JD have kept pestering me about you coming home I finally got hold of General Hawke and asked him where you were. He arranged for us to come here, unannounced.

Jim smiled, remembering the dark-skinned general. "I thought that old bastard was retired. Where did you dig him up?"

"I should have said Councilor Hawke, dear. He was nominated to the post after the passing of Councilor Kenyatta. He arranged for me and the kids to come out here said for me to tell you 'the sun still shines on a dog's ass in a rainstorm'" Kaye said, "whatever that means."

Jim suddenly froze. Ex-General Grayson Hawke had been a family friend and the old man had sponsored Jim's application into the Marne Academy. Hawke had often used that phrase as a passcode for things he didn't want discussed in public, but for Jim, it meant the old man had gotten wind of his accident and was warning him to stay in Starfleet in some capacity. "Baby, I think I better have a chat with Professor Drake today."

"After dinner, flyboy!" Kaye admonished him, then kissed him full on the mouth.

A passing Tellarite turned up it's snout as he witnessed the public display of affection. "Humans!" he snorted.

Jim glared at the Tellarite, who immediately scurried away.

A post by:

MCAPT Jim Holbridge
Soon-to-be ex Vampire Squadron CO
Starbase 900


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