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At Home With The Kamarovs

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2011 @ 10:43am by Major Maxim Kamarov


The Kamarov quarters suite was a big one, even for Starfleet personnel with families. Maxim's children liked sharing rooms, except for little Feliks who still craved his trundle bed in his mother's room. Maxim was always glad to see the sign on the doorjamb that welcomed him home. Some Marine commanders opted to use part of their office as their quarters, but Maxim wanted a clean break between work and home.

Natalya did not know that Maximn had a new XO, nor that she was an attractive, younger woman., yet. Tonight would be very interesting. He silently tabbed open his door and walked inside. "Father!" the younger children shouted, then raced over to him for hugs. Feliks toddled his way over to his dad only to land squarely on his rump. Maxim disentangled his legs from his children's arms and scooped up the fallen toddler into his arms. "Hello, my son! Did you fall on your ass again?" Maxim asked the boy in Russian.

"You will watch your language around the children, Maxim!" Natalya scolded from the kitchen area. Maxim looked at his son and made a face, causing the boy to break into a giggling fit.

"Yes, dear!" Maxim called, hoping to mollify his wife.

"Wait a minute, why are you home so early?" Natalya entered the room, smiling at her husband.

"I was replaced as Marine commander by some zhopnik from Andoria." Maxim said, his eyes dancing.

"Hopefully, this new CO will know the value of family time, not that I am complaining." Natalya grinned as well.

"I am hone early because I have a new exec, dear. Her name is Amanda Fulton and she is a captain..."

Natalya crossed over to her husband and embraced him. "Is she a good Marine?" was all she asked.

"Woody talked to you, didn't he?" Kamarov made a face.

"He sent me a message five seconds after you made her XO. What I want to know is why did he do it? Do you not believe that I trust you, darling?"

"I'm sure he was just letting you know so that were no surprises, love" Maxim replied.

Natalya kissed her man on his lips. "The only surprise I will see if the look on your face when I cut off your dick if I even think you looked at her in a sexual way! Am I clear?"

"As crystal, love!" Maxim smiled.

Natalya smiled again. "Good, now you can change Feliks and help set the table, dinner will be ready shortly."


The family was busily eating the meatloaf Natalya had prepared, along with garlic flavored mashed potatoes, asparagus, and pickled beets. Maxim and Feliks were in a disagreement about the toddler's food intake; the baby wanted to play in his food while Max, ever the parent, was trying in vain to feed the boy.

Natalya rescued her husband. "Eat before it gets cold," she said as she took little Feliks's hi-chair and turned it to face her. In no time at all, she had the baby eating hungrily.

Maxim just looked at his plate. "Here I am, a battalion commander in charge of a couple thousand Marines and I can't even get a baby to eat!"

"Some Marine!" added Irina, his daughter.

"No dessert for tonight?" Maxim asked, a wicked gleam in his eye.

"Aw, father!" groaned the kids.

Maxim chuckled and winked at Natalya who simply went back to feeding the baby.


Major Maxim Kamarov
3rd Marines CO
Starbase 900
Enjoying Domestic Bliss


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