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Janus settling in. Sort of.

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2011 @ 5:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD

Janus finished unpacking his few belongings and set up his new quarters. Despite having been on the new station for a while now he had put off the chore of 'home-making 'until now. He sat back and looked the meager collection that represented his life. It didn't amount to much which made him feel like he only had a brief 'walk on role' in his own life. "AGH! He yelled as he stood up. He closed his eyes and absently rubbed his left hand across his smoothly shaved head. "I got to get out of here." He announced to the room. He had been returned to duty with in days of arriving at the new base but today was his day off. He was starting to hate days off. It left him to much time to think and remember. He didn't want to remember he wanted it all to go numb again. But something had happened to stir it all up. Shaking his head he stormed out of his room and made for the main promenade area where small shops were set up to provide needed items, food and entertainment for the residents.

Moments later he found who he was looking for. Nita. But wait she wasn't alone. He leaned against a column just out of her sight. Who was this man she was talking to? His eyes narrowed and he fumed as he saw the man reach out and lightly brush her hand as she set a food tray onto the recycle bin. He took deep breaths and told himself that she wasn't his and this was none of his business. But inside he churned. They had shared meals together. They had shared time together. She was the one who took time to get to know him while on the ship. Shouldn't that count for more? His mind was confused, it hurt to think. He started to feel ill and turned to leave and walked into a woman.
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you standing there." She said. He stood still with hand on his head and trying to process what was happening. When he didn't respond she asked, "Are you okay? Do you need any help?' He looked at her and tried to summon a smile for this petite Klingon woman standing on front of him. Finally he spoke, "No I am fine. Just a little distracted". (Yeah he thought distracted with thoughts of hunting down that strange man with Nita, and choking the life out of him). The woman smiled and offered him her hand and said "I'm Akima; I've been on this base for awhile now. Your one of the new crews that arrived recently aren't you? It is so good to finally get some fresh meat on this floating tin can for a change." He reached out and shook her had briefly and managed to say "Yeah, I'm Janus from the Berkeley" he looked back briefly behind him and saw Nita and the stranger walk off out of his line of sight. Then he added turning back to her. "It was nice meeting you but I gotta go." Then he took off toward the direction the other two went leaving Akima looking confused. She shook her head and mumbled "What ever" and she resumed her trek to the cafeteria alone.


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