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Sowing Order

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 11:22am by Commander Sakkath

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: U.S.S. Berkeley / Starbase 900

=^= U.S.S. Berkeley - Deck 9 =^=

Sakkath was the last member of either the Junior or the Senior Staff transferring to Starbase 900 to still find himself aboard the Berkeley. He had completed a tour of the now vacant quarters of his crewmates, ensuring that everything had been properly transferred, and was left with only two orders of business here.

Reaching up, he activated the communicator at his chest. "Sakkath to Ensign Oest, please report to my quarters," he asked, even as he stepped inside.

The scent of orchids lingered in the air, despite the move of the many plants stationside. The surroundings were remarkably bare now, just one last crate belonging to the Vulcan and the Starfleet-issue furniture. He powered up the anti-grav sled and secured his effects while he waited.

Several moments went by as Sakkath retrieved the pad from his desk and listened as the doors parted once more, admitting the Benzite boatswain.

"Commander," she stated simply, referencing her chief's promotion before a deep breath of air. Sakkath nodded in response.

"As you are already aware, Ensign, I am departing the Berkeley for the space station."

"It has been... an honor to serve with you... sir," she replied. "The best of luck."

"I shall offer you the same," Sakkath replied as he handed Akilah the PADD. "As of Stadate 63989.29, I transfer to you command of the Operations department, U.S.S. Berkeley, and stewardship of all associated duties until such time as a new Chief may be appointed."

The Ensign appeared taken aback, but accepted the PADD. "Thank you, sir," she managed, pressing one of her four thumbs to the device and accepting the command.

"Your acceptance shall be so noted in the ship's log." Sakkath lifted his hand in the ta'al for what was perhaps the final time aboard this vessel. "Live long and prosper, Ensign."

"May your journey be... free of incident, sir," she replied before departing to see to the ship.

Satisfied, Sakkath took hold of his belongings as made his way to the transporter room.

=^= Starbase 900 =^=

For Sakkath, time spent in his new quarters was remarkably short. A few minutes in which to deposit his belongings, time to greet Li, and then he was out on the station, both meeting his new staff and acclimating to his new surroundings.

Operations itself, for the moment, he left to Norval. The Command Center would no doubt be bustling, and the Trill had a better sense of how things operated here than most. Sakkath found himself inspecting the primary cargo transporters and attached storage facilities in the lower hundreds levels of the station when his communicator activated.

"Tigan to Sakkath"

"Go ahead, Norval," the Vulcan replied, closing his tricorder as he did.

"I have your first issue to deal with," the Trill said jovially. "One of the non-coms up here just spoke to Commander qeraQ', our new XO. He apparently insists of docking on Runabout Pad 3 in five minutes which, of course, is presently occupied."

"I see," was Sakkath's only initial reply.

"We're trying to track down the pilot now, but there are no guarantees. I've tried hailing the Commander, but he isn't accepting any further transmissions. Klingons can be awfully stubborn..."

"It is in accepting the inevitable that one finds peace," Sakkath counseled as he made his way over to the nearest LCARS terminal. "If the Commander wishes to land on pad 3, then he shall land on pad 3." He began to enter several commands there.

"Sure, eventually, when we find the pilot and... what are you doing?" Norval added as he watched the display in front of him change considerably.

"I have altered the transponder for the vacant Pad 1 to reflect 3, and vice-versa. Kindly send the Commander his docking instructions. Perhaps he will appreciate docking in the first 10 levels of the station as opposed to the lower 300 enough not to complain. And, of course, reset them once he's aboard."

Norval couldn't help but laugh. "That's quite the solution. All right, will do. Tigan out."

Sakkath gave his head an almost imperceptible shake. He was concerned enough about having to operate this massive space station without needing to accommodate Klingon commanders... but he supposed dealing with such things early on was something of a blessing. He had no doubt that more brass would find their way through 900 in the weeks, months and years ahead, to say nothing of accommodating first contact visitors and alien dignitaries of all kinds. The challenges would be great.

Logic, he resolved, would have to rise above them. As with the kal-toh sphere, the Vulcan would strive to remake 900 - sowing order from the very seeds of chaos.

...He only hoped that, like his blood, his thumb would prove to be green.

Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase 900


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