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XO, Starbase 900, Arriving

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 10:01am by Captain qeraQ'

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Runabout Thames

A chirping noise woke him from what had been a pleasant snooze on the bunk of the Danube class runabout Thames. The reclined figure groaned and threw a padd towards the source - the main computer core nestled somewhere aft of the snug accommodation. He hated mornings. Unfortunately, although the aim was true and the padd had hit the computer core, the blasted machine was only programmed to accept verbal input. Not like the old B'rel class he thought, not for the first time. You could hit anything on one of those and if it was in the right place it would have the desired effect. Klingon engineering at its best, designed to react to any input a grumpy Warrior could give it.

The chirping was incessant and grudgingly the figure rose from the slumber pit and smacked the control panel on the opposite side of the cabin. Thankfully the chirping stopped. That had been the most irritating thing about the Academy, he reflected, the damned birds in the morning. That and the students, the Academy would have been great without the students!

"Computer, location"

"We are about to transit through the gateway."

"Activate the beacon and proceed."

He stood and looked briefly in the mirror, tying his hair back briefly and straightening his uniform before collating the scattered padds lying around the cabin into a small bag. He proceeded to the bridge of the small ship and took the pilots seat, relinquishing the computer of control. Ahead of him a shimmering image of a Starbase showed through, bright nebula surrounding it in almost all directions. The safe passage. His new location, and hopefully the start of great things.

Adjusting the heading carefully he waited until the gateway had passed, waiting for the station to hail him. It shouldn't be long now. He was eager to see what response he received. Test them he thought, always give them a challenge and keep them on their toes.

Soon the message came through and he responded opening the channel and waiting for the operations officer on the other end of the commlink to respond. He had purposefully not informed anyone of his scheduled arrival. Purposefully left it as a surprise. He waited.

=^= err... Runabout Thames... please state your intentions =/\=

"I will be docking with the station in approximately 10 minutes, where I will be disembarking. Please have a crew ready to transport my belongings to my quarters."

=^= I don't have any record of that Sir...=^= the man looked at his console intently trying to find any reference to the runabout containing a grumpy looking Klingon Commander. =^= Can you enter the stack please Commander until I can consult with my superior officer =^=

"Perhaps you would like to ask the Executive Officer of the station, he is aware of my arrival."

=^= Commander qeraQ' has not yet arrived Sir... oh... =^= the man turned a shade of red deeper than the red uniform he was wearing. =^= Would you be Commander qeraQ' sir?=^=

"Yes, and I will be docking at landing pad 3 in 5 minutes. qeraQ' out."
He sat back for a moment and chuckled, he loved newbies, and as there was already a ship on that landing pad he would see exactly how the operations team handled themselves. He sat back and rubbed at the stump on his left hand, where once he had had 3 fingers more than he now did. It was good to be back.

Commander qeraQ'
Executive Officer
Starbase 900


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