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Kieran Goes Down

Posted on Fri May 9th, 2014 @ 4:10pm by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Solaria Station

* * * Kieran’s Quarters - Solaria Gateway Station * * *

Commander Norvil Kieran regarded Li cautiously. “I am in a bit of hurry, captain. I have a lot of irons in the fire, so to speak.”

“Sit down, Kieran. You and I are going to talk.” Li’s voice was firm, leaving no room for argument.

Kieran’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “I don’t appreciate you tone, sir.”

“And I don’t appreciate having to come back to the beta quadrant because one of my former officers is being screwed over a personal vendetta. I expect far better of Fleet officers. Besides, Jim is right. There’s some things you need to know. Please.” She motioned to a chair.

Kieran sighed, then patiently sat down, giving off the air of indifferent impatience. “Very well, educate me!”

Li sat down across from him and produced a padd, which she passed over. “Jim was right. Take a look at this. That information came from my father and from Commander Nalas. The operation was compromised and I have an eyewitness to it.”

Kieran carefully studied the padd. “Is this some kind of sick joke?” he asked.

Li shook her head and when she spoke, her tone had softened. “Set up any which way you look at it. What I want to know, though, is who has such a strong desire to screw you over?”

“Excuse me? Screw me over? Captain, I am not following you,” Kieran looked confused, then a light went off in his eyes. “The only person I know of that bears me poisonous tidings is Admiral Collins back on Earth! That man….well, he doesn’t like me very much!”

“Collins?” Li frowned. “What I’d like at this point is to hear the story from your side.” The mention of Collins was definitely a new wrinkle.

“Admiral Collins ordered me to Bajor for the aforementioned mission. I was under his supervision some time ago, and we didn’t take to each other.” Kieran’s voice shook a little.

His tone, and sudden lack of composure prodded at Li. “And then? Who else was involved? Or did you report only to him?”

“Just to him. I was an agent in place at the time.” Kieran snapped his fingers. “This makes sense…..

Her eyes narrowed at his answer. “Have you forgotten who you’re talking to, Kieran? Some may be so easily fooled, but not me. Want to try again?”

“I……….beg your pardon?” Kieran was getting more and more nervous. I am sure I….”

He was coming unraveled and Li began to move in for the kill. “Remember that eyewitness I said I had? He’s back on 900 now. He’s on leave so he has nothing to lose if he sings like a bird. I’m sure he’d be more than willing to expose what really happened there….” She fell silent, letting the threat hang between them.

Kieran looked at Li with a sudden gaze of hopelessness, right before his hand came up with a mini-phaser.”I am tired of this grand charade, captain! Please don't move as this weapon is set at level 9.”

“So you really want to add murder to the list?” She kept her voice low and kept very still. “You already have the plan to get rid of Wyatt on your list, along with what Collins had you do. I’d have thought you were smarter than that. Don’t make this worse.”

Kieran looked up. “You knew about his brother and never told him? What does that make you? Wyatt Holbridge is alive but if anything happens to me his whereabouts will never be revealed.”

“Really?” a smile now appeared on Li’s face. “It was a shot in the dark, Kieran, and you fell for it. Now, do you really want me to pick it out of your head?”

Kieran faced Li, a sly smile on his face. “You know that we Intelligence operators are conditioned to resist telepaths, and i don’t really want to harm Lucius’ little girl. So, I’ll be leaving now.” Kieran backed up to the door. As it opened, there was a curious lack of ambient hallway light. Kieran turned his head and found a six foot giant man with a beard and nasty grin in his path.

“Hello, Kieran yer sorry sonofabitch!” Quentin Harrison punctuated the last word with a solid blow to Kieran’s jaw. the soft, flabby officer slid to the deck in a heap. Quentin looked at Li with a grin. “I’m here to pick up a load o’ trash, if ye please!”

“By all means, Mr. Harrison.” Li touched her comm badge and informed Lorenz that Kieran was on his way to the brig. “Perfect timing as usual. How’s Jim?”

Quentin grinned. “He’s fit as a fiddle and heard every word ye said, including the part about Wyatt being alive. I think the NGST is gonna be looking for him in short order.” Quentin picked up the dazed Kieran, affixing a small device to his head. “Aric tells me this lil beastie will keep his high brain functions in check till get him back to 900. Nasty piece o’ work tho, messing with yer memories!”

“Keep him monitored, I don’t want any damage on our watch. I’ll send word to Oz that you all will be coming back and to Dae with the information on Collins. It looks like a shake-up is coming his way.” Li stood and rubbed the back of her neck.

“Understood.” Quentin gazed at Li, rubbing her neck. “Are ye alright, lass?” Quentin asked, genuinely concerned. “Did this idiot damage ye in any way?”

“Never laid a finger on me. For such a tough talker, he certainly fell apart fast. I’m not that scary am I?” She smiled up at Quentin.

“Nay, but I wouldnae wanna tangle with ye as an enemy, for sure!” Quentin gave a grin of his own and then left the room, dragging Kieran with him. I wouldnae mind getting to know ye better as a friend, tho Quentin thought to himself.

From inside Kieran’s quarters came the sound of LI’s laughter.

“I heard that Quentin,” she called out as he departed.


Captain Li Hawke

Digging Up The Facts


Quentin Harrison

Making Passes and Kicking Asses


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