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The Case Of The Comm Badge

Posted on Thu May 22nd, 2014 @ 10:01am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Counselor's Office Area - Piper Medical Center

* * * Piper Medical Center * * *

Nico stood silent as the security officers arrived. Robin’s words, while correct, were not exactly the ones he would have chosen, but then again Robin was always calm and collected as far as he’d seen. Deep worry threaded through him, followed by a rush of anger. He fought back the urge to take off and go hunting for Dru himself. First, Security. He turned his attention to the first arrival.

Carter looked from Robin to Nico and her lip curled, ever so slightly. She knew things about this one and now. Now, Security was being hailed with him involved. She smoothed her mein and looked back to Robin, "Commander Swift, you're reporting Drusila Dupree missing? Is it possible she simply dropped her badge by accident and is... back home, in bed or in a holodeck? She could be taking a personal day."

“Anything is possible,” he said, “but Nico saw her this morning for coffee and she said she was on her way here right afterward. Plus, there is something else going on that needs your attention. Whether or not it is related, well, that’s a bit up in the air.”

Nico’s eyes narrowed at Carter for only an instant, then he spoke. “Give me a moment.” Then he stepped into the open lift that had been locked in place. He didn’t need to put forth any real effort to sense that she’d been there. He turned and rested his hands against the back wall of the lift and closed his eyes.

“She was unconscious when she was taken from here. No accident.”

Robin’s hand quickly covered his mouth in an attempt to hide his shock. “Unconscious? But why Drusilla?” he asked of Nico. “Do you think this is some attempt to try and lure you out?”

Nonplussed, Carter regarded Nico coolly. "Draw you out? What trouble have you found now?"

“Ah, in all fairness,” Robin interrupted, “I would say trouble has found him, not the other way around.” His mind was racing now and he noticed that he was babbling more than usual. He decided to calm down and let Carter do her thing.

Nico stepped back out of the lift and looked from Robin to the security officer. “It’s complicated.”

"It always is, isn't it?" Carter shot a glare at Nico then motioned for her minion to get to scanning the lift. "How about trying to reduce it to a two hundred words or less story?"

“I can do it in one,” he answered, his voice tense. “Cardassian.”

Sarcasm: it was one of those things Carter hated. She sighed, "Okay, that is less than two hundred words. Perhaps you should use the other one hundred and ninety-nine, though."

“Slight problem with that,” Robin interjected...again, “as most of it is classified. I would have to get authorization from the Admiral to provide the full story, and even then it wouldn’t be the full story. But the short and very vague story is that a Cardassian fellow from Nico’s past is here now, he is not the sort that should be allowed to roam the station without some sort of security oversight and, unfortunately, we just found out that he was here so we couldn’t have informed you of his presence earlier.”

He put his hand to his forehead and turned in circles. “I really need to calm down. Maybe some tea? Some tea would help.” He shook his head and leaned closer to Nico. “I don’t do too well in these situations,” he whispered.

Nico sighed aloud. “My apologies Counselor. I’m sorry to drag you into it. I’ll find her, though, don’t you worry.”

Carter cut him off, "Sir, Security will handle this. Perhaps you and Commander Swift should go find some tea and a quiet spot together. We'll put out a BOLO on Cardassians - they aren't, after all, very common on this station - and locate Petty Officer Dupree."

Nico frowned, then nodded to Robin. “Let’s get you back to your office.” He turned away from Carter but glanced back over his shoulder, mouthing silently, “We’re not done here.”

Once they were well away from the security officers, Robin turned back to glance at them. “I’m not exactly keen on that woman. And I’m almost one hundred percent that she doesn’t like you at all.” He turned to him as they entered his office. “I think you may need to go do your thing. I have all the faith in the universe in our security staff, but you may be able to find something a bit quicker than they might.” As he flopped into a waiting chair he added, “Of course, I can’t officially tell you to do that, due to your status and all.”

“Carter’s a….puzzle.” That was the best Nico could do at the moment. He knew there was something to this but it was hazy. However, Dru was his concern now, the rest he’d figure out later. He put Robin’s kettle on for tea. “The water is started, you kick back here and relax. I”m going to go look around if you’re okay.”

Robin was lying with his head tilted back on the chair looking directly at the ceiling. He was trying to control his fear but he was getting overly worried about Drusilla and what that man could have been doing to her. “Yeah, I’m…” he waved his hand, “...yeah. Go on.”

“I’ll check in later.” With one last look at the Counselor, Nico was out the door.

* * * Security * * *

"...and down the corridor there," an older NCO was telling Carter the direction the Cardassian's trail went. He stopped when he saw a civilian approaching. "Help you, sir?"

Carter glanced back at Nico and sighed. "I'll see to him, Scully," she said waving the man off. She turned towards Nico and frowned. "We'll find the woman without your help, you know."

Nico waited until the man was out of earshot, then crossed his arms as he looked at Carter. It seemed to Nico that her mood hadn’t improved much. It would have to be her who answered this call. Fate seemed to enjoy kicking him like that. How long had it been since he’d seen her? He was having a hard time recalling and that concerned him. Finally he answered.

“I’ve no doubt about that. I know Commander Zeferino runs a tight ship. The question is when? This Cardassian has a problem with me and that’s at the root of this. I know how he thinks.”

“I bet you do,” Carter snidely answered. “Zef is efficient according to those who’ve been on the Station awhile.” Carter herself hadn’t been on the Station long, but she’d already heard rumors that Zeferino was one to take justice into her own hands at times. “We already have a lead on this Cardassian.”

“Do you? Care to share? And then maybe share why you have such a problem with me?” Nico kept his voice even with some effort. She’d been civil the times they had crossed paths in San Francisco. He vaguely recalled her from a training stint on Bajor too, but that had been several years ago.

"Yes, no, and really?" She canted her head to one side. "You're just playing like it never happened? You're as bad as the rest of them."

The atmosphere in the office shifted radically for Nico. Carter’s question hit right between the eyes and he held onto the desk edge for a moment. Never happened? What? Frantically he searched his memory and came up empty.

“What, exactly?” He had to ask but wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

Her eyes narrowed with irritation. Fine, two could play. If it had never happened for him, then it had never happened for her. "Never mind. I have work to do, mostly, finding your girlfriend. Stay here or go wait with the Counselor. We'll contact you as soon as Dupree is located and recovered."

“She’s not my girlfriend.” Nico frowned as he looked down at Carter. “Be careful. I know what this monster is capable of, and you really don’t want the details.” He studied her closely, then shook his head. Still nothing and that bothered him. “Look, Carter…a lot has happened and things aren’t quite as they should be. Let’s go with that for now.” It wasn’t an apology, but he hoped it would help whatever her issue was.

She wasn't mollified. "Sure, whatever. Just stay out of the way. Now, I need to call my boss, so excuse me. "

“Sure.” Staying out of the way was the last thing he intended to do but decided that discretion was the better part of valor. “Take care.” He departed Security and moved along the corridor to the turbolift. It was time to do some sniffing around. Discreetly, of course.


Lt.JG Leela Carter


Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Dazed and Confused


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