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Long Time No See

Posted on Tue Feb 7th, 2012 @ 2:36pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Janus Heyerdahl & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Nenita pushed back the padd and groaned. She'd spent the day recovering from a night out with Nick, which turned into a night 'in' with Nick, then following up current residents of the station who were 'locals' - names, dates, points of origin. She'd flagged a few, the known troublemakers, and forwarded the whole lot on to Oz's security team. Right now, though, Nita was tired and needed a break. Right on cue, her stomach rumbled and she realized it was dinner time.

"Perfect. Nick and Patrick are on shift, maybe for once I'll just go have a leisurely dinner out somewhere without hurrying."

With that decision made, she left her office and made her way to the promenade.

To the casual observer Janus was just an off duty crewman leaning against the wall in the corridor, waiting patently for a friend. And why wouldn't he be? It was his day off and it was something that was part of the norm to do, hang around and catch up with friends. He smiled as he saw her making her way toward him on the promenade, he stood straight and began moving with a well practiced glance into the window of the tailor shop next to him in a way that it would seem he was just out for a stroll. She would never guess that he had been following her for weeks and had come to know her routine much more than he had a right to. He couldn't help it; she was stuck in his mind ever since they had met by chance sometime ago aboard the Berkeley. To her it would be nothing more than a casual friendship to him, well he couldn't put his finger on what it was but he was fascinated.
As she approached him he put his chaotic musings aside and spoke. "Hi Nenita!"

The familiar figure of Janus brought a warm smile to Nenita's face. "Well, hello big guy. I was just thinking that Frost must keep you locked up down in Engineering since I hadn't seen you in a long while. How are you?"

He smile and absently rubbed his left hand over his smooth head. "Yes, we have been quite a bit busy as of late but I managed to break free of the lunatic asylum just in time for dinner." He gestured toward a caf' with his other hand and added, "have you eaten yet? If not I would be honored if you joined me."

"Why I'd be delighted. And remind me to thank Frost for letting you go. I know you've all been really busy in the aftermath of that explosion in the hangar bay." She slipped her arm through his as they began to walk. "So how's life been treating you since we moved over to the station?"

"Janus smile as he pulled out a seat for her and said, "Since running into you today, life is treating me perfectly!"

"What a gentleman." Nenita smiled brightly at him as she sat down, deciding that company for dinner was a good thing after all.


Lt. Janus Heyerdahl

Lt.(jg) Nenita Quidley


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