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Planet Express Ship

Posted on Thu Feb 2nd, 2012 @ 7:00am by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Major Patrick Smith & Tog
Edited on on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 10:28pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Blackbird

20 minutes before the scheduled time to depart Pat was standing alongside his fighter the Blackbird. It was noticeably different from when it had been kept in the Marine bays, or at least to someone who'd seen it before. The Starfleet decals and identifiers had been removed from the outside and the black paintwork had been tarnished thanks to a couple of clever tricks from the maintenance crews. Pat ran his right hand along the edge of the hull, smiling as he remembered how it had come from scrap to what it was now.

He had already invented a cover as to how he acquired such a fighter, but for now the memories of building it up from scratch along with an engineer on the testing facility reminded him of things past. His hand hit a familiar scratch in the metal work. Small enough to be of no consequence to the structural integrity he had kept it as a reminder of the test flight after the rebuild... and that no tree would ever try and take it down again.

Moving aft he opened the rear door and entered the small compartment. It was big enough to sleep two with some room for working but it wasn't somewhere you wanted to be for long. Again inside had been stripped and things replaced with more civilian looking objects. The hidden weapons locker emptied and medical kits were all gone along with any spare parts he wouldn't have been able to get normally. Sitting down in the pilots seat he booted up the computer and was pleased to see most information relating to starfleet apart from the basics that would have been in the ship were gone along with previous flight plans and communications. Leaning back he put his feet up on the console with his hands behind his desk, satisfied it would take only the best detective to find any evidence of the ships real life, and waited for his passengers and their cargo to arrive.

A message arrived as he sat waiting, the female voice very familiar. Nenita.

"Hello handsome, how's it going?"

"Not to bad. Just going for a trip with our friend down under. Shouldn't be too long," Nine replied.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you. And I hope not, I might get lonely." Nenita's sultry laugh came over the comm. "You keep that in mind."

Pat laughed a bit at that, "I have absolutely no doubt you have this thing rigged so you can watch it somehow, and I'm sure there're plenty of people on this base who wouldn't mind keeping you company."

Suresh and Tog had entered the ship and found Patrick just in time to hear Nenita's last words. Suresh gave him an appraising look and smiled. "No wonder you like it here, whoever she is, her voice could raise the dead."

Nine swung gently around in his chair. "Indeed. Us flyboys usually do well." He looked them up and down. "Where's the Cargo?"

Suresh patted the jacket he wore. "Right here. Once we get there, you will deliver it." He turned to Tog now and smiled. "Make yourself comfortable Counselor. Would you like to sit up front with out esteemed pilot?"

"No," Tog shook his head. He'd already taken an anti-motion-sickness tablet, but he was certain that looking out at stars zipping by wouldn't help him any. "I'll stay back here; I have some other work I can do while we travel." He shot a smug grin at Suresh - after all, he'd be billing Su for the travel time and billing his other clients for the work done. Win win in Tog's book!

"Always so dedicated, hmm?" He switched to Romulan as he addressed Tog quietly. "With any luck, we'll be in and out and back home in an hour. Now, explain to me why you couldn't find Isha."

"I've set my people on it," Tog answered. By 'people', he meant his single assistant, Uanda, who was awfully good with the computer. "If she's there to find, they'll find her." He rather doubted it, since Uanda had already come back with information that the mysterious 'Isha' was just that: mysterious. But, hey, he could still bill Suresh for his, and Uanda's, time spent on the task of looking for the elusive female.

Pat leant back and looked at the pair. "Firstly whispering in another language is doubly rude. Secondly belt up. We are leaving now," he said as he started power up the engines. This was accompanied by a gentle vibration and a humming as the deceptively thick rear door closed and clunked shut.

Suresh settled back in his seat, closing his eyes. His leg jiggled up and down as they departed 900, then his finger tapped the arm of his seat. Even the idea of leaving the station...her for an hour made him antsy. So did Nine's attitude, but he'd deal with that once they were back on 900. This was just a test run anyway, and he had a few tricks up his sleeve to see how well the man operated under pressure.

"You have the coordinates, should be about 20 minutes out to the rendezvous, Nine."

"Sure thing boss," Nine replied before cracking his knuckles and doing a few slow gentle barrel rolls to make sure everything worked and so he wouldn't have to clean up Tog's vomit.

That brought a perverse smile to Suresh's face, knowing how tender Tog's travel stomach was. The smile lingered as they got truly underway and he settled back, waiting for the fun to begin.


Just A Little Test


Delivery Boy from the Future


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