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The Hallway

Posted on Sun Jul 27th, 2014 @ 1:20am by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Counselor Swift's Quarters

* * Robin Swift’s Quarters * *

He tried to sleep. He couldn’t. He’d even tried some relaxing teas. They didn’t help. He mostly found himself pacing back and forth wondering where she might be on the station. “It’s so big, so many place to hide someone,” he thought to himself. “Dru could be anywhere.”

He’d finally sat at his desk trying to take his mind off of the kidnapping by going over some case files, but he couldn’t concentrate. It wasn’t his fault, really, but he felt responsible for her. She was more than just his aide. She was his friend. He felt so utterly hopeless at this point and hoped that either Nico or Oz and her team could find her before anything horrible could happen to her.

Not being a spiritual man, he had no gods to pray to. He did, however, have candles. For some reason he thought that they would help. He lit a white one for hope, a red one for power to those looking for her, and then a blue one...mainly because her uniform was blue.

His door chime beeped softly and, hearing his call, Li stepped in. ONce the doors were closed she spoke.

“Good evening, Counselor. How are you?” She glanced over the room, noting the candles and smiled.

“Oh, Li,” he said crossing over to hug her. “I’m a hot mess. I don’t know what to do with myself.” He let go of her, not sure why he had embraced her, but she had always been so nice and reassuring to him he just felt the need. “I’m sorry. I should have asked,” he said.

“It’s alright, Robin.” She studied his face, her own expression clouded for a moment with the worry that came off him in waves. “I just got in and heard the news about Drusilla. Is there anything I can do?”

As he sat he couldn’t hold back any longer and the tears began to come. “Just find her, Li. She’s a tough girl but she doesn’t deserve this. Not to be a pawn in this Cardassian’s game.” He looked around and didn’t see any tissues and replicated a box. “But I don’t know how we’ll be able to find her without searching the entire station, or if he messes up.” He sat back down and tried to compose himself.

Li gave his shoulder a squeeze, then sat down beside him. It was strange, being on the advice-giving side of the table with Robin, when normally it was the other way around. “Oz and her team will do whatever it takes to find her. Outgoing traffic is subject to search before departure, so he can’t get her off this station.” She paused as a thought occurred to her. “Have you spoken to Nico since this happened?”

He shook his head. “I haven’t seen him since he took off trying to find her.”

“I see.” She made a mental note to track him down, something she suspected might not be so easy. “I imagine he feels terrible about all this. I just hope it doesn’t cloud his judgment.”

“Oh, I’m sure he feels responsible since Dru is being used to lure him out,” he said as he wiped his eyes. “And from what he’s told me, and shown me,” he said referring to the mental images he saw from Nico’s past, “the man that has her wouldn’t hesitate to harm her.” He teared up again. “I hope she’s okay.”

“If it helps, remember that some of the best in the Fleet are here. We’ll find her. In the meantime, you could use a little help.” She pointed to the carpet in front of the sofa. “Sit down there.”

He balked for a moment but finally did as she said. He was glad his carpet was immaculate. “Okay. What next?”

“A little counsel for the counselor.” She moved one of the candles over, placed it before Robin, then sat down on the other side of it. “Vulcans normally use a small lamp with a flame, but this should do. Computer, lights down to twenty percent.” The room settled into almost complete darkness. “Now then, focus your attention on the flame.”

He did as instructed but couldn’t help but add, “If I come away from this clucking like a chicken every time someone says a secret word, you and I will be having a talk.” He smiled for a moment hoping the little joke would lighten the mood. It really didn’t. He focused on the candle’s flame.

Li did smile, however. “I promise. This should help clear your mind, at least enough that you can get some sleep. You learn a thing or two when you live with a Vulcan.” She watched for a few moments, then spoke again, her voice just above a whisper. “Now then, one at a time, file away what’s racing in your head. Take your time.”

He sat staring blankly at the flame for a few moments before really thinking about what was on his mind. Dru’s safety. Nico’s safety. The safety of the security staff--everyone looking for this dangerous Cardassian. He concentrated on Dru not getting hurt and his serious fear that she would be permanently injured, or worse.

“She’ll be fine, now try and let that go,” Li instructed. She, too, watched the flame, but instead of clearing her mind, she opened it, searching for….some sign that might help.

For a moment he was surprised that he’d forgotten she was Betazoid and that she was likely probing his thoughts, but it was short-lived. He trusted Li implicitly, especially here because he knew she could actually help.

He employed a trick that he’d tried to use with several of his own patients. Imagine a white hallway with white doors. The rooms behind them are empty and need something placed in them or they disappear. They need something placed in them, but it was only memories, fears or feelings that they could accept. He tried to imagine placing Nico in one of the rooms for his safety, then Oz and the security staff he could remember faces of. Lastly, there was Drusilla. The image of her was scared, she had been roughed up and her uniform was torn and dirty. She sat close to the door, frightened of everything that moved. For some reason he imagined her to be this way then forced himself to change it. Drusilla may be a small woman, but she’s tougher than that. Slowly, the look on her face changed from terror, then calm and finally to determination. She cautiously slid up the wall and pushed the door open. With one last look around, and finally to what looked as if she were looking at Robin, she walked in and the door closed.

“Better,” Li whispered, though her voice seemed far away. The silence settled around them, broken only by the sound of breathing.

* * *

“Robin? Here, have some of this.” She slipped a glass into his hand, then mentally pulled him up from his deep reverie. “Better?”

He nodded silently and took the glass. “Better. Thanks.” He stood and slid into a close chair. “I know you’re good at what you do, but you would have made one hell of a counselor, Li.”

She leaned back against the chair behind her and smiled. “Would you believe me if I said I don’t have the patience for it? Not long-term anyway. I think that’s because deep down, there’s a violent streak in me, thus why I went into intel.”

He shrugged. “Oh well. It happens to the best of us.” He smiled and took a drink. “Thank you, Li. I should be able to rest a bit now. But please let me know what’s going on with the investigation, okay?”

“I will. Try not to worry too much. They’ll find her, and soon. Now, it’s time for me to get home and collapse. Long day.” She stood and crossed to the door. “Call if you need me.”

With a nod he said, “I will.” Once she was gone he finished the drink, recycled it and found himself in his bedroom. “Computer, lights out.” As the room went dark he removed his clothing and slid under the sheets. At first he was concerned but he remembered the hallway and how his thoughts and fears were safely in their rooms. His eyes closed and, within moments, he was asleep.


Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Li is Who Counsels the Counselor

Captain Li Hawke
Looking For a Ghost


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