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Squishy & Warm (Unless Your Name Is Carter)

Posted on Sun Jul 27th, 2014 @ 9:08pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Commander Oralia Zeferino
Edited on on Sun Aug 15th, 2021 @ 8:37pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Promenade / Below The Equator

* * * The Promenade * * *

Dae stepped out of the flow of traffic on the Promenade and stood looking up at a sign over the doorway of a shop. It was new, only having been installed a few weeks ago. The shop itself was a curiosity - a wide window that filled the front wall and displayed a tangle of things of every type and description. The oblique lighting set them all aglow, guaranteed to catch the eye of anyone passing by and tempting them to stop and look.

It was not what was in the front window that had brought dae here, however, but what lurked inside. At least he hoped so. He had someone to find and while he could have scanned the station, that might have taken longer than going straight to the source, to one who likely knew exactly where the man he sought could be found.

Delaying no longer, he stepped through the open door. he was immediately greeted, very enthusiastically, by a small young woman who was as much a riot of color and flash as the shop’s window display. Her bright blue skin was accessorized by long hair of a bright fuchsia shade. A shiny silver scarf was woven into it and around her antennae in a manner that completely mystified Dae. Her dress was a vivid green with purple polka dots and her legs were covered in fishnet stockings of fluorescent yellow. She smiled up at Dae.

“Welcome! I’m Falasin, what can I do for you?”

He blinked down at her, taking a moment to adjust to the assault on his senses. She certainly was a cheerful little thing, and in fact, was bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet.

“I need to see B’yaga,” he answered.

The expression on the young woman’s face faltered a moment, the smile replaced by uncertainty. “Umm, I am not sure if --” She was cut off by a soft swish of curtains at the back of the store.

"If Mamu wishes to see you, croaked an ancient-looking creature. She eyed Dae up and down, seemingly looking for something and finding him lacking. "What makes you think loopyou need to see Mamu B'yaga?"

Dae stepped around Falasin and approached the tiny troll of a woman. “Good evening, Mamu.” Dae’s voice was softer now. “I’m looking for someone and thought you could help. We have a bit of a...situation, you might say, concerning a ghost from someone’s past.”

"Know of such things, I do," she grumbled, sounding like she had gravel in her throat. Gagging, she coughed and hacked then spat out a glob of something that squished wetly on the floor. It skittered out of sight and she spoke again, "If the slithering Cardassian is the ghost. Warming lamps is what it would need."

Dae eyed the whatever-it-was as it skittered by Falasin’s foot. She seemed to take no notice and went on about her work. You have to love life in the Delta quadrant, Dae decided. Finally, he answered the old woman. “Among other things. It’s the one he’s here for that I need to find. You’re his touchstone. Where would he go? It would save a lot of scanning time if you could point me in the right direction.”

"Touchstone, I am not. That he has," she waggled a crooked finger at him as she spoke. "Besides, he isn't really hiding, is he?"

“Not exactly, but he may need some help. At least in not crossing Security.” Dae looked her over once more. “If you see him, send him to me. Please. He’s got a lot riding on staying out of trouble.”

"As do most people," she replied. "If in his best interests, then send him to you, I will. Dae," she looked at her assistant, shook her head and corrected herself, "no, you are Falasin..., sweep him out, will you?"

“Sure!” The young Andorian woman bounced over to Dae. “That’s her ‘nice’ way of saying she’s done with you,” she whispered to Dae. “But come back anytime, okay?” As she spoke, she gently steered Dae to the front door.

“Oh, I will.” He turned and immediately melted into the crowd.

* * *

Trouble was exactly what Nico had at the moment. He’d rounded a corner down below the equator only to come nose to nose with Carter from Security.

Just great, was Nico’s first thought.

“Hello Carter,” he said aloud.

"You," she greeted him sourly. "Shouldn't you be with a certain therapist?"

“He’s taking a couple of days off, understandably,” Nico answered. “I have other things to do too, you know, and Robin and I aren’t joined at the hip.” He crossed his arms and leaned casually against the wall, looking down at her.

"Maybe you should be; he seems like your type."

A scowl darkened Nico’s face. “At least he has a type. I don’t think yours has been discovered yet.” He normally wouldn’t indulge the urge to get sharp-tongued, but her insult of Robin rankled him.

"Obviously you're not it." She switched gears, "you're not down here getting in the way of my investigation, are you?"

He let the dig pass. She had a point, but now wasn’t the time. “I never get in the way. I am too well-trained even to be noticed most of the time. Somehow, though, I keep coming across you.”

"I'm sure Commander Zeferino wouldn't mind giving you accommodations in the Brig if you don't like coming across me. I hear she keeps all the cockroaches down there." This was true, actually; Oralia had a small containment field that held live specimens of Iggy's favorite snack: Madagascar hissing roaches. Carter hadn't been told, yet, that the cockroaches were literal not figurative.

“Funny.” Nico’s tone was anything but amused. “Look, Carter, we don’t have much time here. This will go a lot faster if we work together. Dru is what is important here, not who’s better at what. Take the credit if you want. I just want to find her.”

"Which is what we're working on, Nic. Why? Do you have an idea of where she is?"

He let out a long sigh and shook his head. “I’ve been walking the decks down here for the last three hours and I can sense nothing.” His voice was tight with frustration. “I should be able to pick her up and there is nothing. And so far, no Cardassian trails either. Likely has them both blocked. They have tools for that. If I know him, however, he’ll be moving soon. We just need to have a little patience. He wants her as bait so he’ll have to keep her in good shape.”

"Yeah, you've figured that out, so did we. Did you stop to think that you're the prey he's baiting and that by walking into his trap, you'll get Ms. Dupree killed?" She let out a disgusted sigh. "Also, did you recall that Security might be best equipped to find this Cardassian? After all, we can access Station records, locate known Cardys and find locations that are being warmed to a Cardassian's preference."

“‘I know he came here for me. He cannot come to terms with the fact that I bested him and escaped. I assume he intends to take me back. Not that I will allow that to happen. But if he thinks that is going to happen, he might be willing to give her up.”

"It's more likely that he'll just kill you and her and then leave," she pointed out to him. "But whatever, you're here, we're here. You may as well tag along with us. We have a few locations to search."

Nico studied her a moment and his eyes narrowed. “Half of those I have checked already.” He paused and his tone softened. “You're wiped out Carter. When was the last time you slept? Or had something to eat?”

She narrowed her eyes right back at him then snapped, "Don't read my mind. And don't try to be my friend now, either! I'll sleep when we find Ms. Dupree." She gestured to another officer, "Show him our locations. Least he can do is narrow down our search."

The officer handed Nico a tablet.

“It doesn’t take a telepath to read what I just did, Carter.” He took the padd and looked over the list, marking several locations as he went. Once done, he passed it back to the officer. “You’re better off looking in the back alleys and hidden areas first, then the least used rooms.”

"Fine," she nodded to the officer, "Get on it." He headed off towards the other Security officers and started delegating directions. "Don't be nice, Nico. It doesn't work." She turned on her heel to walk away from him.

“Hey Carter!” he called after her. “Maybe I’ve changed a little. You never know. It could happen.”

Without looking back, she waved one hand in a vaguely offensive way and kept walking.


Mamu B'yaga
Playing by different rules

Keeping Up The Place

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Hoping To See A Ghost

Damned If He Does…..


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