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What A Girl Wants

Posted on Tue Aug 19th, 2014 @ 11:05pm by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: XO's Office

* * * XO’s Office * * *

Li ran a hand through her hair as she finished reading the padd before her. It was the final report from the visiting medical staff, Doctors Solis and Crane, regarding the rescued shuttle crew. The last patient’s surgery had been successful and he had been discharged. Never a dull moment out here, that was a fact. Her communicator beeped and this week’s fill-in assistant informed her that the Vulcan High Command was calling. Talk about never a dull moment….

“Put it through,” she instructed.


Twenty minutes later Li was still at her desk, looking at the recently blanked-out monitor.

“Well,” she said to no one in particular.

She had requested the presence of Doctors Solis and Crane, on one issue for Dr. Crane and two issues for Dr. Solis. She’d heard stories of both and was looking forward to the meeting. She was also curious regarding Solis, given her conversation from the High Command. She requested her assistant to send the doctors in when they arrived.

* * *

"I don’t have a clue, Earl. I swear I didn’t do anything to get in trouble.” Solis narrowed his eyes at Earl as they approached C&C. “Did you?”

"Me?" Earl tossed an incredulous glance at Solis. "I never do anything to get in trouble. Except let you hang around me."

Solis snorted and put some space between him and Earl. “Just in case lightning strikes,” he commented. “Ah well, we’ll know soon enough. I’m kinda curious anyway. I heard she’s married to a Vulcan. A normal Vulcan.”

"Who?" Earl hadn't kept up with Solis' change in topic. "Oh, this one? Eh... Gotta wonder about a woman who loves on a Vulcan. All that suppression of love and emotion." He shook himself like a dog might, scattering his hair and making it stand on end. "Pathological, if you ask me."

“She’s a Betazoid, Earl.” Solis looked at Earl as if that explained everything. He waited to see what Earl thought of that tidbit.

Earl grunted then opined, "Huh. Well, at least she can get in there and ferret out how the Vulcan is really feeling."

Solis frowned. “That’s not always the best thing with that type. Sorta like stepping into the mouth of hell sometimes. Mind you I’m never like that. To quote you, I’m an angel.”

"An angel? I didn't say that. That's not a quote from me." He shook his head and looked askance at Solis.

“Once, I swear.” They stepped through the doors of C&C and were approached by a female officer.

“Dr. Crane? Dr. Solis? Right this way, Captain Hawke is expecting you.” She turned to lead the way to Li’s office.

Solis leaned closer to Earl. “Stop staring.” Then gave him a toothy grin.

Earl elbowed Solis, "Shush, child." He did, though, enjoy the view as Li's assistant led them into Li's office. "Very nice," Earl intoned, sounding almost as if he were complimenting the decor of the office.

Behind her desk, Li smirked, knowing the decor was of no interest to either one. “Welcome gentlemen. I’m Captain Hawke. Please have a seat.”

It was Solis’ turn to stare but he caught himself and cleared his throat. “Thank you Captain. I’m Solis and this is Earl.” He nudged Earl, then took a seat before the desk.

"Captain Hawke," the older man looked her over with a shrewd eye. "Lucius' kid. I see the resemblance." He settled into a seat.

Li smiled briefly. “I’ll take that as a compliment, Dr. Crane.” She paused a moment before continuing. “I asked for you two because I wanted to thank you for your assistance with the rescued shuttle crew. Dr. Harding was most grateful for your help, and he made a request that I want to put to you.”

“We were glad to jump in,” Solis responded. “It was touch and go but it turned out alright.”

"Indeed, being useful makes me feel young." Earl smiled.

“Oh?” Li’s smile widened. “You and Admiral Wegener should meet. You have a lot in common.” She reached for a padd and pulled it closer, glancing over it for reference. “You two are here officially on leave, is that correct? A holiday?”

Solis nodded. “If you know that much, you’ll know that I requested a transfer from my former position but it is still pending. Otherwise, yes, a holiday.”

“And you Dr. Crane?” She turned her attention to Earl.

"Just here, following a girl," he admitted with a sly grin. "Where is this goin', Captain? What sort of request did Harding make?"

“He requested to have you two added to temporary staff. With Dr. Mi off-station with the away team, they could use both of you. When we originally staffed this station, the traffic load was far lighter. But now, the Delta quadrant is the place to be and it’s easily accessible so, it’s become the crossroads. And with that comes a heavier load for the medical staff. Are you aware that we have seven medical centers here, in addition to the main Piper Medical Center? Six hundred and sixty-two decks. And enough people to fill them. You see the situation. We’d be willing to hold onto you as long as you’re willing to stay.”

Earl grunted noncommittally. "No change in rank?" Not that rank really mattered to him.

“Not yet, but anything is possible.” Li’s expression was unreadable. “This is the frontier, Dr. Crane and 900 won’t be the only game in town forever you know.”

Solis opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, then opened it once more.

“Yes Dr. Solis?”

Solis shrugged. “I have no issues with it. It will make some things much easier.” He gave Earl a sidelong look. “Won’t it, Earl?”

Not yet willing to give up his curmudgeonly manner, Earl harrumphed and shifted in his chair. "That it might. But it might not." What he wasn't showing was, firstly, a happy glee over the idea of being assigned so close to Ehlana and, secondly, a concern that being on active duty might keep him away from her too much. And, right now, 'too much' was 'at all'.

“I’ll note your agreement, Dr. Solis and thank you. You, Dr. Crane, have some time to think about it, but I’d like you two to meet with Dr. Harding by the end of the week. That will give you time to consider all the angles and...consult with whomever you need to consult with. Will that be sufficient Dr. Crane?” Li met Earl’s gaze evenly. “I am not above some arm twisting if need be.”

His bushy, gray brows rose, one slightly more than the other, and he affected a shocked look. "Why, Captain! I'm terrified!," his tone was playful, "What would your father say?"

His question made Li laugh. “He’d likely say that he wasn’t surprised in the least.” She made a note in the padd and laid it aside. “That’s all of the medical stuff. Now there is something that concerns you Solis. I just received a communication from the Vulcan High Command. And it concerns you.”

Solis tensed slightly. “Me?”

“In a roundabout fashion, yes,” Li answered. “There is a group coming from your colony and they would like for you to be the liaison while they are here. They will be using some of our scientific facilities as well as touring the area and seeing Archadia while they are here.”

Surprise lit Solis’ face. “Of course. Did they say who? And when?”

“No, but they will be sending a list soon. The group is due to arrive in two weeks.” She leaned a little closer across her desk. “This is the first time, aside from you, that most of us will encounter any of the V’tosh ka’tur. Expect some curiosity. I will confess that I am quite curious.”

Earl gasped and covered it by pretending to sneeze.

“You have something to add, Dr. Crane? If so I am all ears.” The corners of her mouth turned up at the pun.

"Hmm? Me? About the V'tosh ka'tur? Why, no, no, I don't think so," he said, unconvincingly. "Though I am curious about them." He was certainly curious about one in particular and hoped she wouldn't be among those visiting the Station. "I think I will leave that semi-diplomatic assignment all to Solis, though. I have to think about the good Dr. Harding's request." He smiled at Solis then at Li.

“Very well. Dr. Harding will be in touch by week’s end. Dr. Solis, I’ll send word to him that you’ve agreed. He’ll handle your rotations and get you settled in. Any questions?”

“None from me,” Solis answered. “If you would, send along the list from Vesta when it arrives?”

“I will.” Li turned to Earl. “Don’t make me have to convince you Dr. Crane. I am used to getting what I want.”

"I'm sure you are, Captain," Earl stood and bowed with a flourish. "I'll talk to you soon. Come on, Sollie, let's leave the lad- officer to her duties."

“Enjoy your day, gentlemen.” She smiled as she watched them leave, then paged her assistant. “Ensign --” She searched through her thoughts, hoping to find the woman’s name and finally it popped up. “Jansen. Please inform Dr. Harding that his request has been settled. For both.”

She cut the transmission and settled back in her chair. She was well aware of Dr. Crane’s relationship with Commander Winter, and she knew he was likely jumping for joy. But she intended to let him have his moment. As for Solis, he was a curiosity. She was briefly sorry that Sakkath was away and might miss the colonists. While he did not agree with their lifestyle, he would appreciate the experience nonetheless. And then, she was sorry Sakkath was away for a whole host of other reasons.

“What you need is a night out, Captain.” Ensign Jansen’s voice interrupted her thoughts as she entered the office.

Li look up, considered, then nodded. “I think you’re right. I’ll call Oz. And we are going to call it a day. See you tomorrow.”

Once Jansen was gone, Li put a call through to Camille to request a table at the Nexus, then departed.

Captain Li Hawke
Arm Twister

Doctor Earl D. Crane

Dr. Solis
Resident V’tosh ka’tur


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