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Assigning A Babysitter

Posted on Sat Nov 1st, 2014 @ 9:05pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Security

Being in Intel has it’s good days and its bad days. But mostly, it has it’s frustrating days and right now, that was the story of Dae’s life. He’d left B’yaga’s shop and gone to Nico’s quarters. Nothing. He’s started the computer scanning for Enarans, but these days there were a lot of that species coming and going. He made a mental note to issue Nico a comm badge when he found him, though he had no illusions that it wouldn’t be left home when Nico didn’t want to be found.

Now, however, he had some related business to see to - and it involved security. Specifically Commander Zeferino, an officer named Carter, and how they and Nico fit into this whole business of the disappearing counselor’s aide. As the turbolift bore him up from below, he considered things. He’d agreed to Nico’s assignment here (like he’d had a choice), hoping it would be smooth and quiet. He knew the man’s abilities and wanted him back ‘together’ and working again. He could understand frustration - most active agents didn’t deal well with idleness. He could certainly use him out here, once his status was squared away. But first, there was a Cardassian to deal with, and Dae would gleefully break the slug’s neck and be done with it if the opportunity presented itself.

The beep of the turbolift roused him from his thoughts and when the doors opened, he stepped out and began the walk to Security.

Oralia's office


"Hmm?" Oralia didn't glance up at Darwin's bid for her attention.

"Head's up: Dae is headed this way," he told her and disappeared from her doorstep.

She wrinkled her nose as if smelling something foul. Dae had probably checked her whereabouts, so she couldn't just slip out. Nothing to do but wait....

...and that wait wasn't long. Darwin appeared at her door again, "Commander, Dae is here." He indicated the man behind him then stepped aside.

Putting on a smile, Oz greeted him, "Commander, what brings you to Security?"

“Good afternoon, Commander.” Once the office door closed, he continued. “I hope I’m not interrupting but it’s important. It concerns Drusilla Dupree.”

"Yes, I've been keeping tabs on that through Carter's reports. She and her team have ruled out several locations."

Dae nodded and took the seat across her desk. “I gather she and Nicolao have butted heads somewhat. He’s…..unorthodox I know. And impossible to get a handle on, even for those of us who should be able to. I think he can be helpful, however.”

Oz blinked, unsure she'd heard him correctly. "Who? Who can be helpful?"

“Nico.” Ray knew that was likely not what she wanted to hear. “I stopped in to visit an old friend of his who is here. It’s complicated but if she’s around, he’ll stay together. And if he is going to run off the rails, she’ll know and I can handle it.”

"Woah, woah... You're suggesting I should let Nicolao - a civilian - tag along on Carter's investigation?" She didn't even bother to keep the disbelief from her voice. "No. Just no."

“He is an intell officer on leave, not a civvie. You know who this Cardassian is, don’t you?”

"One of his past tormentors? Informants? I get that this whole kidnappings is about him. About luring him out or to a convenient place. Having him walk into that, with my people right next to him, doesn't seem like a solid plan."

Dae frowned. “That is the issue here, Oz. He will likely do that anyhow, just to get Drusilla back. With you or without you. He stands a better chance with you, and you stand a better chance of getting your man in the brig. Otherwise, you may find a dead Cardassian somewhere when you least expect it.”

"At least my list of suspects would be short," she growled. Still, she could see the sense of what the man was saying. "Fine, I'll have Carter" play babysitter "keep Nicolao with her."

A smile flashed across Dae’s face. “Just don’t use the B word around him. Where’s Carter?”

Oz narrowed her eyes at him before checking her console. "She's down below the Pit." She had her own flash of telepathy: "I'll tell her to play nice with Nico, no need for you to go chasing her down."

“I wouldn’t dream of interfering, I promise.” Dae rested his hand on the desk. “But if you have any issues with Nico, call me immediately. I’ll straighten him out. I suspect you won’t, though. He knows what’s at stake here and it’s more than just a missing crewman.”

"He sweet on this particular crew member?"

Dae shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. He’s not one to be overly familiar with people, but he would feel responsible. Typical Black Ops. I really have no clue, which for me is saying a lot. It just seems colossally stupid for a Cardassian to try and stay hidden on this station. There has to be more.”

"I agree. Carter will find out," Oz's faith in her people echoed in her tone. "Soon as she does, we'll fill you in."

“Thanks. And on that note, I need to get back. No rest for the wicked, you know.” Dae rose, gave her a nod and left the office.

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Creating a Nanny State

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Curious About The Rest Of The Story


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