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Long Trip? No Sweat!

Posted on Fri Dec 12th, 2014 @ 11:04pm by Captain Li Hawke & Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Z. Talan & Warrant Officer Awf & James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Runabout Rhine

* * * Docking Bay * * *

No one should have really been surprised that Awf was down at the runabout pad first, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed. He was entirely too excited to be having his first downrange deployment as part of this new command structure, and that was probably a good enough explanation for why he was here equally entirely too early.

Every drop of excitement, however, was combined with a drop of inexperience. While he had the technical capability, he was still very much in the mindset of an enlisted man so perhaps meeting up with Mister Holbridge was going to be a positive experience.

That was, of course, in spite of the fact that their personalities were sure to clash greatly.

Awf didn't realize it, but not everyone shared his remarkable zest for life.

The turbolift doors hissed open and a tall man with a dark pony tail hurried out. Jim Holbridge's smile, or any pretense of a smile, was gone. A discovery on one of the corporation's covert mine sites had the potential to stop HMC operations in the Delta Quadrant.

Jim hurried past an eager-looking kid in warrant-officer pips and pilot's togs. "Hope you fly well, kid!" Jim said as he marched into the runabout and quickly sat down, scowling at a PADD. Jim figured he would have to show the kid how to get to Site 6, but was anxious to see how Starfleet pilots measured up these days.

"Hello there sunshine." Jackson smiled at Jim as he entered the runabout, then offered his hand to Awf. "And you must be the new pilot. I'm Jackson. Nice to meet ya."

Turning to take the other's hand and offer a firm shake to the other individual, the pilot's hair started to trickle away from his ears, which offered a very clear look at the pointed ears that marked him as an Ocampa.

"It's an honor to meet you sir; I'm Awf." Considering the way that he had said it, it seemed that his name was pronounced identically to the word "off" in spite of whatever spelling Jackson had previously seen.

Jim watched the new kid try to earn approval from Jackson and intervened before Jackson really pissed him off. "Okay, enough of the touchy-feely bullshit, kid!" He smiled crookedly as he slid into the command seat. "I'll fly us to the site, if ya don't mind, kid!" Jim quickly began entering flight data before he could snarl an insult at Jackson.

Well, initially Awf was going to protest considering that he was the regular pilot as such and the chief of support craft around here. However, it seemed that before he could say anything Holbridge had already finished entering in that data. That was enough to shut him up for now.

Jackson stowed his bag. "How long to get us there gentlemen?"

Before Awf could offer up a reply, Jim spun the seat until he was facing Jackson. "Six hours at Warp 6....but I am sure you know that." Holbridge's eyes stared steadily at Jackson's, never wavering. "I am curious as to why your last name was transmitted to deep space, especially from the cadaver of an alien in 'unexplored space'. Curious , isn't it?" Jim's tone and demeanor were hostile as his eyes bored into Banning's. Jim suddenly stabbed the com-panel. "Lieutenant Talan, please report to runabout Rhine for immediate takeoff." Holbridge was edgy and cranky, not in the mood to be delayed or messed with.

"Well now, that's an interestin' story, Jim." Jackson settled into a seat, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Once we get underway, I'd be willin' ta share it."

"I'm sure. Rhine Lt. Talan, we are taking off in ninety seconds! be here or be left behind" Jim nodded to Awf. "Begin engine startup sequence."

"Initiating preflight check and engaging main engine startup. Electrical, environmental and consumables systems are go." The Ocampa pilot looked to be having entirely too much fun and actually went through the proper check phase that a support craft pilot was so ordered to. "We are cleared for launch."

Z exited the turbo-lift at a quick jog, simultaneously slapping his combadge. “Talan here. I’m within sight of the runabout. Be there in 10 seconds.”

Li entered the shuttle just behind Z. "Gentlemen," she greeted with a nod. "I see we are all present."

Once they were all situated, Jim turned to Awf. "Time to blast off kid! Let 'er rip!" Jesus, I hope this kid knows how to follow nav charts! Jim thought, knowing Li would hear him in her head.

Li frowned in Jim's direction. "Whenever you're ready, Mr. Awf."

Soon enough the aforementioned Ocampa placed his fingers down back on the controls and allowed himself to open the throttle. For a split second he felt his back pressed into the chair behind him before the inertial dampers of the small vessel took over and made it feel almost as though they weren't moving at all.

Pausing before he looked back, Awf blinked for a moment. Naturally he hadn't heard the comment and responded as though nothing would happen as the viewport soon started to illustrate the devoid nature of space, "All systems operating at nominal values."

"Thank you," Li answered. "Once we are underway, I have a story for you all."


Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Z Talan
Warrant Officer Awf
Jackson Banning
James Holbridge


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