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He got my job!

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2011 @ 1:27am by Major Patrick Smith & 1st Lieutenant Robert Peterson

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Hanger Deck
Timeline: shortly before Range day

Patrick was buried in his Valkyrie with his engineer when Robert came over.

"Sir can we talk?" He asked.

Patrick slid out from under it and left his engineer to it. He had a fair idea what this would be about so he motioned for the Deputy Flight leader to follow him. Walking towards his office he grabbed a rag from a table to wipe the dirt from his hands. Walking into the office the door swooshed close behind them. "What can I do for you lieutenant?".

"Its about my application for flight lead sir. I've spent days watching Jad since he arrived to see why you picked him over me." The confusion and anger could just be seen on his face. "From what I can see of him. I'm easily the more experienced."

Patrick had been ready for this. "Its not about experience. Its about how good you are both on the stick and how calm you are under pressure."

"I'm a better flier than him!" came the quick and bitter reply. "The only reason I haven't got him in practise is you and him always tag teaming the best pilots out!"

The CAG raised an eyebrow and lay back in his chair. "If we were teaming up then why didn't you? Some of the other pilots have grouped off. I can't have a flight lead who can't grasp the need for team work. That's what I've been trying to show you all and people have gotten it. You clearly haven't." Patricks reply was firm and exact. He has been watching Robert for the Vampire lead spot but so far he hadn't shown the capability.

"Are you insulting my intelligence? Those brats out there are just following like sheep. If you haven't got it to rely on your own guns then you shouldn't be a pilot!" Roberts replies were getting angrier and his fists had become clenched.

Patrick got up and moved to the door. "Lieutenant until you grasp that you need to work as a team in this job you will remain where you are. Frankly I'm amazed you've been made deputy flight lead. Your last CO must have had the same ideas as you. Nevertheless you are dismissed. Good day Lieutenant." This wasn't going to end here Patrick was sure. But he knew he could handle it.

Roberts face had gotten redder and he stormed out past the Captain. Patrick coughed purposefully 'eh hem'. Robert turned around.

"Arn't you forgetting something Lieutenant?" The CAG asked. He wasn't going to let him leave without a salute after that one. Hesitantly the Marine saluted and once Patrick returned it he turned and walk away. Vengeance on his mind.


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