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A Disturbance In The Force

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2011 @ 3:21pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 Promenade

"Hey, so how'd the dinner date go?" Gilroy winked at his superior officer and grinned.

"Other than our table turning into a hub of activity, just fine," Oralia answered, heading into her office. Gilroy followed her and she smirked. "What was the datachip?"

"You didn't use it?"

"Why would I?"

He rolled his eyes. "I made it for you to use last night, with your little ...issue."

Narrowing her eyes, Oralia regarded Gilroy for a moment and wondered just which 'issue' he meant. Deciding that he couldn't possibly know about her libido and the fits it was giving Connor, and knowing that she'd confided to Gilroy about her nervousness, she let it go and asked, "How was it supposed to help?"

"You should play it tonight. I'll guess you and Connor will be having dinner together again?"

"Yeah...," she nodded, "Since he's moving in."

"You...! That's great! But you knew he'd say yes," Gilroy grinned widely.

"I did; he did. It all worked out," she agreed and smiled. "Tell me about our department."

"Okay," Gilroy, his Klingon curiosity satisfied, let the shift in conversation happen and filled Oralia in on the night's happenings. It wasn't much, since Security was on a heightened alert thanks to the Divitian envoy. As he relayed the information, a comm came through, requesting Oz's presence at the scene of a crime: an overnight break-in into a merchant's shop. Though she grumbled about it, Gilroy reminded her she needed to go: the diplomacy of having the Chief show up versus 'just' an underling sent a certain message.

Several decks below the Main Promenade

"You'll have to take up any reimbursement through your insurer, Ingo," Lieutenant Commander Zeferino attempted to deflect the merchant's demands as she entered the vandalized store and took a look around. "Lieutenant Provenz, please take Mr. Ingo outside and get his statement," she instructed one of hers and wandered a little deeper into the shop. The back area, where inventory was normally kept, was empty and clean. The front, however, was in disarray and words in an alien script were scrawled across surfaces and merchandise.

Pinky stood in the shadows across from the damaged store, watching the Security Chief in action. Trashing the store had been a little over the top, but with this one, watching her in a bar or meeting her out shopping wouldn't have told him very much. He needed to see how she operated, and what better way than to stir up the local wildlife? He relaxed against a wall, just one more face in a small crowd that had gathered. The writing on the wall was nothing more than fake letters made up to throw her off. She'd spend the next several days trying to figure out which Delta Quadrant alien race they matched. Hopefully, it would keep her out of their hair.

Inside the store, Oralia ordered Gilroy, "Get linguistics on the writing, see if it can be translated. Also, go through this guy's stated inventory, put a notice out for any items that might show up." She walked around the shop, looking over the damage, and frowning. "This is a mess, Gilly."

He coughed. "Gilroy." He smirked as she winked and smiled. "It is, Commander. I'll have engineering or ops look into whether the merchant needs help here."

"Good," she nodded and stepped out of the shop, where she stopped and briefly scanned the group of rubberneckers.

The curious stares of the small group looked back at Oz, obviously enjoying the entertainment. No one stood out, however, though several laughed at a comment one of them made to the rest. Pinky let it go in one ear and out the other as he casually observed Oz. He still didn't understand the Federation's preoccupation with putting women in command. The fact that of the five people who had the closest access to the Speaker, four of them were women was notable. In his estimation, it also made his job easier. He was a true product of his culture and like the rest, took women for what they should be - breeders, homebodies, amusement. He smiled a moment as the thought passed through his mind. He could do with a little entertainment of that sort, and he already knew just where to get it. Stepping away from the onlookers, he passed by Oz with just the slightest brush against her arm and continued on.

Oz frowned and pulled back slightly, frowning at the male. She didn't appreciate being touched but the male was gone into the crowd before she could really get a look at him. "Have Osigli take over here. I'm going to go surprise one of the Divitian security teams, see how they're faring."

"Yes, Ma'am," Gilroy nodded and waited till she was gone before turning the scene over to the Bolian, Osigli.

LC Oralia Zeferino
SB900 Security Chief

Lieutenant Gilroy
SB900 Security

Pinky (missing the Brain)


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