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Battle of Wits With No Ammo

Posted on Tue Apr 7th, 2015 @ 4:22pm by James Holbridge & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground

The adrenaline rush from the dogfight had worn off, allowing Jim to switch over to autopilot. The dogfight had taken some of the energy out of him, more so than usual, he mused tiredly. It was time to address thissue of Quentin's lack of control. "Quentin, come up to the bridge," Jim ordered simply.

Quentin came into the cockpit area, a slight scowl on his face. "What is it, o leader?" he asked sarcastically.

"Ever since I found out that you and my wife had an affair, I have strove to keep my anger in check. Lately, it seems you are pushing all of my buttons on purpose, daring me to reply or get physical."

Quentin nodded. "I push e'eryone's buttons. If ye are hurt, get over it!"

Jim slapped his thigh and looked up at the larger man. "Effective immediately you are discharged from my companies! When we get back to the station, clear out your offices and turn in your gear."

Quentin started to reply, but simply left the room. Jim heard him swearing loudly in his berthing area.


Starbase 900

Jim and Quentin both descended the gangway onto the hangar deck, where a quartet of Security personnel awaited them. "Mr. Hplbridge, Mr. Harrison, you are being detained by order of Admiral Ricky Wegener. Please do not resist, gentlemen."

Quentin's eyes were red as he stared at the smaller men. "Bloody pipsqueak!" he snarled as he placed his hands in front of him.

That went well, Jim breathed to himself. "I would like a chance to talk to my wife before I go to the Security complex."

"I have been instructed to tell you that you are not under arrest and therefr not subject to the usual regs and protocols. That being said, your wife has been informed that you are back and told me in no uncertain terms that she is going to kick down the admiral's door and rip him a new asshole if you are not released by supper time!" the officer grinned.

"That I would like to see!" Jim returned the grin.

"Follow me, please," the officer requested.


"...goodamned haggis-eating,......BASTARDS!" Quentin swore from his cell. "Let me outta here before I lose me temper!"

Jim Holbridge, in the next cell over, was lying on his bunk, listening to the tirade. "You really should try to shut the hell up!" he snapped.

"Am I disturbin' ye precious beauty sleep? Yer so bloody ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece!" Quentin snarled in reply.

"If I had a face like yours I would have shaved my ass and learned to walk backwards!"

Quentin looked away. "Thought that was your ass, ye shit-for-brains donkey!"

The doors to the brig opened loudly. "BE QUIET, ALL OF YOU!" came the authoritative shout of Crewman Derfail. "Holbridge, on your feet!"

"Unless my wife is here...."

"I have orders to take you to an Interrogation Room, Holbridge, and since you are being detained on suspicion of treason to the federation, I would suggest you shut the fuck up and follow instructions as given! On your goddamned feet!" Derfail said loudly.

Holbridge remained on his back. "I know my rights, asshole!"

Derfail tapped his commbadge. "Derfail to Brig Ops, Code-Three, Cell One-One-Four."

=/\=Crewman Derfail, stand down. Cell One-One-Four is Restricted Access. =/\=

Derfail sighed. "Acknowledged." He looked at Holbridge and snickered. "You must have pissed someone off real bad!"

"Aye, lad, he did; me!" Quentin growled from the next cell.

Derfail smiled, remembering what Commander Zeferino had told him about the large, angry-looking man in the adjoining cell. "Well, sir, I know you know the protocols for this. All I can say is that someone will be in to see you soon."

As Derfail left, Quentin went back to the bunk and flopped down. "I shoulda listened to me Da' and become a farmer!"

"You certainly sew enough bullshit!" Holbridge said, trying to pass the time by annoying his ex-employee.

SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Quentin roared in fury then punched the wall that his cell and Holbridge's shared, knockin a dent into the metal, Jim started at the new protuberance, then smiled.


James Holbridge
Impatient Provocateur


Quentin Harrison
Pissed of Ex-Employee


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