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Sometimes The Past Is Not So Far Away

Posted on Tue Apr 7th, 2015 @ 9:14pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Ensign Aleksandra Levkova

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Piper Medical Center

* * * Docking Bay * * *

Ronin had been in the medbay with the alien, Serenity, during the trip home. Give all she had endured in the last few hours, he wanted to monitor her closely...just in case. Hell, given all she'd endured over the last two decades, she deserved some attention. Back in the day, she'd always been nice to him and interesting to talk to, though most of what she worked on was way above Ro's pay grade. That was saying a lot for a man in his line of work - the sort that Starfleet could comfortably disavow any knowledge of in case things went south.

He'd done one last general scan as the Ghost began docking at 900. Everything looked normal, at least given the circumstances, but he suspected there was a little damage to her chamber and that would need some real attention and soon. That was for Doc Harding to worry about, however. Ronin would see her safely into the Doc's hands and thus would fulfill a twenty year old promise he'd made to Jackson, Dave, the Doc, and Admiral Hawke. When orders had come through to destroy her, the five of them had agreed on a better course of action and a promise to see it through if she ever came to light. After that? He intended to find a good rowdy place for a drink or ten and relax.

"Eddie, inform Dr. Harding we are on our way, then transport."

=^= Acknowledged =^=

"And where is Dave?"

=^= In custody. Initiating transport. =^=

In custody? Ronin felt the familiar tingle of the transporter before he had time to ask just what Eddie had meant.

* * * Piper Medical Center - Isolation Room * * *

The isolation room was completely empty, save for Will. The red light was on outside, which would keep the staff away and that's what he needed just now. Will himself was robed, gloved, and masked - not that he was afraid he'd catch anything but he didn't want to transmit anything to the incoming patient on the off-chance that her seal was broken. He had no intentions of reviving her right now. In fact that was the last thing they needed, but he wanted to make sure everything was in good working order before she was stowed away on Archadia.

He turned his attention to the panel on the wall. Half of it was blank but the other half displayed a set of twenty-year-old scans. Serenity. Seeing her records there pulled him back to an unnamed lab and some work that had resulted in the accident that had started this whole mess. Will often replayed that day in his mind, going over every detail and was still convinced it had been sabotage that blew the containment field and blasted two operatives with the fruits of their labor. Their lives had been changed forever, as had those of Will and Serenity. And then there was the rest of their little band of merry men who'd been responsible for cleanup - a group that had defied a kill order and perhaps now might be paying for it. Time would tell, he supposed.

There was a chime from the computer and then a swirl of blue as Ronin and the chamber that held Serenity materialized. Will hurried to connect the chamber to the diagnostic panel. Once the bioscans had begun, he turned to Ronin. He studied the man for a moment, then smiled.

"Ro, it's good to see you again. It's been a long time but I think Risa agrees with you."

"Great to see you too, Doc. You're looking well." Ronin paused a moment. "So you've kept up with me?"

"All of you. In fact all of us ended up here except you. It was my job to keep track you know. Just in case today every happened. Any trouble on the way here?"

Ronin shook his head. "I've been monitoring since we left Site 6. Everything looks normal for her, but there may be a slight glitch in the pressure monitor you need to correct."

Will studied the new scans on the panel, then began to compare them to the information from twenty years ago. "She's held up remarkably well." He pointed to a set of spiky blue lines on each half of the screen. "Her dreams are steady and non-stressful still, as I intended, and that's good. We can't have her eventually waking up insane. I see what you mean, however."

"Can you fix it?" Ronin had looked at the dream lines for a moment, resisting a shiver. The fact that Will could determine the woman's dreams for twenty years was just a little eerie.

"I can." Will moved over to the chamber, entered a code on a keypad and revealed a small programming panel. He made some adjustments,then closed it again. "That should do just fine. We have a safe spot on the planet down below and they are waiting."

"Can they be trusted?" Ro turned back to face the doctor and leaned back against a counter.

Will nodded. "They have no idea what it is, just that we have a guest planning to spend some time there and doesn't want to be disturbed. Ensign Jackson is already down on the surface and will see to everything." Ronin opened his mouth to ask a question, but will raised a hand to stop him. "No, she doesn't know what this is either. She has been told it was some old medical experiments that we are putting in cold storage. Our secret is still safe."

Ronin relaxed and nodded. "Once she is gone, I'm hitting the promenade. Care to come along?"

"That sounds nice, actually. Do you intend to see Admiral Hawke while you are here?"

"If I have time but it's not necessary. He knows where to find me." Ro watched as Will disconnected the scanning equipment, then input the transporter coordinates.

"Dr. Harding to Transporter Room Three. I've input the coordinates for the delivery down below. Transport when ready."

=^= Acknowledged =^= came the reply.

Moments later, the chamber that held Serenity vanished. The room was silent as both men watched her go. They both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, that's that," Ro stated. "I, for one, am glad."

"Me too," Will agreed. He moved to the door and released the seal, then led the way into the corridor. I need to stop by my office before we go."

* * *

Once in his office, Will checked his terminal for messages, sent off a quick one to Seyla, then closed it down.

"That is the end of the day for me," he informed Ronin.

"And for me too." Ronin smiled. "And a big relief."

"I'd say so. What is it Kiere?"

A blond in medical blue had appeared at the door and she looked rather unsettled. "Security to see you Doctor." She stepped aside and a security officer Will recognized as Ensign Levkova entered.

"Good evening Ensign, what can I do for you?"

Aleksandra looked a little unhappy herself. "I've been ordered to confine you to quarters, sir." She turned her attention to Ronin. "And you as well. You are Ronin, yes?"

Ronin nodded, then raised an eyebrow at Will, who shrugged.

"For what reason?" Will frowned.

"Admiral Hawke's orders, sir."

Will exchanged a puzzled look with Ronin, but he nodded. "Very well. But a moment." He pressed his comm badge. "Harding to Dr. Crane. Something has come up, which I'll explain later. For now, I am leaving Sickbay in your care. I can be reached in my quarters if you need me." He closed the channel without waiting for a reply and nodded to Aleksa. "Lead on."

"Please." Aleksa motioned Will and Ronin to go out first, then followed.

"Looks like we're drinking at home tonight Ro. I'll have Lao deliver. I hope you like Chinese."

"I told you he knew where to find me," was Ro's reply.

Staying A Little Longer Than Planned

Dr. William Harding
Having An Unexpected evening At Home...With A Guest

Ensign Aleksa Levkova
Who Drew The Short Straw


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