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More Good News - Part I

Posted on Thu Apr 9th, 2015 @ 1:27am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Piper Medical Center

* * * Piper Medical Center * * *

Nico returned with a fresh cup of tea in hand. “Here Counselor. Chamomile.”

Robin had been sitting with his head propped up against the wall and his eyes closed. It was an attempt to relax and just hope for the best. Leaning his head forward, and realizing that the pain in his neck was from the way his head had been resting, he smelled the tea, rubbed his neck and almost immediately forgot about the pain. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” He sipped at it and smiled. “Any word?”

“Ophelia was down by the replicator and said the doc will be out shortly.” He looked at Robin intently. “How long since you slept?”

“I...honestly can’t remember. I was mostly just keeping busy to get it out of my mind. I guess I lost track.”

“Maybe you should, after you see the doctor.” Nico’s tone was gentle. “I can stay here and sit watch. I don’t have patients to see. Or anyone else for that matter.”

“Neither do I,” Robin replied. “They’ve all been referred to other counselors. I appreciate the gesture, though.” Inhaling over the cup of tea helped him relax a bit more.

“I have a question for you.” Nico turned to face Robin. “Do you think that, after all this, I am a danger to Dru? To you? Be honest. Please.”

Robin pursed his lips for a moment and then looked at Nico. “By association, maybe, but I think that’s likely true with anyone on this base. We’re in this waiting room because you were with Dru, but I don’t want you to take that the wrong way--Li, Wegener, Marcinko, all of them have the same type of past that you do and none of us ever think twice about hanging out with them. Well, Nick…” He rolled his eyes with that one. “Long story short, no, I don’t think you’re any more of a danger than anyone else.”

Nico nodded slowly. “That helps. Buf it you think I should, I’m willing to keep my distance. Though she might have something to say about that.” He smiled finally.

“What, exactly, in ’I don’t think you’re any more of a danger than anyone else’ make you think I would have you keep your distance?” Robin asked, shaking his head. “I am actually quite happy to have met you. Dru, on the other hand, is not my responsibility in the making friends department, so if she keeps you, that’s her choice. I’m not stupid enough to try to tell her what to do off duty. I don’t have a deathwish, man.”

Robin’s last comment actually got a laugh out of Nico. “Thanks.” Keep me? Interesting turn of phrase… “Very well.” From down the corridor, a man was approaching in medical blue with long hair. Nico didn’t recognize him but the man was apparently coming in their direction.

The man was coming for them and stopped, looking at the two of them, He finally focused on Robin. “Counselor Swift? I’m Dr. Solis. Dr. Harding was called away and I’ve been monitoring Drusilla. She is going to be just fine, but I want to keep her another couple of days, just to observe. She was suffering from dehydration and we are monitoring her because of the neural blocker, but she should be back home with no permanent damage.”

“Can I see her?” Robin asked. “We’ve all been through quite a bit with her going missing. I just need to be able to see her, almost like I have to make sure it’s really her in there.”

“Of course. She’s in room 326. You know the way, Counselor. And if you need anything, give me a call.” Solis smiled brightly at the two men, then hurried off.

Nico watched him go, then looked to Robin. “Have you ever seen a Vulcan smile like that?”

“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” he replied as he made his way to Dru’s room. He had other things on his mind and whether or not a Vulcan was smiling didn’t matter to him.

Down the corridor he stopped just outside of 326. The door was open but he was still a bit hesitant. “Don’t be a sissy, Robin,” he told himself.

Dru lay in the biobed, blanket tucked around her. The room was quiet save the occasional beep of the biobed’s monitors and her eyes were open.

“Come on in Robin,” she said. Her voice was rougher than usual. “I see your shadow on the wall.”

With a deep breath to brace himself, he stepped in and plastered a smile on his face. “Dru, I’m so glad--”

He couldn’t finish his sentence and the smile faltered quickly. She looked tired, hurt, in pain, pale, all things that Robin had never expected, despite what she’d been through. Choking through a wavering voice box, he continued, “--so glad that you’re okay, honey.” He slid a chair beside her bed and took her hand. “I was beside myself worried about you.”

A faint smile appeared on her face. “It was no picnic, but I got a new nose out of the deal What do you think?” She turned her head slightly towards him. “Solis did a good job.” She hoped the humour would ease Robin’s nerves a little.

“You look fantastic, as always.” A genuine smile came to him. “How are you? I mean, really?”

“Tired, thirsty, sore in my shoulders, but I think I’ll make it. He didn’t really do much, aside from introducing my nose to the bulkhead, then two days ago, he vanished. What happened? I asked Ophelia but she didn’t know.”

“Someone killed that man,” Robin started. He was torn, at the moment, between being there for her as a friend and potentially being a counselor. She had been through a very traumatic ordeal and he was worried about her mental well-being. But for now, he was her friend. “They found him in some storage room, apparently killed the same day you were placed in your box.” He paused to check her response and continued. “There is still no word on who may have done it, but I have to say that I’m happy they did. I’d probably give them a kiss square on the lips for taking him out.”

“As would I.” A thought hit her and she frowned. “Robin, you don’t think Nico did it do you?”

“What, killed him?” The thought had never even occurred to him. “I don’t know. He seems to have been honestly surprised at the body being found. I--” He thought about it a moment. “You know what? I don’t even care. I hope he did, as a matter of fact. That man tortured him when he was a prisoner, followed him here, took you prisoner so he could torture Nico even more and someone finally took care of it.” He shook his head defiantly. “No. I’m glad that man is dead and I don’t care who did it.”

“Me too. And you’re right. That is why the Cardassian was here and And now I bet Nico’s thrashing himself for it. One more log on his fire.“ Dru paused as she studied Robin. “You need sleep. I know you.”

“You need sleep, too, brat.” Robin leaned in and gently hugged her. “I am so, so glad that you’re okay.” Standing, he realized that Nico still wasn’t in the room. He thought he would have been here to visit by now. “Let me check on something real quick.”

He poked his head out of the doorway of the room and found Nico off to the side. “Hello? Are you coming in or what?”

“I thought I’d give you two some time,” Nico answered. “But I’d like to, yes.”

Robin walked back in with Nico now in tow. “I found him loitering outside,” he said with a grin to Dru.

“About time.” Dru’s irrepressible humour was showing through. “Glad I didn’t have to send the nurses out looking for you.”

Nico glanced to Robin, not reading him but looking for a sign as to how things were. Robin looked much more at ease and Nico began to relax.

“You sound good, Dru.” That sounded lame even to him, but then he wasn’t very good in this sort of situation.

She smiled. “I sound good,” she repeated. “Well, thanks.”

Robin saw Nico’s hand on the ejection lever already. “Dru, tell him about the nose. I bet he didn’t even notice.”

“Yep, a brand new nose.” She tapped the side of her nose gently. “I wasn’t sure if I should keep the old, faithful nose or go for something new. I decided on a very gentle change.”

Nico’s attention was back on her now, as intent as a hawk. He didn’t need to ask why she had a new nose. He reached out, touching her thoughts lightly, wanting to get a real reading on her condition, physically and mentally.

“It’s lovely.” The words slipped out before he could stop them.

After an awkward silence, Robin stood and announced, “I need more tea. Anyone else? No? Okay, I’ll be back in about ten minutes or so…”

He winked at Dru on the way out and couldn’t have been more obvious on his intentions for the two. They needed to talk and he didn’t need to be there.

(To Be Continued...)

Counselor Robin Swift
PO2 Drusilla Dupree


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