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A Visit To The Oracle

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 7:26pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Promenade

* * * The Promenade * * *

Nico left Saturnalia, his question still unanswered. The blank space that was the Bajoran had said the death of Daro was a gift of the Kohn-Ma but somehow, Nico doubted that. What he didn’t doubt, however, was that word of his offer of a favor would get around and that is exactly what he’d intended when he sought out that Bajoran. And when it did, information would be forthcoming. Favors weren’t offered lightly in his world.

His world…

What exactly was his world now? He was still off-duty, still had much to do if he expected to be reinstated. But did he want to be? His life had changed quite a lot since his arrival here. He’d found something he never expected to find and then had almost lost it. A friend. But it was more than that now, wasn’t it? And if so, he suspected Drucilla would have some strong feelings about reinstatement, at least if it meant going back to his former undercover life. The thought of the danger of his former life seemed mild compared to the fear of where he now stood. He knew nothing of relationships and was still a bit of a mess. What if he screwed her up too?

It was with these thoughts that his feet took him, out of habit, to the Promenade and to one certain shop in particular. He was through the door before he realized it.

“Nico!” A female voice squealed his name. He came back to the present just in time to sidestep a small blue cannonball dressed in lime green. She stopped short and smiled up at him. “It’s good to see you. How’s Dru?”

Falasin’s question caught him by surprise. “Is there anything you don’t hear in this place?”

Her smile widened and she shook her head. “Not much. But all I know is she was found. That’s what matters though, right? And she’ll be okay? If you must know, I was at lunch with Ophelia when they called her to Sickbay, saying Dru had been found. We’re thrilled of course!”

She stopped to take a breath and in the sudden quiet, the beaded curtain at the back of the shop rattled.

“Which we?” Nico asked.

"The Royal We," said the dried out old woman who was coming out from behind the beads. "Do you not know that we are always royal?"

“Pardon me, Your Highness.” Nico stifled a smile. “How are you, Mamu?”

"No better, no worse, than when last you saw us. You are here for information?"

Nico nodded, then shot a glance to Falasin. “Maybe we should go in the back? I could use a little advice too, actually.”

Waving a hand, Mamu invited him back then preceded him. Beyond the curtain, the space was dimly lit and sparsely appointed. Mamu took a seat on one of the stools and said, "A woman. All women are royalty. Remember that and you'll be halfway there with any female."

“Er..I'll keep that in mind.” Nico settled on a stool and debated which thing to begin with. The dead Cardassian seemed the better place. “Well, as Falasin made clear, you know that the counselor’s assistance was found, and alive. Have you heard that the Cardassian who took her was found dead?”

"Knew it, I did. Gruesome but, for you, a welcomed death."

“So you know who he was. Why am I surprised?” Nico shook his head. “I didn’t do it, for the record, but I would have. What I am curious about is who did. Did you know?”

"I am no oracle, Nico. I know what I know and nothing more." She was as helpful as she ever was.

“Clears that right up,” he grumbled. “I’m looking. And I will find them. I’ve already put the word out down below. Whoever it is, I owe them one, for several reasons. They saved Dru.”

"Ah, yes, the object of your budding affection," Mamu cackled. "Perhaps, then the answer will come to you, if you have patience."

“Budding affection?” He frowned at Mamu. “I ...that is….you suggested it. I was more than willing to keep away from her after this happened. She’s not used to danger like I am.”

"She is no shrinking violet, either, Nico."

“So I am finding out.” Nico shrugged, then rested his arms on his knees. “Which brings me to the advice part. I don’t know how to do this. And she’s getting someone with a past she can’t ask about, and who may be crazy. The jury seems to be out still on that question.”

"They all get someone a little crazy. And as I said, treat her like royalty. Be good for her." She made it sound simple.

“And get over my usual hang-ups, is that it?” He thought of the flowers he’d sent Ophelia as a thank you. That had been so easy, almost an afterthought. But it hadn’t been this was.

"Hang ups may be there to hold you back or hold you down. Whether you let them is up to you."

“I’ll try. I still think she deserves someone normal. I certainly am not that by any stretch of the imagination.” He frowned at Mamu. “I never expected her. Or this.”

"Normal is overrated. Being interesting is better."

Nico seemed to relax just a little. “She seems to think so. and I should get back to sickbay before she wakes up.” He stood, then hesitated. “If one Cardassian was here, there may be more. Watch yourself Mamu. I may not be the only one they are interested in.”

"I am unconcerned, but the warning is appreciated. I will watch over Falasin. She is delicate," Mamu leaned to one side and peered through the beaded curtain. "Goodbye, Nico."

“I’ll be at Piper if you need me.” Nico turned to go and snorted. Falasin delicate? That will be the day…

Looking For Answers

Hears Everything

Mamu B'yaga
Weird Old Shopkeeper


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