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The New Nanny

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 7:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Ignatius Reilly
Edited on on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 7:50pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Hammond - Sickbay

* * * USS Hammond - Sickbay * * *

The room was quiet save for the almost imperceptible whisper of baby snores. They came from a tiny biobed in the corner, which was now open on top. Its small occupant had endured a rough first few days but now, things were settling into normal. Peeking into the bed, an observer would note a small face that bore faint forehead ridges and surrounded by black hair. The face was all that was visible, as the rest was swaddled up, cozy and warm, eyes shut tight. Every now and then, his lips would purse, then relax into another soft snore.

Kh’ali leaned back in her own bed and breathed a sigh of relief. The baby was going to be fine, Dr. Mi has promised her. The first days with a mixed-species child could be iffy, Kh’ali knew, but the little one was a fighter apparently. She smiled at the thought. It was in his blood, after all. As she lay back, relaxing, the doors to her room slid open. They stayed open, but no one entered. Finally it occurred to her who the likely culprit was.

“Iggy?” she called out.

I am here. A moment later, the arachnid shuffled into view on the floor. Her electric blue and black hair made her stand out. I understand that it is customary to offer congratulations at times like this.

“Why thank you.” Kh’ali smiled at Iggy’s good wishes. “Are you coming up here? It will be easier to see you.”

Certainly. She moved slowly, but persistently, and ended up perched on the child's crib, looking down on it. Where are the others?

Kh’ali watched Iggy’s progress and smiled. “Computer, save the crib image with Iggy. I want Patrick to see this when we get home.” The computer beeped an acknowledgement and she turned her attention back to the conversation. “What others, Iggy?”

Offspring. Babies. Iggy turned slightly to cast a few eyes on Kh'ali. Did you eat the others?

Kh’ali laughed aloud at the question, then winced. Those laugh muscles were still a trifle tender. “No, I didn’t eat the others. There is only one. We usually only have one, sometimes two. Very rarely are there more. To be honest, having this one was enough. I can’t imagine more than that at one time.”

Iggy shifted on her perch to face Kh'ali. An inefficient means of procreating. But no matter. I am here to offer my services as the infant's nanny.

“You have a point, Iggy. It is a little inefficient but they are with us a lot longer than yours before they are out on their own.” Kh’ali paused a moment, then smiled. “Nanny? That might be helpful. What can you do?’

I can weave a swaddling web that the infant can neither break nor unstick himself from, thereby keeping him safe. I know a great number of interesting words that I can teach him, most of which I learned from Admiral Wegener, the Big Kahuna himself, Iggy announced proudly.

Kh’ali arched an eyebrow. “I’ve heard stories of the Big Kahuna’s vocabulary. That will have to wait till this little one is older, I think. Can you hold a bottle?”

I can hold my beer.

“I see. I am curious about something though. I wonder how your means of communicating works on babies. Given their more instinctual nature, I should think it would work very well, especially since they can’t talk yet. And especially with Klingon blood in his veins. What do you think Iggy?”

You want me to talk to him? She shivered and carefully edged over to look down on the infant again. Right now? He is sleeping.

“He’ll be awake soon enough.” Kh’ali reached for the glass of water on the table beside her. “See his lips puckering? He’s getting hungry.”

Hmm. And he eats what? I researched human infants when..., well, they drink milk.

“They do,” Kh’ali answered. “From their mothers or a bottle.It works either way. Can you see what he is thinking?”

Iggy watched the infant for a moment, focusing on him. I see... Darkness, redness. There is a tightness. And, oh! A breast! Yours!

Kh’ali laughed aloud again. “See? At this point, hungry? Needing a change? Needing a soft voice either aloud or in his head? They are pretty simple. Even this one, now that he’d adjusted. Mi said he’s doing fine now.” She paused a moment, watching Iggy and the baby. “Thank you for coming to see me too. It’s been quiet in here.”

My pleasure, Kh'ali. Iggy balanced carefully and reached down towards the infant with a pedipalp; she gently stroked the infant's forehead. It is fascinating that something so small will grow to be your size.

Kh’ali yawned. “Well you were about the size of a dot when you hatched. And just look at you now…” Her voice faded as she snuggled down beneath the blanket.

Yes. I was. So were my siblings. That is efficient: fifty or more little ones all at once. We ate the weaker ones. Iggy's tone, even with her usual alien whisperiness, had a touch of nostalgia, perhaps even longing, in it.

“I think Patrick might be upset if I ate this one, since there was only one.”

It is not weak. There would be no sense in eating him. Straightening up, she took a few paces away from the edge of the crib. Am I hired, then?

“Sure,” Kh’ali murmured. “I’d better tell Mi so she doesn’t flip when she comes in. I’ll see her later…” And with those words, Kh’ali had a new nanny and some time to sleep.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Glad to Have Some Help

The Nanny


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