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Getting The Ball Rolling

Posted on Fri Apr 17th, 2015 @ 1:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Guest Quarters - The Cherry Pit

Anaar took the lift down below the equator, her thoughts already turning towards the plan of the coming days. The counselor's aide was no longer a worry and Anaar was rather glad of that. The young woman didn't deserve to be caught in this particular web - it was for Nico alone. Besides, the loss of her, once she'd removed Nico from this station, would be another blow to him. Revenge was indeed sweet. She smiled to herself as the lift opened and she made her way down the corridor to her quarters. It was time to get the ball rolling, as they say. She reached her quarters and stepped inside.

"You here?" she called out. "I'm back from Sickbay."

What had looked to be a Bajoran wearing a rather fashionable brown outfit that clasped at the front stood up slowly, and then promptly looked over toward the individual who had addressed him. Well, his outfit was fashionable by Bajoran standards anyway.

"I never left. Are you ready?" He allowed one of his eyebrows to raise a bit before he exhaled and then finally shook his head before offering a bit of a smirk in turn.

"Everything is just as it should be," Anaar answered. "Nico's little bird doesn't remember me, so I'm covered." She tugged off the blonde wig and scratched her head. "You wouldn't believe how hot this thing is."

Looking over after she had removed the wig in the hopes that he could gain a little more of her trust, he leaned back gently in his seat and nodded, "Do you feel any better now?"

"You have no idea." Anaar dropped into a chair, letting the wig fall to the table at her side. "You also have no idea how incredibly easy this is going to be. Nico's getting distracted by his this woman in a big way I think. That's not like him at all. Perhaps his crazy brother is right and his brains are scrambled."

Looking toward her slowly, he offered a smirk and nodded, "Well, what part of our little plan are we going to work on at this point? It looks like all of the pieces are falling right into place." He then raised a brow at her and added, "You mean that literally? I though that the guy was just crazy."

"He wasn't until they got him to Elmspur. What they do with him when we get him back there is not my concern." Anaar slipped off her shoes and wiggled her toes with a contented sigh. "Then we can go our merry way and leave him in Zikar's capable hands. But next? You get to make friends with him."

"Alright, well..." He smirked for a few moments and pushed himself up out of his chair by placing his hands on the rests and forcing himself to stand. "Well, in that case wish me luck. It will have to be my best performance ever, won't it? And, pity, no one gets to see it."

"A shame, that," she agreed. "It may well be my best as well. A pity about the woman, too, she seems nice. But...well...she had the bad luck to stumble into Nico's world and it's not a pretty place. Nor is mine. When this is done, I plan to disappear for a while. Maybe become blonde for real."

"Where do you plan to head off to?" His words were spoken in response to her bit about fleeing, and they were said only after he had turned around in the other direction and stopped himself from walking as he previously were.

"I don't know yet, why? You hoping to come along?" She watched the man, curious now. The thought occurred to her that he might be better kept close at hand once all this was done.

"Well, as I am sure you very well know it wouldn't exactly be safe for me to head out to some Bajoran population center, now would it?" He smirked a bit and blinked, keeping his snide attitude up even as he was asking to tag along afterward.

His words brought a smile to Anaar's face. "I should think you'd be glad to be rid of those nose ridges when this is done. As for where....I was thinking somewhere warm, sunny, and far from here. Like Pacifica. I could do with life at the beach, not to mention being far enough from Cardassia for it to be inconvenient for them to come looking."

"Well, I'm not going to pretend that they don't itch." Lom Rine took a moment to scratch his ridges mockingly as though he were driving the point home. "Pacifica isn't even in the same part of the galactic plane, so...excellent choice for sure." He started to turn away again, "Let's hope that the rest of your plans are equally as well thought out."

"They are, trust me." She stood and stretched before crossing to the replicator. "You can find our boy at Piper. He also likes to hang out at that weird little curio shop on the Promenade but stay away from that old woman. She'll see through you and she is a dangerous one. She's also his mother hen. Fair warning."

"I appreciate the warning, but you don't have to worry about me. I'll keep it nice and easy. We won't have any trouble, alright?" With a smirk, the pseudo-Bajoran offered her a mock salute that was every bit as sincere as his specieshood. With that he started to walk out, figuring that he knew precisely where to go.

Bad Influence


Criminal Wannabee Lom Rine, as played by Warrant Officer Awf


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