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Fun In The Sun: Part Two

Posted on Fri Apr 17th, 2015 @ 11:29am by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison
Edited on on Fri Apr 17th, 2015 @ 11:32am

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Quentin's Hotel room, Archadia Prime

0330 HOURS

Marta rose from the bed she had shared with Quentin, reaching back to sooth the bigger man when she felt him stir, assuring him that she was just going to the restroom. she slipped on a silken robe and padded quietly into the large restroom. Once there, she extracted a small device from her mouth, more specifically a false tooth, and set it on the vanity. A holographic projector snapped on. "Report, Marta," a deep voice commanded.

"I have made contact with and engaged the subject," she reported in a cold, low voice. "Estimated time to compliance is two days. Any deviation will result in negative reaction from the subject."

"You have done well, Marta. Enjoy yourself for the remaining time with him. I will make contact with him in seven days. Make sure he has been exposed to more than your beautiful body. End of line." The hologram winked off.

I am a despicable whore, Marta thought to herself. all this big lug wants is a good time and I am.....focus! One more mission and I am free! Marta took off her robe and stared at her nude body....she still had it if she could ensnare a man like Quentin. The sad part was, in spite of her duties, she genuinely liked the big Scot.

At least she had two days more with him. She walked back to the bed and slid in next to him, wrapping her body around his. with her left hand, she pressed a hypospray to his neck and triggered it. "It will help keep you...eager!" she whispered as she slid her hand below his waist.

Quentin moaned appreciatively. "Thank ye, lass," he whispered, being cut off by her lips on his.



Quentin walked into the lounge, nodding at Rio, then smiling at the bartender. All eyes followed the big Scot and his date as they made their way to a table. Marta smiled appreciatively at the crowd of gawkers. "Been here before?"

"Well, not to brag, but this bar is one of me haunts!" Quentin waved to the waitress named Tess. "Usual, Tess! Make it two!" Tess walked over to Quentin's table and the alcohol replicator created two stardrifers. "Thankee doll!"

Marta leaned close to Quentin. "Sweetie, what do you want?"

"What do ye mean, blossom?"

"From life, what do you want to do?" Marta persisted.

"I want to matter again, lass. I want to look forward to waking up each day, not dreading it," Quentin's eyes were cold.

Marta turned him to look into his eyes, trying to remain detached. "Quentin, you matter to your friends and family. They may be upset with you, but you are the one who controls your life and its direction. Others will come and go, but it's what you do that makes you happy."

Quentin looked at the green-skinned woman sitting next to him, then his face broke into a smile. "Ye have a point, lass. I have an idea, I wanna show ye me home country. Wanna go with me to a holosuite?"

"Aye!" Marta smiled, teasing.


The man in the dark suit sat across the room in the Nexus Club, watching the big Scotsman and his agent. Marta was one of the best swallows he had. Lately she had begun to develop an attitude as her time of service approached its conclusion. The man smiled thinly as he contemplated killing the green-skinned woman slowly, letting her bleed out from the cuts he would inflict on her flawless body. He had taken her many times and still lusted after the Orion woman, but he knew that Marta, like other women, were merely objects to be disposed of after they outlived their usefulness.

The man watched Marta and Harrison leave the bar, then sipped his drink. His identification documents gave his name as Paul Rudenhof, a German industrialist inspecting his investments on Archadia Prime. In truth, his name was John Franklin and he was a former intelligence officer dismissed for excessive brutality. Franklin had wasted little time in marketing his services and stable of women to anyone who needed interesting information as leverage. Within months, Franklin was well-off and had established a cover as a traveling businessman, always with a lovely female on his arm.

An unnamed party had approached Franklin with an interesting mission, to turn Harrison. Franklin had accepted for twice his nominal fee as he knew of Jim Holbridge, more so his reputation for tenacity and ferocity in the pursuit of those who trifled with his inner circle, of which Quentin was. Franklin had spent weeks formulating his plan and was pleased that Quentin had isolated himself from Holbridge via infidelities with his friend's wife. It made his plan easier, and he had selected Marta to seduce the big Scot because of her overt sexuality and Quentin's fondness for Orion animal women.

It was time to initiate the next phase of the plan. Franklin rose from his seat and walked deliberately out of the club. His arrogant smile turned to a look of horror as a giant hand encircled his throat, then he grunted in pain as he felt his body slammed into a bulkhead.

"I dinnae like being followed, especially by someone as stupid as you!" the low, menacing voice of Quentin Harrison snarled.

"!" Franklin gasped, in real panic as he felt his air supply being cut off.

Marta put her hands on Quentin's arm. "Let him go! He's my ex-fiancé, he's not worth killing!"

"Nay, I think I'll give him something to remember me by!" Quentin smiled evilly.

"What's going on here?" demanded a Secuity officer who had appeared on the scene. "Let the man go, sir!" he ordered Harrison.

"I dinnae like being followed by ex's of me woman!" Quentin said, keeping his grip on Franklin's throat.

"Let him go, now!" the Secuity officer repeated. "Briscoe to Sec-Ops I need backup at the Nexus club entrance."

Quentin quickly released Franklin. "Get outta my sight!"

"You will see me again!" Franklin gasped as he staggered away, brushing aside attempts to assist him. The plan was working, and Marta had given him the code-phrase for imminent success. Too bad that big Ox had gotten the drop on him. He would pay for his mistake.


A Post By:

Quentin Harrison
Not In The Mood for Ex's


Lying Green Wench


John Franklin
Swallow Wrangler


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