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Fun In The Sun

Posted on Thu Apr 16th, 2015 @ 6:23pm by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Piscopo Beach, Archadia Prime

Living in a female-dominated society was not for Quentin, who was as manly as the next human male. On this world, gender roles were reversed and the men pranced around trying to catch the eye of the females, but in a non-masculine way. It was odd seeing men wearing make-up and walking around in skimpy G-strings that barely held their wedding tackle in place.

In his luxury hotel room, Harrison put on a pair of Hawaiian shorts and boldly walked through the lobby to the beach carrying a towel, earning a few annoyed glances from the Archadian men. Eat yer hearts out, ya lil' itches! Quentin thought, grinning to himself as he trooped out to the beach past men whose only covering was a thin piece of fabric barely covering the tip of their manhood.

Male cleavage sucks Quentin thought with a shiver as he picked out a spot on the sand. Plopping down, Quentin lowered his shades and scanned the beach, seeing several muscled females in bikinis and men who looked like teenage boys in drag. There wouldn't be much to scaring off a man on this planet, should Quentin feel the need to become intimate with a woman.

"hello, I believe you defended my honor last night up on the station," a new husky, female voice said behind him. The big Scot twisted around to see a bikini-clad Orion woman smiling at him. "I am Marta, by the way."

"Quentin Harrison. Please join me, lass," Quentin gestured to the sand next to him. The green-skinned woman sat down next to him and Quentin inhaled the scent of her perfume. "Twas me pleasure. I cannae tolerate a man who hits a female."

"From what I see, it happens a lot on this planet!" Marta grinned.

"Indeed,the customs are back-asswards, from our standpoint." The two fell into a discussion about the courting rituals of Earth, Orion, and Archadia. Marta became animated when she began to talk about the Orion dance of seduction. "On my world, the dance is unique to each woman, tailored to fit what she wants from her mate. If she wants just a quick coupling, the dance is hurried and fast, lacking any pretense."

"What about a longer relationship?" Quentin asked, genuinely interested.

Marta smiled more. "Then the dance becomes more seductive and sexual. The dance moves are passed down through the family from mother to daughter, each woman making the dances her own....something I would love to tell you about over dinner."

Quentin stared at her. "Lass, I would love to have dinner with ye."

Marta rose to her feet. "First, let's go swimming." With that she ran into the water, Quentin hot on her heels.



"...believe me, that was the last time my husband ever hit me!" Marta said between bites of her salad, local Archadian greens in a light dressing.

" I have no use for shitheads like that." Quentin said as he ate his prime rib dinner.

"Were you surprised that I found you?" Marta asked, sipping her wine.

"Nae. I am easily found these days." Quentin said, somewhat sourly.

"What's troubling you?" Marta asked, concern heavy in her voice.

Quentin took a sip of his ale. "Trouble at work. I took another man's wife, and that man happened to be me boss and friend, Jimmy Holbridge. Now, I am off to me own people guarding the jackass brother of me other friend, Dave Lorenz."

Marta shook her head. "Silly girl should have left you alone, now she will want you all the time, and I am a jealous woman. It's part of our makeup!" Her smile was seductive, he meaning clear. "have you ever had an Orion woman? They call us 'animal women' with good reason!"

Harrison felt himself flush. "Nae, I never have made it with an Orion, and I think that is gonna change."

"Very soon!" Marta purred, sliding over to Quentin and kissing him on the mouth. putting her tongue between his lips.



Quentin Harrison
Lucky Son Of A Bitch


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