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The Marines Have Landed

Posted on Sun Apr 19th, 2015 @ 8:36pm by Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Major Anton Markov

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Ptolemy

U.S.S. Ptolemy
Marine Barracks
MCO Office

Anton was mid way looking through the equipment lists within the Ptolemy's armouries. For a top of the line ship they'd been screwed over as far as their marines went. With the Starbase being low itself on its Corps he wasn't completely surprised but he had already fired the XO a note that they had to stop to pick up new gear. 310 Marines to look after a ship of this size was going to be a tough ask as well but Starfleet in their wisdom decided that if anyone was able to board the ascension class it'd be too late anyway. "Not far wrong," he muttered to himself.

The note had, in fact, reached the XO just before his meeting with Aria. Once she departed, he departed his office and started the trip down to the Marine barracks. several minutes later, he stepped out of the turbolift and made his way to the MCO’s office - one Anton Markov. One more arrival Worth could check off his list. When the doors opened, he stepped in.

“Major Markov?”

"Who is ask..." he half growled as he looked up. "Ah Commander Maxwell. I wasn't expecting you. Have you got my note yet?"

“I did, which is what prompted my visit. If you have time now, we can go over it. There’s still a little time before the briefing,” Worth answered. He sized up Markov for a moment. He seemed like a no-nonsense, down to business fellow and Worth appreciated that.

"Excellent. Frankly the state of the Marine detachment we've been given is rotten. Old gear, not even enough munitions for 20 valkyrie payloads and 280 soldiers after you take out the flyboys. You'd think they'd give us something just outta the box," he stated bluntly, obviously irritated already.

Worth took a seat by the desk and nodded. “Major Markov, you are singing to the choir you know. When the Ptolemy was brought online, I suspect it was with the idea that it would rest here a bit longer. After all, this area has been surprisingly peaceful. The intention was to replace what was here but as you are aware, the circumstances that have caused our sudden departure are unusual.”

The big Russian took his chance to size up his new XO. "Hastened departure or not Starbase 900 needs some new gear and so do we. We are going to pick up new stuff before we get to where ever we are going," he informed Worth rather than making it a request.

“That has already been included in the plans, actually.” “We’ll be making a stop just the other side of the wormhole to pick up a shipment that I’ve ordered. We will rendezvous with the Blackwood. You’ll have some time to check everything over before we get underway to our destination”

Nodding his approval, "Excellent. So any more business?"

“There is yes,” Worth answered. “We are expecting our Chief Tac officer any minute now but I will need you to assist at the second station. We’re not expecting trouble but just in case, I’d like you there. This isn’t exactly a runabout we’re flying here. And as you will see at the briefing, there are some extenuating circumstances that might make your presence invaluable.”

"Makes sense. You wouldn't expect one officer to do this on a base why a starship. It’ll let me manage the fighter jocks and see where our gunner is firing as well." He sat back relaxing. "So Commander, how did you end up here?"

“Would you believe I asked for it?” Worth smiled finally. “And had to slay a few dragons to get it? Apparently exploring the Delta Quadrant is all the rage now. Add in an Ascension class ship and people were lining up to jump onboard. I had something many did not, however. That is, time on the ground in harsh conditions where death was very likely. They felt it was good preparation for being out here.”

"I was going to say you and half the fleet. I was executive officer on board the Tomcat before here. Turned down my third offer to CO a craft and told them I would take a well placed Marine Command spot if it was going to see some action. And this is where I ended up." He sat with a bemused look. "Funny though I was told that if I turned it down the third time I'd be put behind a desk."

“Then you got lucky. I hope you still think so after some time out here,” Worth responded. “People think that the unknown is a thrill but there’s unknown...and then there is unknown. We don’t really have a clue what’s out there beyond Voyager’s logs. I suspect that many who think they want to explore would have lost their grip on reality on that trip with no guarantee they’d get home.”

“Ach I know I’m lucky. But starfleet and the corps know that I'll do whatever job they make me do and Ill do it properly.” He sat up a bit and lent forward. “So. Between you and me. What’s the boss like?”

“Captain Warrington’s a good man. Determined. And he knows his job. But he’s not one of those stiff types with no sense of humour. I think you’ll find he’s easy to work with and someone you can rely on.” Worth smiled once more. “But if he ever cooks for you and asks if you want it out.”

Anton smiled and chuckled, “Aye you’ll not hear any complaints from me about that. Good to hear it. It’s up to the likes of us to be the hard asses. What about the rest of the bridge crew?”

“Good people. The CSO is an interesting fellow and certainly keeps things from being dull. as for the Flight officer….” Worth paused and laughed aloud. “She’s good at what she does. She has a bit of a wild streak and she’s convinced I am the monster hiding in her closet at night.”

“Oh really? I think we could give her a second one of those then. I wonder if any of my Marines fancy getting a dressing down on the bridge while she is about in exchange for a days lighter duties.”

“Only if you do it while I am there. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.” Worth’s smile widened. “She’s in the midst of her command course and is going to be doing rotations soon. I’ll be working out her schedule, but you’ll have her for a couple of days.”

“Excellent, you have a deal. Find out if she has her fighter qualifications. If she does I can give her a go in the Valkyries.” Anton stood and offered a hand. “I’m sure you like I have much more to be doing. A pleasure Commander.”

Worth rose and shook Markov’s hand. “The pleasure is mine. Welcome to the Ptolemy.”

Commander Worth Maxwell
Welcome To The Marines

Major Anton Markov
Eagre to Dress Down


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