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Uncomfortable Questions

Posted on Tue Apr 21st, 2015 @ 3:21am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Hope Beckman & Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office
Timeline: Current

* * * Admiral Wegener’s Office * * *

The doors to the outer office opened and Lucius hurried in. His expression was stern as he glanced to Hope.

“Is he in there?”

“Yes, Admiral,” she said and remotely opened the door for him. Once he had entered and the door shut she muttered, “Oh boy, that doesn’t look good.”

Lucius waited until the doors were closed before speaking. “We have some things to figure out Rick, and I have to say that as the Director of Intel for this whole damned Fleet, I absolutely do not like being in the dark. I suspect you might feel the same.”

“Damn right,” Rick replied angrily. “I suppose it won’t be long before we find out what this is all about, however.”

“I hope so.” Lucius sat in the chair in front of the desk. “Even Li didn’t have any idea what this was about, other than they were investigating us. What the hell for I don’t know.” He didn’t sit long but got up and began to pace, leaving no doubt where Li got the habit from.

“I remember, back in the day, when you were told what you were being charged with instead of all of this cloak and dagger stuff,” Rick mused, thinking way, way back. “You didn’t have to find out the back way and were able to start thinking of your own defense, that is if you had one.”

“That’s just the thing. I don’t know what it is we supposedly did but there can’t be any proof of something that never happened.” He frowned as he turned back to Rick. “Unless it’s falsified.”

“Or it’s some of the cloak and dagger stuff I just mentioned.” He said as he walked to the replicator. “Coffee, black, hot.” Sitting back at his desk he propped his feet up and took a sip. “That’s the only sort of thing I can imagine that would cause this sort of approach from Admiralty. I was intel, you run intel,” he said, trying to think. “That has to be what it is--something you and I were both a part of.”

“That goes back a long way, Rick.” Lucius leaned back against the portal and crossed his arms. “Maybe it’s time we started digging ourselves. I know Dae and one of the JAG officers are being sent to look into it. Dae told me that much, but he couldn’t say where and that made him a very unhappy man.”

“Hell, even if we did start digging, we would be working from now until I eventually die of old age to find something of substance,” Rick said with a snort. “We’ve been on so many missions together, one way or another.”

“That’s what I hope will work in our favor. I suppose they will get to us sooner or later.” Lucius shrugged. “But speaking of missions, I have a question. Where is my daughter? She had planned to meet with me this morning about the Site 6 mission and I haven’t seen her.”

“Oh, damn,” Rick groaned. “I can’t believe I forgot about this clusterfuck.” He sipped at his coffee and put his legs back down, sitting up straight to tell Lucius about the escape from Elba II, the death count and who, exactly, was unaccounted for and had caused all of the casualties. “So she’s enroute now with Oz, and maybe a few more personnel, but curiously enough, also with the new Suresh. He even let her read him to ensure he was telling the truth about wanting to help.” He looked Lucius in the eye. “You and I both know she’s never been wrong with that.”

“She and Oz took him with them?” Lucius’ tone was suddenly sharp. “And to hunt for that nut case that caused so much havoc with you and her? What the hell is she thinking?”

Rick laughed. “She’s your kid, man. But honestly, I’ve not doubted her thinking since that time she wanted to keep and train a Norpin falcon. I’m glad you said no to that one.”

“And rightly so. That thing was big enough to carry her off, and likely have her for lunch.” Lucius sighed. “I can understand, Rick. That’s a demon that no one can lay to rest for her except...her. And Oz has a big stake in this too. If they bring him back alive, fair warning, I may kill him myself and no one would ever find the body.”

“I don’t expect him to survive this manhunt, Lucius. You could say that I have high expectations that he will not.”

Lucius nodded. “And this other Suresh that came back with you? What of him?”

Rick thought a moment before forming his reply. “I honestly don’t know. My reflex is to not trust him as much as I distrusted the other one. I would be just as happy vaporizing him on sight and be done with anyone called Suresh forever. But Li…” He shook his head and chuckled. “She sees something in him that is obviously not nearly as bad as the first Suresh, Suresh Prime, whatever the hell we need to call him. I still think he’s shifty, but I’ll have to reserve judgement for a while, it seems.”

Lucius’ eyes narrowed. “Perhaps that is something she and I will discuss when she is back home. She…” He hesitated, looking for the right words and finally shook his head. “She’s gotten so serious, Rick. Too many things have happened of late I think. Perhaps putting an end to that particular nightmare will help.”

“I agree. And I hope Sakkath returns soon. That may do quite a bit to help ease her mind. All of that chanting and meditation stuff.” Rick rolled his eyes. “I guess it works for some people. I just can’t get into it.”

Lucius laughed suddenly. “It’s not all chanting and meditation. Did I ever tell you about the collapsing coffee table?”

“Some kind of magic trick?” Rick asked. “Because that’s what is sounds like.”

“This was just after the wedding.” Lucius was still smiling. I stopped in to see them a few days later. The place looked normal. I sat and Li poured us wine as I recall. The chair I was sitting in seemed a balance.” His smile widened. “At one point I set my glass on the table in front of us and mind you it was a small, delicate crystal glass. And would you believe, the legs on the table underneath it snapped right off and the table collapsed? Now...can you tell me why?”

A bit confused, but wanting to find the humor in the story, Rick bit. “No clue. Why?”

“It was the honeymoon, Rick. Apparently, the furniture didn’t fare so well, nor were the repairs adequate. And you can bet it wasn’t due to heavy meditation.”

Rick burst out laughing and held his hand up. “Oh, no. No, Lucius, I can’t be hearing this! The last thing I need to envision is those two--” He stopped, still laughing. “Ugh. Almost akin to thinking about my parents still going at it!” He was silent a moment, still stifling a laugh. “But still, good on ‘em!” He busted out again, unable to contain it.

“Now you understand. The old Suresh came very close to taking that light out of her. I hope they are successful.” Lucius looked at the time, then at Rick. “How about some lunch?”

“Eat out, or in?” Rick asked, not hesitating and realising his stomach had been a bit grumbly.

“How about we take Hope to lunch? She’s concerned that all hell has broken loose and been guarding the door. And don’t you dare tell her I was eavesdropping.” Lucius moved towards the door.

“Good idea.” Rick recycled the coffee and walked to the door. “It’s funny, Lucius. I’m ancient, never had any kids of my own, but every once in a while I find youngsters like Li and Hope that mean as much to me as my own kids would have. Hope deserves more than just to sit at the desk of some stuffy old admiral like me, but she just refuses to go anywhere else.” He shook his head. “I think she actually likes hanging around me. I think that makes her crazier than most.” He chuckled as they opened the door.

“They get to be family, and Kai’s following in her footsteps.” He smiled as they entered the outer office. “Let’s go Hope, lunch is on us.”

She looked from Lucius to Rick, almost as if she thought it were a joke.

“Yep, come on, kid,” Rick said. “Close up shop. We’re hungry and I’m sure you could eat as well.”

A bit unsure, but also excited to get to eat with two admirals, she skipped her fingers across the controls on her desk, locked down the Admiral’s office and her terminal and stood. “Dinner is on you?” She rubbed her hands together and smiled broadly. “Wow. I might just go hog wild, then!”

“Lead the way, then,” Rick said as they followed her out the doors.

Admiral Lucius Hawke
In Need Of Answers

Admiral Ricky Wegener
In Need of Closure

Lieutenant Hope Beckman
In Need of Lao’s


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