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Meeting The Middle

Posted on Sun Jul 24th, 2011 @ 7:18pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Norval Tigan

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Promenade, SB900

Ring left the couple entering the Chinese restaurant, the Betazoid and the Trill, and slipped off into the crowd unheeded. Several decks down, and among those who didn't give a targ's ass what anyone else did, he pressed a button hidden in his clothing to send the okay signal to Thumb. Contact made. But there had been a little surprise hadn't there?

The Betazoid, their CIO, was supposed to be with a Vulcan, the Chief Of Ops, and her mate. It was Ring's hope to scope them both out in one pass. Therefore, he was much surprised to find her arm in arm with a Trill. Ring had been chosen to encounter the CIO since he was the one telepath in their little group. And what his talent had gathered was that the Chief of Ops was off-station, and this Trill was filling in for him. In that case, since Ring had already been seen, it would fall to another to get closer to the man. He sent a message off to Middle. His work for the moment was done and he stepped into a turbolift, ascending back to the promenade. He had an appointment with an Orion at The Worm Hole.

* * *

Middle eyed the coded message that popped up on the terminal screen in his quarters. It was a slight change but perhaps it might make things easier. A Trill would be far easier to get around than a Vulcan when the time came. An acknowledgment from Thumb followed this message and Middle rose. It was time to go for a walk.

* * *

Middle strolled the Promenade slowly, apparently window shopping. His attention was tuned to a fine edge as he kept track of those moving around him. It had been an hour since Ring's message, just about the time it would take for a dinner. And what do you know, his steps had taken him to the flower shop just across the way from the restaurant in question. He stepped in, examining the flowers in the front window and waited.

Lao was good-naturedly shouting something from back in the kitchen as Norval and Li emerged. The Trill was laughing, embracing Li before they parted ways. He knew he would need to get back to Ops, but the Promenade was always such a wealth of experience... experiences he was loathe to deny to himself or his symbiont.

He made his way slowly, stopping to peruse the wares of the various merchants. He lingered a long while in front of a painter's shop, looking over the canvases on display with the eye of someone who knew his art.

Middle strolled up and stopped at Norval's side. "It's not bad but his brush strokes are as heavy-handed as a barbarian. Still, the play of light in the foreground hints at some talent."

A smile tugged at the side of Norval's lip. "Benzo is inclined to agree with you," he said, still looking at the piece, tilting his head slightly. "I find the wide, deliberate strokes evoke a sense of purpose... of permanence," he said, smiling wider. It was nice to think of permanence, here in this remote region of space, where so much had changed in so short a time.

Norval turned to look at his new companion in art appreciation. "I trust you won't mind terribly if I take the piece?"

"By all means." Middle nodded, then gave Norval an assessing look. "Who is Benzo?"

"My first host," Norval replied casually as he flagged down who he assumed was the artist, or at the very least the shopkeeper, making arrangements to purchase the painting and have it delivered to his quarters. It was second nature to him to speak of his hosts. Most in the Federation understood the joined nature of his species. But as he was making the transaction, it occurred to him that his visitor was no member of the Federation, at least not that he had ever seen.

"I'm sorry, here I am assuming you've heard of the Trill," he handed the PADD with his information back to the merchant, who lifted the painting and headed back into his establishment. "I'm Norval. Norval Tigan."

"Nice to meet you. I've heard of your species, never met one in person." A soft beep sounded from his pocket. "Ahh, no rest it seems. Enjoy your painting." He gave a nod and left the shop.

Norval's smile evaporated as he watched the man go. "Nice to meet you too, no-name," he muttered to himself. Shrugging, he also made his way to the exit and from there back to Ops.

Lt. (j.g.) Norval Tigan
Asst. Chief of Operations

(Written by Li)


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