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Post Briefing Brief

Posted on Mon Apr 27th, 2015 @ 9:52am by Captain James Warrington & Commander Worth Maxwell VIII
Edited on on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 1:43pm

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: Briefing Room - Deck 1

* USS Ptolemy - Observation Lounge *

The briefing was at an end but Worth remained seated as the rest of the crew filed out to return to their posts. Once they were alone, he turned to Warrington.

“Well, James, what do you think?”

“I think this is going to be a bitch of a mission. I got more intel just before hand, and the border isn’t looking good. As long as we are loaded and ready to go I don’t think the Cadassians will risk trying out the Ascension class.” He sat back arms resting on his chair with his hands under his chin. “What about you?”

Worth nodded. “I’ve been hearing the same thing from sources in the colonies. It’s funny, when you’re out here in no man’s land, everything back in the rest of the Fleet seems terribly remote, almost unreal. However, this trip, I think it may get very real for the new ones, and very quickly.”

James chuckled, “Yea it’s like being on our own little island. It is however up to us to make sure that when things get real that lot get home. Hell including Ensign Natinde we have 12 academy students on here. Who the hell in the Admiralty thought that was a good idea I’ll never know.”

“Chalk that up to the people back home. Then again, I suppose they figure that we’re just going back to known space, how hard can it be?” Worth shrugged. “At least we have this ship wrapped around us and that should be good for something. Especially if word gets out to the Cardassians that we won’t hesitate to use it to its full capabilities.”

“Oh that we won’t. Pity we can’t use the tricobalts back home eh?” James half joked. “It’s nice to know we can get across known space with this slipstream drive now. Fuel hungry but hey, small sacrifices.”

“Ensign Natinde is in for quite a ride.” Worth laughed, thinking of that for a moment, then his expression turned serious. He shifted in his seat, an uncharacteristic sign of uncertainty from him. “Actually, it’s her I wanted to discuss with you.”

James noticed the shift, “Oh? Is there a problem with her grades?”

“No, not at all,” Worth answered. “I delivered her last round of exam grades to her just before the briefing. She passed with flying colors, if you’ll pardon the pun.” He fell silent a moment, picking his next words carefully. “And there is no problem with her personally. I am, however, going to assign Lt. Goodshire to oversee her exams from now on.”

“Forgive me Commander, but if there is no problem then why pass her off?” James asked curiously. “I mean apart from you scaring the life out of her on occasion… but I thought you enjoyed that. Goodness knows I do.”

Worth had to laugh at James’ observation. “You’re right, I do. And she makes it so easy, but….I don’t think it appropriate to proctor her exams if there is a personal connection.”

“Ah. I see,” James said, bemused. “This I want to know more about.”

“This may not turn out to be an issue in which case it won’t matter, but I don’t want there to be any questions of fairness.” Worth paused, watching James’ face. “We are having dinner as soon as I leave here.”

“You mean she agreed to be anywhere near you without it being an order? Flip, wonders will never cease,” he remarked laughing. “Well that’s fair enough. I don’t see a problem there.”

“Good. But I wanted you to be aware of the situation. As for orders, well…” Worth smiled. “We’ll see how well this goes. I am not what she is used to and vice versa. She may decide I am too much an old man by her standards. And to be honest, I’m not exactly sure what made me issue the invitation.”

“I’m sure it’ll be clear after. Well Worth enjoy yourself. But not too much mind, I need you both lucid until we enter slipstream.” James stood and started to walk to the door. “Meanwhile I have an engineers wet dream of a starship and I plan to give her a proper looking over.”

“Enjoy yourself and we’ll see you for launch.” He watched as Warrington departed and only then did the realization come that he had said ‘we’.


Captain James Warrington
CO USS Ptolemy
Off to play with his Starship

Commander Worth X. Maxwell VIII
XO USS Ptolemy
Off To Impress His Dinner Date


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