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U.S.S. Ptolemy Mission Brief

Posted on Mon Apr 27th, 2015 @ 9:42am by Captain James Warrington & Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Major Anton Markov & Lieutenant Oswald Goodshire & Lieutenant Dara Sahli & Lieutenant JG Mallow Darby & Ensign Aria Natinde
Edited on on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 1:43pm

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: Briefing Room - Deck 1

"All Senior Bridge crew to briefing room Deck 1. All Senior Bridge crew to briefing room Deck 1," Warrington called over the ships intercom. He knew this was going to be a tough briefing for one or two of his senior staff, and a few others besides when they found out where they were heading, but necessity was demanding a change of plan.

Worth entered the briefing room, a smile on his face. He moved over to the replicator and requested coffee before taking a seat by the captain.

"Are we ready for this?"

Having walked over toward the replicator after entering as well, Darby ordered a fresh cup of tea and took his own seat with a smile, "Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but as for me...I'm ready for anything, or at least I like to think that I am." He turned up slowly. Having had arrived only recently, Darby hadn't gotten the opportunity to meet everyone just yet.

"The ship certainly is, and the crew will be if they aren't already," James replied. "How are you finding having three warp cores to babysit Lieutenant?"

The Centauran laughed and shook his head gently before looking back at the individual who addressed him. "Honestly? At first I was convinced it was an example of really bad engineering. Who wanted to have an influx of warp plasma from three individual sources? Well, after the first day on the job I was convinced this is just about the most overpowered vessel around, so I've changed my tune a ton."

James laughed, "Yea the engineer in me was sceptical as well at first. But again once I seen it I'm convinced we have the future of Starfleet in this ship design."

The doors opened yet again to admit the CMO. Dara hurried in, PADD in hand.

"Hello everyone." She flashed a smile to those assembled. "Captain...Commander." She offered her hand to Darby. "And I am Dr. Sahli."

Having taken her hand, Darby offered her a fairly well pressured shake before returning to his seat, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Mallow Darby; I didn't think that we had been introduced."

"No but that's thanks to a late arrival and too much to do before we go." Dara took a seat, then turned her attention to the PADD as a message appeared, telling her the supplies were loaded.

As Dara sat the doors opened again, revealing a well built serious marine. Simply nodding to those in the room Anton Markov sat down at the far end of the table, silent and observant.

"It's been a while, Anton," Dara spoke up as he sat down. "I need to see you in Sickbay when we're done here." Her voice now had became all business.

Anton looked around at her, face blank. "If you are looking for a medical, Doctor, the Corps medic will have mine for you. If you are however looking for something else for sickbay I doubt I can be of much use." He remained passive and neutral throughout. As much as he disliked doctors this one hadn't done anything yet.

"Neither, but we can see to it later. Nice to have you aboard." Dara smiled finally and rose to get some coffee.

The big Marine looked at her as she walked to the replicator, his face displaying some of the curiosity that was now present. "A doctor who didn't wanna run tests or borrow his marines to move their crap. There's a surprise," he thought to himself.

Hobbling into the room as her leg was still giving her trouble, Aria acknowledged Worth and Warrington with a nod "Commander, Captain," before taking her seat at the table.

"Ensign. Glad you could join us." Worth glanced at the chronometer on his wrist, knowing Aria would get the point. "Perhaps you should have Dr. Sahli check your leg once we are done here."

Trying not to give him a look, and still recovering from their earlier conversation, Aria replied calmly "Oh it'll be fine in a couple of hours Sir. Besides I'm sure Dr. Sahli has more important jobs to be doing that looking at a clumsy Ensigns leg."

"It's not a problem if you want me to, Ensign Natinde," Dara responded. "Just drop in, it won't take a minute." She turned as the doors opened to admit one more.

Unlike Aria, Oswald came into the room in a rush, nearly tripping over his own feet as he came to a halt and nodded in greeting to those around the table. He pulled at an earlobe and said, "Ah, my apologies. There was a small Bajoran fire ant, um, escape in my lab." The hand pulling at his ear was sheathed in a bandage and bright red around the edges. He sidled to a chair and took a seat, almost missing the seat as he sat down. He caught himself and cast a chagrinned look around the table.

With everyone seated Captain Warrington sat upright and as if by command, the room fell silent. "Right then folks. Now we have all had a quick introduction I would first like to say welcome to the USS Ptolemy and the Delta quadrant. Unfortunately for us all one of the two of those things is about to be short lived." He paused for a moment to let it sink in. "As of 6 hours ago we have been ordered back through the wormhole by Starfleet Command. As you are aware the Ascension class was designed not only as an exploration vessel, but for the first time since the Akira class, as a ship designed to aggressively defend Federation Space. As such Starfleet wants us on the Cardassian Border. Before I go further, any questions?"

"Perhaps, given our time constraints, we should lay it all out, Captain." Worth looked at those around the table, then back to James.

Looking back up carefully, Darby blinked for a moment and nodded once again, "For what it's worth, I think that I can have the warp core ready for that kind of trip in less than a single day. That should help ease the pain that this sort of thing is bound to cause for us."

"You will have to do it on the move. We are departing shortly after this meeting." Warrington grew more serious. "Laying it all out is a good idea. We fully expect our trip to the Cardassian border to require combat action. That is we are expecting the Cardassians to try and expand their borders. Recently several events have occurred, one of which was here on Starbase 900 which Starfleet believes they will use as an excuse to push."

He stood and dimmed the lights, activating the Ptolemy's holomap for the briefing room. "We get all the cool toys. Once we pass through the wormhole we will be resupplying here," he stated pointing to the area of the map. "Currently we are only fronting 200 Quantum and 300 Photon Torpedo's, and our Marines gear is old stuff that the Starbase had. After that we will use the Quantum Slipstream Drive to fast track it to the border where we will rendezvous with the 8th fleet. Darby if you would please walk Ensign Natinde what she needs to do. She won't have had training. Once again any questions?"

"Well, I can certainly do my best, especially considering that I will be getting the warp core up to speed at the same time." Soon enough Darby nodded his head, "Though I should be perfectly honest and state that I have only just completed certification on this design myself." It wasn't great news, but Darby was never one to overstate his own qualifications about anything.

Worth looked to Warrington for a moment before he spoke. "Then consider this a crash course, Mr. Mallow and Ensign Natinde. We'll have some time going through the wormhole but not much. However, if you were not qualified, neither of you would be here." Worth shifted slightly in his seat. "If that helps," he added, then turned back to the captain. "Once we are in that area, I will check in with my contacts in the area. We'll need to know what's happening on the ground."

Warrington closed down the hologram and sat down. "Excellent. You all know what you need to be doing so lets get too it folks. I'll call you all to the bridge when we are departing."


Captain James Warrington
Enjoying the shineh toys

Commander Worth Maxwell VIII
Ready To Go

Dr. Dara Sahli
Another Adventure

Ensign Aria Natinde
Learning On The Go

Lieutenant JG Mallow Darby

Major Anton Markov

Lieutenant Oswald Goodshire


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