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Not So Good News

Posted on Mon Apr 27th, 2015 @ 4:53pm by Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Recon Platoon Barracks

If there is a bloody God, I musta pissed him off really bad Quentin thought as he entered Recon Platooon's barracks area. No, this wasn't a movie directed by that Eastwood fella; but it felt like Quentin had been thrown into the middle of a anti-war comedy. Here he was in a brand new uniform and shiny new everything and the room he stood in was a hog wallow; pads were strewn everywhere, open food containers littered the floor and the pieces of a plasma rifle were strewn across the cushions of a sofa that had seen better days

"Oh look, there's a new chief, guys!" a lounging Marine who's rank collar indicated that he was a sergeant. "They finally listened to us!"

"Aye, laddie, they did, sure!"

"Check it out, man, he's like from England or something, he's got a weird accent."

"I do hae a weird accent eh?" Quentin smiled, preparing to blow his stack."OFF YOUR ASSES, THE LOT OF YE!!" Quentin bellowed, dropping his duffel bag and papers case. " YOU WILL ALL COME TO ATTENTION, NOW!"

The loose gathering of Marines snapped to, each man coming to rigid attention. Quentin looked at each man, then snorted in disgust. "I think e'ery one of ye bastards got cheated at birth, cuz the best parts of all of ye ran down the cracks of your mothers' asses! I have ne'er seen the like! You dumbasses have had a lil vacation, but now it's over!"

Quentin stood in front of the man who had said he had a funny accident. "What's yer name, Taco-Man?"

"Guillermo Reyes, sir!" Taco-man answered, his Latino accent thick.

"You have a lot of nerve, ye know that, Taco-Man? I have a Scottish burr, but yer accent is thick enough to walk on! I have a special project for you to work on, you get to police the squad bay by yourself," Quentin looked around the room, finding the Marine who greeted him. "You will help yer buddy, and maye ye'll both remember the protocol for showing a noncom some respect!"

"Aye, sir!" both marines chorused.

"The rest of you maggots get your gear squared away. Bunk inspection in thirty mikes!" Quentin shouted. The Marines scattered like roaches caught in daylight. Quentin grinned to himself as he walked into his office. It was a neat affair, if not Spartan in its appointments. A desk, viewer and a couple chairs were the only furniture. Where the hell is a man supposed to keep his booze? he wondered.


A post by:

CWO3 Quentin Harrison
Recon Platoon leader
Raging Bull


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