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Getting The Show On The Road

Posted on Tue May 5th, 2015 @ 8:14pm by Captain James Warrington & Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Lieutenant JG Mallow Darby & Ensign Aria Natinde
Edited on on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 1:43pm

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: USS Ptolemy

* * * USS Ptolemy - The Bridge * * *

Following dinner, and Warrington's call, Worth had changed into his uniform and now he stepped forth onto the bridge from the turbolift. He moved down to the XO's seat, but remained standing. He glanced over to James.

"This should be an interesting trip, Captain, on all fronts."

James nodded, "Sure will. Once Aria is here we can get underway. Darby Core situation please?"

With the announcement of her name, Aria arrived with flushed cheeks having rushed from dinner to get back into uniform. With a nod to Warrington and a smile to Worth, she took up her position beside Darby.

"Just in time, Ensign," Worth commented. He really couldn't resist.

Walking down from the terminal that he was stationed at, the Centaurian Engineer smiled a bit and looked toward his commanding officer with a polite stand at attention, "Situation nominal, sir!" He grinned. It was remarkable to him that he could say that after complaining that the warp core wasn't going to be ready on time at all.

"Excellent Mr. Darby. In that case, if you could detach cables and then docking clamps that'd be marvelous. Once done, Ensign Natinde back us up, maneuvering thrusters only," James instructed eager to get going.

Upon Warrington's command, Worth took his seat in the XO's chair and turned on the small viewscreen.

"We are cleared for launch when ready," Worth informed them. "They've cleared the lanes for us."

"I'm on it sir...cables and clamps will be released on...mark 4, 3, 2..." Darby returned to the console as he oversaw the process, ensuring that the system was going to work properly as he now put it through its paces.

Watching Darby release the cables and clamps, and waiting until they were clear, Aria then began to begin her first undocking process in an actual ship.

"Maneuvering thrusters activated... and ship undocking Sir."

Having looked up again from his console, Darby nodded and once more announced, "Basic exterior hull pressures are well within normal tolerances."

"Righteo. Time to get going then. Helm set a course for the wormhole, and engage when ready," Thompson ordered.

Looking at the padd beside her with the wormhole information on it, Aria began to type in the co-ordinates. "Course for wormhole set sir. ETA approximately 24 hours from now."

* * * 24 Hours later * * *

The main bridge crew had stayed on duty for the night shift and then departed for sleep. Worth had stayed up later than he intended going over some reports, then a leisurely cup of coffee and a review of his evening. Now, after a quick breakfast, he was back on the bridge.

"Helm report," he ordered.

"ETA to the wormhole, thirty minutes," the officer responded.

"Excellent. Ensign Natinde will be relieving you shortly." Worth took his seat as he waited for alpha shift to appear on the bridge.

* * *

Sweeping her hair back into a ponytail, Aria stood and inspected herself in the mirror, smoothing down her uniform as she scanned the image of herself. With a nod of self-approval and a quick glance at the time, she made her way to the bridge for the switch over.

Arriving on the bridge, and whilst the officer she was taking over from finished up, Aria took the chance to grab a few minutes with Worth.

"Commander Maxwell," she began, being particular about keeping their communications professional whilst on duty, "anything unusual in the report?"

Worth looked up from his screen and nodded. He resisted the smile that threatened to appear on his face. "Good morning, ensign. No issues reported, which Mr. Mallow will be pleased to hear. As for you, you're early. I'm impressed. The weather report on the wormhole shows it might be a little bumpy but nothing you can't handle." Good to see you... He passed the thought to her, though his expression remained neutral.

And you too Worth she passed back to him before continuing aloud. "Glad to hear all is well sir. And hopefully the weather won't be too bumpy..." before adding in her thoughts though things may get bumpy after shift simply to wind Worth up and see how well he would keep his cool.

Worth looked back up at her, amusement lighting his eyes for a moment. "If it is, then I suppose we'll get to see your skills in action, won't we?" He left it at that.

As he finished Warrington walked onto the bridge deep in conversation with Major Markov. "I still think you need to give that Ensign another chance at tactical. He really wasn't that bad."

Anton stood beside the Captain with that could only be described as the definition of a skeptical look. "Captain he hit our own ship with a torpedo. That's not even supposed to be possible yet that somehow managed it," he growled.

James chuckled to himself, "Yea okay I can see your point there. Seriously though there is no way one person can run the guns themselves, especially when your coordinating the fighters as well. You need him here with you."

The Russian scowled and muttered as he walked to his console, "Like hell I do. Bloody fresh faced imbecile."

James walked down and took his center seat. "I heard that," he added over his shoulder. "Any other traffic through the wormhole today?"

"A few freighters that are still three hours out, and one diplomatic ship that will be coming out right" Worth motioned to the main view screen where they could see the Alpha Centauri vessel emerging. "So we will be unhindered until we near the other end."

"Excellent, excellent. Ensign Natinde, take us into the wormhole please. Try not to crash on the way through, Anton already wants an Ensigns head and I'd hate for you to be added to his list," he joked. "Oh and Anton yellow alert and shields up please. I don't want any electrical interference frying anything."

"Yes sir," Aria responded as she entered the commands. "Approaching wormhole..." she said as she entered more commands "...and we're in sirs," she confirmed to all of the men on the bridge.

While Aria was calling out their approach the yellow lights flickered signalling yellow alert, silently of course, and Anton pulled the shields up saying nothing, distracted by a light on his console that was flashing. "Sir. We recieved a data burst from the Alpha Centauri vessel as we passed each other. It's automatically unpacking itself into our systems."

"Comms, hail that vessel," Worth demanded. He touched the screen attached to his chair and switched over to view Anton's screen.

"No response, sir," the officer at comms responded.

"Attempting command override." Worth tapped the screen again and entered his code. Moments later, he uttered a low curse. "That didn't stop it, still spreading. Can you decipher it, Major?"

"It would appear to be a command subroutine. I'm not yet sure what it is..." Before he could finish the ship alarm sounded.

"Warning. Quantum Slipstream Drive Activation in 60 seconds. Warning. Quantum Slipstream Drive Activation in 60 seconds."

With the blue lights and klaxon sounding Warrington stood up and began issuing orders. "Ensign Natinde try and shut it down from there. Engineering, cut all power to the Slipstream Drive."

Putting all of her training so far to use, Aria made several attempts to shut down the slipstream drive. "Sirs, all attempts to shut the drive down have failed," she said trying not to panic. This was something well beyond any of her academy training. "I've tried everything I know Lieutenant Darby. Can you take over sir?"

Remaining surprisingly calm considering the situation, Darby walked back behind the rail to take a closer look at the console on the wall. Having tapped several command structures on what appeared to be a miniature master system's diagnostic display, he furrowed his brow as he spoke.

"I am cutting the flow of plasma to the slipstream drive core. I think I'm going to have to vent some of the excess plasma straight out to space to avoid a rupture, though."

It took Worth a split second to debate the possible outcomes of that. A rupture meant an explosion on a grand scale and certain death. A vent could cause an anomaly within the wormhole but they stood a better chance of surviving that than a rupture.

"Do it, Mr. Darby," he ordered. "Ensign Natinde, it's going to get rough, hold on."

"Aye aye!" Darby tapped for a few moments and winced, "I would brace for impact!" With that the plasma started to vent from the nacelles, which slowly started to pick up pace and in the process began to overload the inertial dampers. Those who were unused to the rigors of space fight would certainly soon be separated from those who were.

"Red alert!" Worth ordered. He tapped his console to open a ship-wide channel. "All hands, brace for impact!"

Having gotten to the railing and clasped on, Darby himself took his own advice and waited for the incoming ripple that was going to assault his body in turn.

Heading advice and following her teachers, Camille braced herself, but no amount of traininf could have prepared her for the force that the impact had on her.

With her entire crew holding onto whatever they could and plasma being vented, the Ptolemy's slipstream drive activated and lurched the ship forward breaking from the wormhole and propelling the crew violently into normal space again, far from where they had been and with the Ptolemy screaming at the top of her lungs, "Warning Collision Alert. Collision Alert."

To be Continued....


Captain James Warrington

Commander Worth Maxwell VIII

Lieutenant JG Mallow Darby

Ensign Aria Natinde


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