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Misfortune Telling

Posted on Tue May 5th, 2015 @ 8:17pm by Jackson Banning V & Camille Ross
Edited on on Tue May 5th, 2015 @ 8:20pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

The dinner show was over and now Jackson, finished with his company at dinner, moved through the room in the lull between shows. This was a more mellow time, when people were done with dinner and were now enjoying the drinking and socializing. Soft music played in the background, glasses clinked together, laughter rippled throughout the room, a few danced. He smiled at no one in particular as he made his way through to the bar. A glass of lemonade appeared, handed over by one of the waiters who was filling in while Vic took a break.

“Thanks.” He sipped it and gave a nod of approval. “Excellent. Better get another one ready, Camille’s due for a break right about now.”

As if almost on cue, Camille arrived at the bar and was about to ask for a drink when it was placed into her hand before she could even open her mouth. “Ta,” she said to the waiter as she took a gulp and sat down. Turning to Jackson after taking another gulp she said “Interesting date ye had there tonight Jackson, hope Oz won’t mind you’ve been playing whilst the cat’s away,” she joked.

He sat down and rolled his eyes. “Seems my Banning charm wasn’t enough tonight,” He sipped his drink and shook his head. “An’ no, it wasn’t that. Though there was a time….long ago and far away. Lesson learned, kiddo.”

“No need tae be tellin’ me twice Jackson. I’ve been here long enough to hear all the stories about her. So how come you were winin’ and dinin’ her tonight?”

“I was attemptin’ ta do a favor for Marla and Dae. Sey’s a wily one though and so far’s havin’ none of it,” he grumbled. “At least not for what I’m willin’ ta do. I do have limits these days.”

“Somethin’ tells me nae matter what anyone tries to do tae help Marla out, Seyla will always find a way tae keep a hold of her unfortunately,” Camille replied looking bummed out.

“We’ll see. But I’ll tell ya, what Sey doesn’t know won’t hurt any of us.” He grinned at Camille. “This is Dae after all. Consider what he does for a livin’.”

A smirk appeared on Camille’s face, “well that’s certainly true. I just hope things work out for ‘em,” she said with a dreamy sigh. “Everyone loves tae see a happy endin’.”

“Yeah, we do, but sometimes that happy endin’ takes some trouble to get to. Trust me on that one.”

“Is that so?” said a voice behind them. “I was under the impression you led a charmed life, Jackson.”

Jackson looked over to see a man standing there, older, curly hair and beard. He was dressed casually, and smiling at them.

Jackson broke into a wide smile as he stood and offered his hand. “Tomas? How about that...I’d heard some of the brass was on the station but not who specifically. Long time no see.”

Tomas shook his hand warmly. “It’s good to see you again, Jackson. Last time was in that little place on Risa and --”

“Shhh!” But Jackson was laughing. “Time flies.” He looked to Camille now. “Camille, this is Admiral Tomas Cruzado. Tomas, Camille Ross, the wonder that helps keep us organized around here.”

Camille smiled at Tomas, “Nice tae meet you Admiral, and please continue with any embarrassing stories ye have...” but before she should get any further, Jackson cut her off.

“I am not sure you’re old enough for any of our escapades.” Jackson grinned at them. “Are you here for dinner?”

Tomas nodded. “When I left Earth I was told to be sure and come here. Besides, I had to see where you’re spending your golden years of retirement.”

“I can’t complain. Actually, this life is awesome. Come on, let’s get you a table. You came at a good time, actually.” Jackson looked off into the smaller side dining room. “That will do.”

Tomas turned now to Camille. “You’ll join us?” It was more a statement than a question, however. “You’re far easier on the eyes that this caveman.”

Blushing a little, Camille replied, “Well that’s down tae me boss and whether he’ll let me take an extended break, or chain me back up to my terminal,” she jested.

“After you, my lady.” Jackson smiled and stepped around Camille. “Right this way.”

Tomas offered his arm to Camille, then escorted her to the table.

* * * 30 Minutes Later * * *

“...and that’s when Jackson looked up with a completely straight face and said ‘excuse me, ma’am, I didn’t realize your beard was real’ a Nausicaan.” Tomas laughed until he had to wipe his eyes with a napkin.

Jackson, too, was laughing uproariously. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you run so fast in my life.”

“That’s because I had to keep ahead of you, Jackson,” Tomas laughed.

Being careful to dab her eyes so as to keep her make up in place, Camille started to rub her ribs, “lads, I havenae laughed like that in a long time. Jackson ye really do land yerfelf in some hilarious situations.”

“And I’ve only told you the mild ones.” Tomas winked at her. “Sometime you should ask him about that time in Chile. Your station XO pulled his ass out of the fire...literally.”

“Well now this I have tae hear about,” Camille asked, like a child begging for another story at bedtime.

“Before I go, I promise, my dear,” Tomas answered. He laid his napkin aside, then finished the last of the wine in his glass. “But now, time for this old man to get to bed. and Jackson? Eria has you on her list to speak to, fair warning. I can’t interview you for obvious reasons but expect it tomorrow.” He patted Camille on the the arm, rose, and departed.

“Well, won't that just be a dandy good time,” Jackson commented.

“Shame he had tae go, I was enjoyin’ hearin’ of yer misfortunes. As fer being interviewed, by the sounds of what people have been sayin’ I’m glad it’s you and not me,” her tone sounding more serious than what it had been.

“Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be a real hoot fest,” Jackson muttered. “But we’ll see how it goes. I don’t think anything will come of it.” Jackson kept his tone light but he was worried. Tomas’ words had been a warning, despite the casual tone.

“These people mean business don’t they Jackson?” Camille asked a little concerned about her boss’ safety. “Dunnae lie tae me either,” she interjected as he tried to open his mouth. “There’s gonnae be some trouble brewin’ up isn’t there?”

“Not if I can help it.” Jackson shrugged. “Maybe I can help clear things up. We’ll have to see. But don’t you worry, I’m gonna be just fine.” He signalled a waiter to clear and smiled to Camille. “Shall we get back to the salt mine?”

“Hmmm,” she said looking at him sceptically, but left it there. “I suppose we may. Sooner I get back tae things the sooner I can get outta here and see Pat,” she said, a smile spreading across her face again. She began to pull her heels back on her with a groan, “Eugh, you’d think by now they would have created heels that dunnae kill yer feet,” she said more to herself than Jackson as she stood up and smoothed down her dress.

“Wear flats. Save the heels for cocktail parties, sweetie.” Jackson helped her to her feet, then pushed in her chair.

“See I could do that, but then I wouldn’t look as fabulous,” she said giving a quick twirl. “Anyway, better get back over there,” she said pointing to her terminal. “Looks like we’re in fer a busy last minute rush.”

“Janice has the night off so call if things get nuts. Damn, I’ll be glad when Eli’s back.” With that, Jackson moved off to check in with the band before the last show.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Comic Legend
The Nexus Club

Camille Ross
Entertained Hostess With Sore Feet

Admiral Tomas Cruzado
Teller of Tall Tales


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