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Lost In Space?

Posted on Fri May 8th, 2015 @ 9:42pm by Captain James Warrington & Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Major Anton Markov & Lieutenant Oswald Goodshire & Lieutenant Dara Sahli & Lieutenant JG Mallow Darby & Ensign Aria Natinde
Edited on on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 1:44pm

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: Unknown
Timeline: After Slipstream Drive Malfunction

"Warning. Collision Alert. Collision Alert."

James recovered quickly from the lurching and tussling about the Ptolemy had just put her crew through. "Ensign Natinde ALL STOP," he practically yelled at her. "Markov are sensors picking up anything?"

Finding her feet, Aria made her way to the computer and started entering the commands to stop the engines. "Engines stopped sirs," she said, but knew that they weren't listening as they had more important things to worry about.

The big Russian was looking a tad worse for wear with a cut on his forehead from where he had hit a banister but was getting back to his console. "Looks like a debris field Sir. Definitely a battle taken place here."

"Very well. Red Alert, shields up. All hands to battlestations," James ordered taking his center chair. "Commander damage report from all stations please."

Worth climbed back into his seat from the floor and checked for damage reports that had begin coming in. "Casualties reported on decks 36 through 38, no damage in those areas or to the fusion reactor. There is some hull damage on 22 and 25, no breaches by some stroke of good luck."

"Thank you Commander. Looks like Starfleet Engineering did a good job. Computer. Holographic Damage control to the damage areas." He stood and walked around to beside Anton, "What are we looking at Major?"

"A crap tonne of wrecks sir. Anything else is outside my area of expertise but I am detecting some life signs. Lieutenant Goodshire should be able to clear that up for you though," Anton replied.

The comm chirped as he finished. "Dr. Sahli to the bridge. Everyone alright up there?"

"A few bumps and bruises, nothing serious," Worth answered the Doctor.

"In that case, my team is out to deal with casualties. Call if I am needed. Sahli out."

Worth now looked to Aria. "Helm report. Where are we?"

Aria stared at the screen, refusing to believe what it was telling her. "This isn't possible," she said a little too loudly as Worth overheard her.

"Explain, Ensign Natinde," Worth ordered. The emotions radiating from her now concerned him.

"We're still in the Delta Quadrant sir, but it's saying we're over 2 months away at Warp 9.5. The coordinates are showing as 119-mark-7."

Worth looked to Warrington, a frown on his face. "That's the edge of Borg space. We'll need to get those repairs moving ASAP."

Blinking for a moment, Darby looked around and glanced back at the diagram, "If I'm allowed, then I'd like to go down and have a look at the hull damage personally. I'm not necessarily keen on taking a spacewalk, but I think we can get things patched up much faster if I can take a look personally."

"If that's what you need to do do it. Take a shuttle if you don't want to get into a space suit," Warrington half suggested, half instructed.

"Aye sir, but I'll get into an EV suit if necessary. I'd rather take everything on by hand with this type of damage." Darby nodded and was soon headed off toward the turbolift as he had wanted to make sure that he would have plenty of time to take care of everything no matter what he had ended up having to do.

"Sir's," Anton called grabbing both the CO and XO's attention. "I've narrowed down the life signs in the wrecks. Two different ships both badly damaged."

"Very well. Away rescue Parties please. Commander if you would lead and Anton accompany please," James instructed.

"Acknowledged." Worth moved up the ramp to the turbolift with a nod to Anton. "We'll report in as soon as we have something, Captain."


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