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I Coulda Gone All Day Without Hearing That

Posted on Wed May 6th, 2015 @ 11:14pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Oz & Jackson's Quarters

Slinging his duffle onto his shoulder, Chance followed behind the other cadets as they headed back to their quarters on the Station. He was glad to be home, such as it was. Iggy, apparently was, too. Impatient, as well.

Move faster!, she was urging him from her perch on his shoulder and head. Chance winced as some of her tarses pulled at his hair. I can run faster than this!

"Yes, but then you wouldn't be able to breathe," Chance reminded her. She'd gotten forgetful during their time away from SB900.

Minor issue, she scoffed. But she did quiet down for the ride back to Oz and Jackson's, and her, quarters.

“Why are you in such a hurry, Iggs?” Eli asked as he walked along beside them. “Got a hot date or something?” I could use a hot date….how about dinner when we drop her off Chance?

"Let's get her home to Oz and J," Chance answered.

I am simply eager to be back, to see those I left here, Iggy chirped in their heads.

Chance glanced at Eli and picked up his pace.

Jackson's and Oralia's Quarters

Jackson emerged from the bedroom, having shed his tuxedo after the club closed. A blinking message on the terminal announced the Hammond’s docking and he smiled. That was good news. He tied the cord at the waist of his pajama pants and moved on into the kitchen for a mug of hot chocolate, Oz’s recipe that she’d programmed in the replicator. Just as the mug appeared, the door chimed. He lifted the mug, blew on the cocoa and yelled out.

“Come in!”

"Jackson!" Chance entered his sister's living quarters grinning. His greeting was nearly drowned out by Iggy's cry, I am home!

“Well, well, look what the spider dragged in.” Jackson grinned as he set down the mug, then moved over to hug one and all, Iggy included. “All the kids are home. How was it?”

I loved it! I had the best time. I even saved the entire ship!

"Ah, well, the arachnid has a mild tendency to overstate things. It was a good mission, though. How are things here? Where's Oz?" Chance looked around, as if Oralia might appear from behind the couch.

“Glad to hear it.” Jackson motioned to the living room. “Have a seat. Did y’all have dinner yet? And Oz...well...that’s a story in itself. She’s off-station right now. A lot’s been goin’ on while y’all were away.”

Iggy's mood shifted slightly, she lost a bit of her ebullience. Oralia is not here? Then I will have to wait to tell her that I have a new job. She started to skulk away towards her room.

Jackson raised an eyebrow in question and Eli answered. “She’s now a nanny. Kh’ali had the baby while we were gone.”

“A nanny. Well, hell I’ve heard it all now,” was Jackson’s response.

“Apparently, she can communicate with the tiny Klingon mentally. Who knew?” Eli smiled. “Stranger things have happened on this station.”

"More still to happen," Chance said softly. He watched as Iggy's door opened then closed. "Unless we figure out whether Igs there has a companion somewhere."

“Wait...what? A companion somewhere? Explain that one, please.” Jackson finally lifted his mug to drink some of the chocolate. “Are you tryin’ ta say that Iggy is horny?”

Chance just shrugged and looked at Eli, silently asking him to take point.

Eli shot a glance to Chance that clearly said ‘you owe me’. He shifted in his chair before tackling the question.

“Well, Jackson, you know that when kids start to grow up, there will be awkward moments.” Eli smiled as Jackson rolled his eyes. “We were nearing the station and the subject of a companion sorta slipped out when Iggy was talking to us. She was a little evasive about it, just mentioned a male ‘friend’ and didn’t want to get into details.” He looked to Chance to fill in anything he had missed.

"Yeah, what he said."

“So you two think it’s matin’ season for our little spider?” As the full impact of his words hit, Jackson shuddered, spilling hot chocolate on his bare chest. “Shit!” He hurried off to the kitchen for a towel. “Have you two really thought about that?”

"I have," Chance nodded. "You know we have a guy here who studies bugs? He wants to take a look at Iggy. Anyway, I chatted with him on our way back. Spiders Iggy's size tend to have two hundred or so eggs at one time."

Eli turned fully yo look at Chance. “Two hundred??”

“Now there’s a cheery thought,” Jackson added, returning to the room. “Imagine it, gents. Reva’s crawlin’ through the tubes to fix something’ or the other and round the corner she finds a giant sac of spider eggs. And suddenly, it’s hatch time and TWO HUNDRED little Iggys come crawlin’ out to greet her. I wonder how long she’d be in a padded room? An’ how long would it take Admiral Wegener to kick all our asses?”

Chance rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, it might be worse. The things only take 8 weeks to incubate. If she had an egg sac before we left, she'll have a little hoard now. And will they be like her or like their dad?"

“There’s a bigger problem in all this. You two recall that Iggy was proclaimed her own species, right? As much as the idea weirds us out, I don’t know that we can prevent it. Sure, we can talk to her and suggest she rethink...or...go on little spider pills or somethin’ but we can’t just tell ‘er no.” Jackson frowned. “What do ya think she’d say, Chance?”

He laughed, louder than he meant to. "I think she would use some of the Admiral's lovely language to get the point across that her answer is no. As in, she'll do what she wants."

“So then it turns into a question of keepin’ things under control so they don’t overrun the station. And the station CO needs to know - right now that’s Commander Leroy. This’ll interest him in several ways I think, as well as Mr. Bren.” Jackson looked from one to the other. “I’m also guessin’ you want me to be the bearer of the news?”

"Ta Oz?" Chance nodded, "Yup. I'd rather not be in the room when she gets this news."

“I think he meant to Patrick. Wait...the CO of the station? What happened?” Eli asked.

Jackson shook his head. “That’s a longer story than I wanna get into tonight. Tomorrow though, okay? As for Oz, I’ll tell her when she gets home. She’s off huntin’ an escaped Suresh so she’s got enough ta worry about right now.”

"Escaped Suresh?" Chance was alarmed. "What? And she's hunting him? She's not alone is she?"

“Li,” Jackson answered. “Along with Darwin and the Suresh from the other universe. Obviously also a long story. An’ you two owe me a story about your trip too.”

"That we do, but I owe someone a hot date. We'll catch up with you another night," Chance said and stood, pulling Eli up with him. "Say good night to Jackson."

Eli saluted. “Goodnight Jackson. I’ll be back at the club tomorrow night as usual.” He grinned as Chance dragged him towards the door. “But I apparently have to go now.”

“Later, kiddos. I’ll see what I can get outta Iggy.”

"Night!" Chance pulled Eli out the door.

Cadet Chance Conradi
Cadet Eli Ziyad
Celebrating Coming Home

Ignatius J. R. Zeferino

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Feelin’ Awkward
The Nexus Club


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