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What's In A Name?

Posted on Mon May 11th, 2015 @ 6:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Patrick & Kh'ali's Quarters

* * * Patrick & Kh’ali’s Quarters * * *

Patrick cast a glance around to see that everything was in order. Drinks, appetizers and the rest.

So it came to pass, after the longest of waits giving in to the sweetest of moments, mostly for Kh’ali as he still felt somewhat guilty by not having been there, it was now time for the most dreaded of evenings: The grandparents visit to celebrate the happy event.

“Should I straighten my uniform?” He asked jokingly turning to Kh’ali who was close to the cradle cuddling the baby a little.

“For the fourth time?” Kh’ali asked with a smile. Those nervous habits were back, as they were every time his parents visited. Patrick’s relationship with his father had never been easy - so many expectations to try and live up to growing up. She wondered what sort of reaction Patrick’s promotion would bring on this visit.

He was about to respond to Kh’ali when the chime sounded its call, Patrick sighed and casting a brief look to her he whispered “Dance,” then turned to the door.

“Come in.”

The doors hissed open to reveal Jeffrey and Amanda Leroy almost glowing with anticipation. His mother stepped in first, greeting him with the quickest of kisses and felicitations. “Congratulations to the both of you,” she said going straight to Kh’ali and the cradle to see the baby.

Patrick could hear the delighted ‘Ooh’ behind his back while his father’s hand landed heavily on his shoulder. “Well done, son. I was wondering when I would be appending the ‘Grand’ prefix’.” He smiled. “And… What do I see? At long last. You’ve been made Commander and CO of Starbase 900. A double celebration is in order.”

Patrick rolled his eyes. “It’s temporary. Until the issue with the Admiral is solved. But that’s a long story and classified too,” he ended before his father could ask for more explanations.

“Well then.. Still we have to celebrate.” Jeffrey responded. Then, prompted by the typical grandparent curiosity, he went over to congratulate Kh’ali and have a look at the last, in a chronological sense, of the Leroys.

Kh’ali rested her hand on Jeffrey’s arm for a moment before reaching for the baby. “It’s good to see you both again. It’s been a while.”

“A while indeed, dear. The both of you have been very busy as of lately. But now the important thing is that we are all together.” Jeffrey responded with satisfaction evident in his voice.

“He’s so cute.” Amanda exclaimed as Kh’ali put him in her arms. “And look at these… They’re going away, are they? Is that some effect of labour?” She asked then, in all candour, lining the faint ridges on the baby’s forehead.

Kh’ali shot a glance to Patrick at the remark then she had to laugh at the sentiment. “I don’t think they’ll fade. They are part of his heritage,” Kh’ali said gently. She decided not to mention the fact that they would likely become more prominent.

“Well, get yourself comfortable,” Patrick seized the moment to avoid further development of the ‘ridges’ matter. “We have prepared some drinks and you have a little finger-food there. Then we’ll have dinner in a while.”

“This is an idea I like.” Jeffrey said taking a drink and helping himself with the buffet

“Of course he likes these things, his girth can well testify that.” Amanda commented jokingly while she went on cradling the baby.

“Is this ‘starbase life’ that makes me hungry” He retorted gobbling down a mouthful. “By the way Patrick, Have I ever told you that one of your ancestors was named Maurice? He was an important man in France well before the branch of our family decided to migrate to the new world, of that time that is.”


Patrick darted a look sidelong to Kh’ali, perceiving the closing threat. Kh’ali managed to keep a straight face, not needing telepathy to sense Patrick’s sudden unease. She knew exactly where this was going.

“Yes,” Amanda intervened “You both are so mysterious, you haven’t mentioned the name of this wonderful baby yet.”

“Here.” said Patrick pouring wine in his father’s empty glass “This is special vintage, a bottle I’ve been keeping for some time just for occasions like this. Try it and tell me what you think.” then taking the tray he swiftly moved close to his mother “Here, take something to eat. Kh’ali will relieve you of the sweet weight at once.”

“Of course, it’s about time for his longer nap anyway.” Kh’ali scooped the baby from Amanda’s arms. “You know how the first days are, they do little but sleep.” She passed close to Patrick, brushing a kiss to his cheek and a whisper at his ear. “Be right out...this should be interesting.” Moments later, she vanished into the bedroom to tuck the baby into his crib.

“Hey, this is good.” Jeffrey stated taking a look at the bottle to check details of the wine “Where did you find it?”

“Well, I’ve got some acquaintances that can provide this kind of stuff… May be you want to try some Klingon bloodwine? Kh’ali has programmed it in the replicator, probably it’s not as the real one, but… No. Perhaps is better not.” he ended noticing the scolding glance of his mother.

Jeffrey grunted in disappointment “From the day I’ve had my medical visit by this doctor guy… Harden… Harding, whatever… Your mother has subjected me to an unending series of prohibitions. Worse than a prisoner in the brig.”

“Doctor Harding said that with your current blood values you had to forfeit a great deal of things. And I’m making sure you abide, for your sake.” Amanda pointed out peevishly.

“Oh… That is bad news…” Patrick commented, sighing inwardly in relief as at least the dangerous discussion subject seemed to have been temporarily diverted. Looking over his shoulder he checked towards the bedroom to see if reinforcements were on their way.

Kh’ali arrived, closing the bedroom door behind her. “He’ll be down for a little while.” She looked to Patrick a moment. “Iggy will be in later to entertain him. I think she intends to read to him today.” She took a seat and reached for a welcome glass of wine. “This is delicious. It’s been months since I’ve had any.”

Totally baffled Patrick looked at Kh’ali forming a silent word on his lips ‘Iggy??’ but he hadn’t much time to linger on the subject as his father returned to the attack:

“Did you know that your grand-grandfather has been a somewhat famous Starfleet captain? Craig Leroy was his name.”

It was time to take the targ by the horns, in Kh’ali’s opinion. She had another sip of wine and, given she and Patrick had been more involved in enjoying the homecoming than discussing names, decided to face it head on. “Actually, there’s a tradition among my people.” She knew this might not thrill Amanda, but she pushed on. “Of naming him for the grandfathers. The direct ones.” There would be no Maurice in this household if she could help it.

“Oh…” Said Amanda

“Ah…” Said Jeffrey

Then silence fell between them for a few instants. The first to recover being Patrick’s father glee evident in his eyes “Well… If these are the traditions who are we to contest them. Leroys always respected tradition.” Patrick shaking the head slowly with this last statement.

“So…” Amanda asked looking at Kh’ali “What it’ll be the full name?”

Kh’ali held up the hand for a moment. “That all depends on Patrick and if he agrees. This is his son after all.” She gave Patrick a warm, encouraging smile, then mouthed silently. You owe me..

“Well, I’m positive. respecting tradition and all that… The fact is that it happened so fast…” Patrick started to say.

Jeffrey’s brows connected in the center with his gruff reply. “Several months of gestation hardly seem ‘so fast’ to me…”

“Your father is right Patrick.” Amanda backed up her husband somewhat surprised.

“Yes but Kh’ali and I have been separated for a great deal of time because of duties. Seemed to me years indeed... And now we’ve been together again for less than thirty-six hours… Really this was not priority as of now. This is an important decision, with lifelong effect, and we didn’t want to rush it.”

“He’s right.” Kh’ali smiled once more. “Considering my side of the family, there’s a lot to this and as Patrick said, it will have lifelong effect, especially on Q’onos. This little one is of the house of a high-ranking and celebrated general and as such, there will be certain..expectations that come with the name.”

Jeffrey’s expression had eased with the mentioning of ‘high-ranking, celebrated general’, breathing deeply he addressed Patrick then. “Okay. in any case that’s your call, son. Well… Of you both I mean. Probably the L’il one will not be offended by having to wait some more hours to have a name.” He ended with a warm smile.

“Perhaps we should have dinner now?” he reprised with a hopeful glint in the eyes.

“Oh dear gods, yes,” Kh’ali murmured.

Commander Patrick Leroy
Under Pressure

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
PLaying The Name Game

Jeffrey Leroy
Applying Pressure

Amanda Leroy
Wondering Over Somatic Traits


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