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Be Kind, Please Rewind - Part I

Posted on Mon May 11th, 2015 @ 10:09pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Betazed

* * * Bar Nine - Somewhere on Betazed * * *

The man looked down at the prone figure of Julisa and nudged her with his foot. When she didn’t react, he reached for the pitcher at his side and doused her head with cold water. He had things to do and not a lot of time to do them and he needed her awake. Now. He nudged her once more.

“Wakey, wakey!”

"Augh!" Julisa sputtered and coughed, nearly choking on the water. She tried to sit up, but two things stopped her: one, the minor thing, her head hurt from where she'd been hit earlier; the second thing, far more major in every way that counted, was a pain in her hand and that the pain ratcheted up when she tried to move. Blinking, she looked up and saw that her right hand was pinned, through and through, to the headboard of the bunk she lay on. Her stomach rolled and twisted. "Oh gods," she mumbled a prayer to her deities.

“Better. Now then, we have to have a little conversation, you and I.” The man leaned in closer, the scent of rot-gut whiskey on his breath overpowering. “I need to know something and you are going to tell me, or else.” He motioned to her hand. “You have a few more limbs I can make use of if that one doesn’t convince you.”

His stench nearly put her stomach over the edge, but Julisa swallowed hard, whimpered, and nodded. "What? What am I telling you? Besides go to hell!" She tried to kick him, but the leverage wasn't there - all she managed was to yank on her hand. Stars hazed her vision as the pain peaked.

“I want to know what you found in that house. There’s some that would rather your snooping come to nothing. So, help me out. If you don’t know anything, I might let you go. And remember where we are, I’ll know if you lie.” He ran his finger over her free, undamaged hand. “You have such lovely hands….a pity.”

She jerked her hand away from his touch. She couldn't do the same with her mind, not with him being a full Betazoid. "Know anything about what? The isochips?"

“That would be a good start, yes.” He flashed her a sly smile. “What about them? I’ve searched you thoroughly already and didn’t find them.”

Ugh, she didn't hide her revulsion. "I hid them."

“So far so good.” He rose and crossed to a table where he poured a glass of water and carried it back. Holding for her so she could drink, he continued. “And did you see what was on them?”

"Not yet," she answered. He was right: lying served no purpose; she could feel him in her head, touching on various memories. He lingered a moment on one of her and Solis.

“That’s good...very good. So next question. Where did you hide them, my lovely?” His smile lingered as he took the water glass away. “And see? This isn’t so hard is it?”

When he turned his back, Julisa grabbed the knife holding her fast and yanked at it. It came away, making her scream and bleed freely, but she was loose from the bunk and kept herself in motion - a second of hesitation and she'd freeze up. Rolling to her feet, she dropped the knife and scrambled toward the door, all thoughts on escape.

The man was almost a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier. His long legs gave him the advantage and he lunged across the room, wrapping his arms around her waist and taking her down.

“You really think I am that stupid?” he bellowed at her ear. “Where are they??”

Kicking and screaming, she fought him. She landed a few good kicks to his shins and thighs and clawed his arm with her good hand. "Do you think I'm dumb enough to lay here and answer you? I've seen your face - you're not just going to let me go!"

“You said it, not me,” he replied. Reaching out, he felt for the knife, finally wrapping his hand around it. With a roar, he drove it through her left shoulder, nailing her to the floor. “And you’re wrong on two counts. You haven’t seen my real face...and I wouldn’t let you go regardless.” He scanned Julisa’s thoughts and began to laugh. “Good hiding place, kid. Maybe they’ll find you before you bleed out.”

He rose, stepped over her, and unlocked the door.

To Be Continued...

Lt. Commander Dae Nallas
Lt. Bajun Julisa
Lt. Solis


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