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All Good Things Come to an End

Posted on Wed May 13th, 2015 @ 12:51pm by Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Rine's Room

With the same nonchalant attitude that he had always gone about his business with, Rine was soon walking back to his room with a bit of an exhalation and a stretch. He figured it was that almost snide aloofness that had kept him alive all this time. Few people probably realized, in his opinion, what it was that had gone on.

As the door shut behind him, though, he pressed his hand to his forehead and blinked for a moment or two. That was...strange. The room was...what, spinning a bit?

Then, to make matters worse, it had seemed like the temperature was starting to increase in the room. Blinking for a moment or two, he paused and looked up.

It certainly felt like it was getting warmer and warmer every single moment.

"Computer, how hot is it in here?"

Whatever it was that the machine replied to him in that metered mechanical tone after a noteworthy beep was nothing but a blur to him - rather he had soon started to loose touch with just about all his senses in the room.

If he could hear, though, then he would have known that it was actually just him the entire time anyway. It wasn't actually growing at all warmer, but he certainly was perspiring and it seemed like he could hear the full effect of each droplet of sweat skimming down off his glistening brow line.

Blinking once more, he swallowed and found that aforementioned room was now spinning.

"That...that swine! She must have...she must have put something in there."

Having suffered a mighty thud against the metallic deck plates that formulated the ground beneath his carpeting, he looked up once more and tried to stand. Finding that his muscles wouldn't have at all cooperated with him in this context, he did his best instead to claw his way over.

While he was going to call for help, he knew that meant his end anyway. If he were able to get a hold of anyone, then they would probably figure things out. No, he knew that he was going to have to find a way to weasel his way out of that like he had weaseled his way out of everything else before. There had to be something, but time was ticking.

Crawling once more down on his hands, foaming saliva dripped out of his mouth into a vile pool on the flooring beneath him as he did his best to claw his way over to the panel and call for help.

Since he wasn't a member of Starfleet, he doubted that the room would have actually been able to sense his pending medical emergency. With the world around him continuously growing dimmer and dimmer, he again cried out.


And with that, it was done.

As he lay there in a pile, a small bit of his face started to pull away, smoothing out those nasal ridges in a fit of poetic justice that would only now show the universe that his face was, indeed, synthetic for all that time.


Lom Rine

Rest in Peace


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