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One Fish, Two Fish, Pufferfish

Posted on Fri May 22nd, 2015 @ 1:19am by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Ray's Quarters

* * * Ray’s Quarters * * *

The call from Julisa had roused Ray out of a sound (and long delayed) sleep. Whatever this was it better be good, he had grumbled at no one. Now he stood in his bathroom, wearing only black pajama pants, splashing cold water on his face and trying to get coherent. He ran his fingers through his short hair, which did not help in the least, and decided to call it good. They wanted to come drag him out of bed, they would take what they got. He moved on into the kitchen and replicated a mug of strong coffee. He’d just taken his first sip when the chime sounded. He crossed to the door and opened it to find Dae and Julisa.

“Come on in.” He waited for them to enter, then locked the door behind them.

"No words of welcome home? Gosh, Ray, a woman might think you weren't happy to see her again," Julisa moved into the room.

“I was sound asleep for the first time in two days, sweet cheeks. But if it makes you feel better…” He wrapped her in his arms and planted a big wet kiss on her cheek, then did the same to Dae. “Welcome home you two. You want coffee? Because I’m about to open a vein and just go the direct route.”

"Ugh!" She rubbed at her cheek. "Okay, fine! I can skip coffee, Ray. And we come with a demand."

“And news, if that helps, Sleeping Beauty.” Dae laughed and shook his head. “But you better sit down.”

Ray looked from one to the other. “What demand? And what news?” He settled in a deep armchair, and frowned at Dae. “Damn, when I pictured my Prince Charming, I thought he’d look more like Jackson.” He motioned to the sofa. “Take a load off.”

"I need to read you. Then we have something to show you," Julisa sat in the chair closest to him. "You know I need to touch you in order to read you."

“I thought you’d never ask.” Ray waggled his eyebrows at Julisa, but he held out his hand. “This makes the second time tonight. Lucius already took a nice little stroll through my hallowed halls. Help yourself but ignore the juicy parts. I don’t like to kiss and tell...or do other things and tell.”

She paused before taking his hand. "Lucius read you? What did he say then?" Now she touched his hand, the better to read whether he lied to her. Also the better sort through his head while he thought about Lucius.

“He called me down to his quarters a little while ago. Apparently, the Counselor was there with” Ray looked from Julisa to Dae. “And a name and he wanted to make sure I hadn’t switched sides before he told me.”

Dae moved over to sit down, watching Julisa and Ray. “Well as soon as she is satisfied, you can share. We’ll show you ours if you show us yours.”

Ray laughed for a moment. “And here I thought you weren’t charming, Dae. How can a fella refuse an offer like that?”

“Kiss my ass Ray. You satisfied Julisa?”

"I'll be better satisfied by Solis, but for now, I trust him, Dae." Julisa sat back. "I'll hazard a guess that the name Lucius had for you was Azoulay." She looked at her boss.

“It was and that pissed me right off. I don’t like being played, especially by someone in her position. So now, we have their word and Nico’s memories but you can bet your boots she’ll try to get that thrown out, claiming he’s nuts, especially after his meltdown under questioning.” Ray grumbled. “Can I just go shoot her and be done with it? Better yet, you do it Dae, then no one would find the body.”

A smile lit Dae’s face. “You have no idea how tempting it is.”

"We have proof, Ray." Julisa held up one of the chips Dae had handed to her on their way here. She went to his console and inserted it then brought up the video. "Watch," she told him.

Ray moved over to his desk and turned his attention to the screen. Moments later, he was beginning to regret the coffee. He was sure it was about to come back up. As the video ended, he closed his eyes.

“Well fuck me. How could they…” He rose and began to pace. “How in the seventh circle of hell could she do that and….” Coherent words dissolved into what seemed an endless stream of cursing that could peel paint from the walls. Finally, he turned on Dae and Julisa. “I need to get to the office and get things in motion. Does anyone know you two are back?”

"A few folks, Nico for one. Counselor Swift, Drusilla Dupree, Earl Crane." Listing them that way, she realized how few did know. "But there is more we should tell you. We were attacked on Betazed. The person who did it was killed, so Azoulay may have tried to contact him and not gotten a response."

“The shooter you mentioned. Did you find anything else there that could tie him to her?”

“Some papers,” Dae said. He bent down, searching in his bag and handed them over to Ray. “They appear to be ID papers but give my people a few hours we can likely trace them back.”

"Yes, the shooting." Julisa had meant the other attack, but she was okay not telling Ray about that just yet. Absently, she rubbed her sore hand. "Dae and I will write our reports and get those to you asap, Ray."

“That’s only the first thing. Dae, stay with her. I suspect that slimy bottom-feeder has eyes all over this station and will know soon enough you are home. If it’s true that she couldn’t get hold of her henchman, then she may decide that things are going south and that you two are expendable. This….” he motioned at the monitor. “This is huge and I don’t expect she has many limits when it comes to covering her ass. Also, where the hell is Nico? That boy’s got a target the size of Texas on his ass right now.”

“Technically, he is Intell, despite his current status. I’ll have him taken to one of the safe rooms.” Dae tapped his comm badge and sent the order to Lt. Leto to round up Nico and Drusilla.

“Good.” Ray nodded. “Now then...that should cover our bases for the moment. I gotta get dressed and get on the wire to inform Starfleet Command. I can then have her brought in and held, at least to give us time to wrap this up.”

"I'm going to go back to Piper and see Earl, then Solis and I are going home. If you need me for any of this, you can find me. I'll get started on the case in the morning. You'll have her in custody by then."

“Fine, but I'm going to have someone watching your quarters tonight. I’ll speak to Gilroy. I’m taking no chances, Julisa.” Dae’s tone was firm. “Don’t forget, you’re also a witness in this regarding the man who snatched you and --”

“WHAT?” Ray’s attention snapped back to Dae. “I thought someone shot at all of you. Speak, Julisa.”

She pinned Dae with a quick glare then looked at Ray. "Someone did shoot at us, but after we found the isochips and the credentials, we got separated. I went back to the ship - that's when we talked, Ray. And then there was a message to meet Dae and Solis, but it was just a ruse. A guy drugged or hit me and, when I woke up, demanded to know where the isochips and the credentials were. He was a bit rough, but Dae and Solis showed just in time." She glossed over the gory details. Compared to what they'd all seen on the videos, her injury was nothing.

If Ray had been a blowfish, he’d be at full puff by now. He managed to keep his tone civil with great effort. “I want all that in detail, Julisa.” Then he smiled and rubbed his hands together. “We are gonna bury that woman and I’m going to have way too much fun doing it. Now, get along, I need to get dressed.”

Dae stood and nodded. “I’ll handle informing security.” His comm badge beeped, two short chirps that repeated and he frowned. “Time to go Julisa, there’s an emergency up on my decks. Talk soon, Ray.” Dae crossed, opened the doors and waited for Julisa.

"An emergency? Solis? Or is it Nico?" She left Ray to his tasks and followed Dae out and down the corridor.

“They weren’t up there so I suppose I’ll see soon. First, I’m getting you to Piper and Security will pick you up there to go home.” They reached the turbolift and stepped inside.

Lt. Bajun Julisa

Lt. Ray Benson
JAG (The Foul-Mouthed One)

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Too Many Irons In The Fire


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