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Night Calls

Posted on Thu Aug 4th, 2011 @ 5:44am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kh'ali's Quarters

Kh'ali was alone in the diplomatic offices at the end of a day that had passed in a blur of a thousand details, things needing attention, requests from the Divitians, and plans with both Jackson and Oz regarding the Speaker's visit to the Nexus Club. A table near an exit had been reserved, security on notice for the desired evening, and codes set up with the transporter staff and Intel in case a quick extraction was needed. All this cloak and dagger stuff was draining and Kh'ali wondered how Li lived such a life for years on end.

The growl of her stomach made her realize she had skipped lunch and since she had the night free, all she wanted was to get home to her quarters, eat something and perhaps do something as stimulating as stare at the wall and enjoy the quiet.

When she arrived home several minutes later, it was not as quiet as she had expected. The incoming transmission light was blinking on her terminal. She took the time to remove her uniform tunic and boots, leaving her in a sleeveless black shirt and bare feet. Better. Settling down at the desk, she pressed the panel and saw that the hail was from Patrick. The night was looking better already. The Starfleet insignia on the screen faded and Patrick's face appeared.

"This is a pleasant surprise." She smiled warmly. "Have you been waiting long?"

"Not too much considering possible spacial anomalies and lingering plasma storms from the nebula." He replied, relief evident in his tone. "The trip was becoming boring so I said to myself: Why not hear some news on the homefront?"

"And you thought of me." She was obviously pleased by that. "Things here have been....beyond busy. If I could make three of Aur'el and I, I would. We have to be everywhere at once, and somehow, the Speaker has decided that an evening at the Nexus is a good idea. With me. So I've had to coordinate with Jackson, Security, Intel, and with his security detail. All so that he and I can go sit at a table and enjoy the show. Well, he will, the rest of us will be on high alert."

"I bet. I hope that Commander Zeferino will be right there in person. It seems very strange to have a personality like the Speaker walking around the Nexus... I'm sure that there will be a battalion of Divitian soldiers too." He ended chuckling at the thought. "Jackson's a good man, I wouldn't be of his usual friendliness if I were him though, lest finding myself with a broken arm by an overzealous bodyguard."

They both laughed at the joke but then Patrick became serious all of a sudden. "You have to stick around with the Speaker don't you?"

"Yes of course. That's my job." She responded.

The question seemed casual enough, almost pointless, still the note of concern in Patrick's voice didn't escape her.

"Patrick," her tone softened. "We are taking every precaution to keep him safe. And by extension, me too. Granted, I'm not as easy a target as some would be. I'll be fine, I promise. Li and Nenita are watching the locals like hawks, if you'll pardon the pun. And the Speaker seems to trust me, like me even. He's been surprisingly open with me actually, so it's made keeping an eye on him a lot easier."

"Of course. Well... just thinking of it." Patrick replied quietly "Things aren't easy here too. We're working on the dossiers provided by the Divitian high command, but something is amiss, as if some important information has been withheld from us. For what I see the situation there is more difficult than we thought. I don't know when and if we will be able to save the day on Divitia Prime. Some little progress has been made but we're far from achievement."

"You'll figure it out, I have no doubt." Kh'ali reached out to touch the screen where Patrick's face was visible. "Is that why you are up so late, playing chess again? A shame I'm not there, I'd give you a run for your money."

"Caught like a child with jam on his hands" Patrick laughed "It's a deal then, I think I have some latinum bars hidden in my quarters at SB900, I'll confront you on the chessboard battlefield upon my return... And I hope it will be soon."

"Me too." She was silent for a moment before she continued. A vague uneasiness had been creeping up on her and perhaps Patrick might understand. "Have you ever worried because something seems to be going too well?"

"Every time." He smiled.

Kh'ali nodded. "I'll be glad when this little outing is done, when he's returned home, and I don't feel like my every move is part of a war offensive planning. And when you are home too." Especially the last one, she thought.

"I'll be counting days for that. Let's hope not too many of them." he replied leaning back on the seat "So... Shall I bid goodnight to you? And to me for I think I'll be able to get some sleep now."

"I suppose so." She smiled back at him. "Tomorrow is a full day for me, but I"ll be home around this time, just in case. Good luck."

"Thank you I'll need it." He responded "See you soon then."


Kh'ali ended the transmission and sat staring at the dark terminal screen. She hadn't mentioned Harrison's impending arrival, nor had she mentioned the strange, prickling feeling that something was afoot. She has no way to know that either issue was anything to worry about and Patrick had enough problems on his plate. Maybe it was just exhaustion talking. It was time for bed.

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Chief Science Officer


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