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Of Biobeds & Bunks

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2015 @ 11:33pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nelvana III - The Neutral Zone

* * * Nelvana III - The Neutral Zone * * *

Li left the terminal and made her way back to Darwin with the guard right on her heels. She turned around, looking him up and down and frowned. “You get any closer you’ll be me.” She reached Darwin finally, and sat down beside him.

“I just talked to Sakkath.”

"And?" Darwin sounded hopeful she'd gotten a solution.

She gave the closest guard a baleful glare and he moved back. She decided to go the direct route with Darwin.

He is sending all the records - of the alternate universe, the old Suresh’s medical records, the new one’s scans, everything. And get this. He was afraid that sending them to security here might mean they got ‘lost’ so he’s having them delivered. I have no idea who, but they will know where to find us.

Darwin put his poker face on. Good! We'll just hang out in their brig. He glanced at their guard and said, "Looks like Oz might be the only one with a decent bunk for the next couple days."

“Two days?” Li asked. “They’re keeping her?”

"Ah, we haven't heard yet." He started pacing. After several minutes, he stopped and watched an approaching doctor.

"Captain Hawke, Lieutenant Darwin?" She waited for them to acknowledge her. "Commander Zeferino is out of surgery and doing quite well. The field patch was shoddy--"

"Hey! That was my work! I didn't have a heck of a lot to work with!" Darwin looked affronted.

"--ah, of course. Anyway, we've corrected that, drained the excess blood and put her back the correct way. She should be waking up in the next few minutes."

“And the concussion? Will there be any lingering issues there?” Li asked. She rested her hand on Darwin’s arm.

"No, there shouldn't be. Her concussion was minor. We'll monitor her for a day, though."

"Told you she'd have the cushy bunk," Darwin muttered to Li.

“Can we see her before we have to go tend to other business?” Li stood and turned to the doctor. “We won’t keep her long.”

"Yes. As I said, she should be awake in a few minutes. This way," she turned and led the two deeper into the medical facility. When they reached Oz's bedside, she stepped aside.

Darwin reached over and shook Oz's shoulder.

"Leaf me da fuck alone," Oz grumbled.

"Can't envy Jackson waking that up."

Li laughed aloud at the comment. “Eh, he’s tough, he can take it.” She reached down for Oz’s hand. “Oz, honey, It’s us. How’re you feeling?”

Oz opened her eyes and looked at the two, slightly cross-eyed for a second. "Oh, hey. It's you two. Are we home yet?"

"Not yet. We've run into a small snag," Darwin said.

"Mm? Oh? Oh. Nelvana. I recall," she woke up more. "I feel okay, Li. I'm the snag."

“Well no, not exactly.” Li squeezed Oz’s hand, then glanced to Darwin. Should we tell her?

"Yeah," he nodded. "Suresh was arrested. And were also under arrest."

That finished Oz's waking up. "You're under arrest? Why the hell were you doing? How long have I been out? Li?!"

“We,” Li corrected. “All of us. They think this Suresh is the old one who is a fugitive from Elba II. They searched the ship and found the body and there are a few charges related to that too. Jake turned on us and reported it. At least that’s the working theory but he is the only one who knew we were here.”

"Bring Jake here. Imma kill him," Oz said. "Damn... Under the same circumstances at home? I'd be doing the same thing to us. Jake is probably well known by security here; he's a reliable source, gives them cause to search the ship. Shit. What can we do?"

“Get in line regarding Jake. He’s toast when I get to him, for a lot of reasons with some people who will be very unhappy.” Li sighed. “I spoke to Sakkath. He is sending all the records we have of that universe, medical records of both of the Sureshs….and the correct scan can prove this Suresh is not part of this universe. Ionic trace reading will prove that. It will just take a little time to get it all done.”

"Sounds like we'll be on our way soon enough, then." She was taking being under arrest rather well, all things considered. "Wow. So they think we would help Suresh? Are they charging us with his murder?"

"I think that's the one thing they aren't charging us with. Desecration of a corpse is one charge. I think they think we found a dead Romulan and made him up to look like Suresh. Maybe to pass him - the dead one - on to Elba so they'd stop searching for him." Darwin's security thinking was working overtime.

“They are keeping you overnight Oz, but I don’t think they will let us stay. We’ll be at the security center till we hear from Sakkath.” It might be a good idea to prolong your stay here till this is straightened out. She passed the thought to both Oz and Darwin.

If they'll let me, Oz thought back. "I'll contact Jackson; he's probably a bit upset." She stopped then shifted course. "Hey, what about the Orion?"

Darwin looked chagrinned. "Yeah, he's in our list of charges. Kidnapping, assault."

"Ah. Bet he's loving this." Oz laughed and didn't wince.

“I sent word to Jackson that we’d stopped here and that you were being all fixed up,” Li informed her. “That should keep him from freaking out for a little while anyhow. Just stay here and hopefully we can straighten this mess out soon. You need the rest anyway.”

"Will do. Darwin, watch out for her," Oz squeezed Li's hand.

"If I can," he knew they'd likely be separated. "We'll see you soon, Oz."

She held up a thumb.

* * * Nelvana III Detention Center * * *

Li and Darwin arrived in the custody of the guards. They were definitely expected and were cuffed in short order, once their prints had been taken on the identity padds.

“I want to see Suresh,” Li demanded.

"We can give you five minutes, non-contact," the brig officer said. "This way." Like the doctor had in the medical facility, he led them deeper in the Security Center. At Suresh's cell, he stopped. "You got visitors."

Suresh looked up from where he sat on the bunk and seeing Li and Darwin he jumped to his feet. “Li! Darwin...what the hell’s happening here?”

“Easy.” Li made her voice soothing. Briefly, she explained her conversation with Sakkath and the news about Oz. “We’re doing everything we can but Darwin and I are under arrest as well. I won’t be able to stay here with the two of you.”

Suresh now looked to Darwin. “And they won’t let you go with her?”

"It's a male-female thing, Suresh. We should have the evidence to get us out of here soon, so we'll ...take a breather." Not that they hadn't had a breather on the ship. Darwin was directed into the cell next to Suresh and, once the force field was up, his cuffs came off. "Li, be careful."

“I will.” Li nodded. “Take care of yourselves.” She was led away and Suresh resumed his seat, looking up at Darwin.

“Tell me we’re not screwed. I can’t have all of you go through all this for us to end up locked up or for me to end up on Elba II. I cannot go to that place. I don’t know about the one here but back home, it was a way-station on the road to extermination.”

"Yeah, that's about what it is here. We're not screwed. You heard Li: Sakkath Is sending information to clear us and explain your likeness to Suresh." Darwin had folded himself down onto the bunk.

“Let’s hope it works.” He stood and moved back to the force field, looking out. Down the way he could see Li as she was led away through a door that sealed shut behind her. “Dinner’s in an hour,” he mumbled. “For what it’s worth.”

"Good to know," Darwin said. "I'm going to nap."

“Me too.” Suresh stretched out and was soon asleep.”

Lt. M. Darwin

Cmdr. Oz Zeferino
Surprisingly calm (good drugs!)

Captain Li Hawke
Not Calm...Not Even Close


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