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It's Just Dinner

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2015 @ 9:22pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Jackson Banning V & Vic & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club / Lao's

Six and Reva had stayed to enjoy the music but soon, it drew late. Reva departed and a few minutes later, Vic arrived at Six’s table. She’d been so wrapped up in the music that she hadn’t thought much about the impending dinner but now that he was there in person, her nervousness flooded back full force.

“Oh...Vic. I didn’t hear you coming.” She looked around him at the bar, noting another tender was there now, then back up at him. “Done already?”

He looked back at the bar then shrugged, "Those boys can handle closing up tonight. A beautiful woman is always more important." Vic turned his full charm on and smiled at her.

Six’s eyes widened but she nodded. “I...thank you. That’s nice of you and a refreshing change from what I am usually called.” She stood, not realizing how close he was standing to her.

"I can't imagine what other words are used to describe you. Stunning? Pretty?" He chuckled and caught her arms as she stood. "Dance with me? We'll lose the music soon."

“I…” She paused, then took a deep breath and followed Reva’s advice. “I’d love to.” She turned as he slipped his arm around her waist and led her to the floor. The song was a lovely, slow one. When Vic took her in his arms, she hesitated but then began to relax as the music carried them.

As Reva had mentally noted earlier in the evening, Vic was a man who moved well; "sexy" as Reva had put it. He led Six on the dance floor, keeping her from making any missteps, and generally making both of them look amazingly graceful.

She smiled up at him as he swept her along, loving the sensation. “You’re very good. I feel like I’m floating.” She squeezed his hand as they turned and when he slowed down, pressing her closer, she sucked in her breath and closed her eyes. The feeling of floating intensified, enveloping her senses.

"You have no idea, Six," he said cryptically and smiled. "It's easy when you have a good partner."

“I took some lessons while at the Academy. They thought it might help with my socialization I suppose is the right term.” She laughed softly. “I don’t know about that but at least I learned to dance.” Reva was right about one thing - this man was indeed ‘sexy’ as she had put it. The emotions he gave off were enough to warm her all the way to her toes...and a few other places that made her blush.

He caught the turmoil of her thoughts, as well as the thought about Reva calling him sexy. Pot, meet Kettle. "Seems like hanging out with Reva might get you socialized in some interesting ways." He laughed and was mildly grateful when the music ended - he was feeling things that might not be appropriate with this particular young woman. He led her off the dance floor and asked, "Have you been to Lao's yet? Great dumplings, decent sake."

“No, not yet. I’ve only been here two days.” She laughed once more. “Would you believe this is the first time I’ve gone out alone? Besides the Wormhole that is, and I’ll bet you heard how that ended up.”

"Rumors do come my way. Anytime you want to come out alone, come to the Nexus. You won't have a night like that with us." He put a hand at the small of her back as they left the Nexus and headed for Lao's. Leave it to Vic to introduce a young woman to the best experiences on the Station.

Once they were inside, they were led to a table close to the large aquarium that ran along the back wall. Six sat, transfixed by the colorful fish as they swam back and forth, sometimes in circles. As soon as the maitre d’ left, she was out of her seat and standing close for a better view.

“They’re beautiful, Vic!” She looked back over her shoulder to give him a bright smile.

"That they are," Vic said, watching her, not the fish. He grinned, unable to resist Six's innocence. Lao's knew Vic as well as they did Jackson, and had his usual order on the table within moments of them entering. "Hey, food's here, come get some before I eat it all!"

Six returned to the table, gathering her long dress up a little and sat. While Vic got busy moving dumplings to the plates, she poured the sake and had a sip. “This is delicious. And a note for your trivia file too - alcohol only affects me very briefly.” He worked quickly and his hands fascinated her. They moved so quick and sure, likely a result of his bartending. He never slipped up. Her gaze moved up to his face and settled there. He was indeed handsome but she sensed a man full of secrets. They were rather alike in that respect. It wasn’t until he spoke that she realized she’d been staring.

"Penny for your thoughts, Six," he said. He could read her, but wouldn't, not right now. He saw her expression though and chuckled. "It's an old Earth way of asking what someone is thinking."

“Oh.” She blushed again, furiously. “I...umm...was thinking how beautiful your hands are. They way you move them.” And your face too….

He laughed. "Thanks. Yours are beautiful, too. You know, when someone asks that, you don't have to answer honestly if it's awkward."

“Oh. Should I not have? It’s the truth.” She fell silent and began eating the dumplings, pausing for small moans of pleasure. “These are amazing.”

"Mmm, they are," he said. Watching her, he adored how she ate with gusto. "You don't always have to be strictly honest about your thoughts. I mean, someone like Li Hawke or Reva might know that you're fudging things, but usually they keep to themselves."

“I see. And you? You would know too.” She paused in her eating to look at him intently. “You already know that I’ve fudged things.”

His turn to blush. "Ah, yeah. I don't tell many people about that. But I try not to pry; I just pick up what folks broadcast. And you broadcast rather well."

“Habit. My whole life was spent sharing every thought with everyone else, so you looking into my head wouldn’t bother me in the least. Really.” She reached over to touch his hand just as the sound of someone clearing his throat sounded.

“Sorry kids, am I interrupting?” It was Jackson and Six had the distinct impression he’d been there unnoticed for a few seconds.

Vic groaned. "What do you want?", he asked, sounding whiny but softening the question by grinning at Jackson.

“You, actually.” Jackson dropped into the extra chair. “I got a message from Sakkath that Oz is in the medical center on Nelvana III. I knew that stab wound was bad news the second I saw it. An’ there’s no word from Li yet on how things are goin’ since she was still bein’ worked on when she called Sakkath. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?” He looked at Six now and resisted the urge to give a low whistle. “Beggin’ yer pardon miss.”

"Just wait. Darwin will contact you once she's out. At least they got her to Nelvana, J. She can be stubborn about stuff like that," he said, as if Jackson needed reminding. "Six, this is Jackson Banning the Fifth. He owns the Nexus and is my boss and sometimes friend. Right now, he's just my annoying boss."

“It’s nice to meet you.” Six offered her hand. “I spent the evening there and had a wonderful time.” She smiled and glanced at Vic.

Jackson kissed her hand and smiled. “The pleasure is mine, trust me. So Vic’s showin’ you the hot spots is he? He knows all the good spots to show a lady a good time.”

"Indeed I do." Vic grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

“Oh, dumplings! Jackson snagged one from the plate and gobbled it down. “So, Six. Glad ta hear ya liked the club. How about the bartender?”

“He’s very nice,” she answered. “And a great dancer.” Anxiety was pouring off Jackson and it was beginning to make her edgy. She fought it down and took another dumpling. “He and I were just discussing how well he uses his hands.”

"Hey, J," Vic, too, was getting a dose of Jackson's angst. "Really. She's in good hands at Nelvana; Darwin and Li are with her. She'll be fine. Chill." He moved the plate of dumplings closer to Six, farther from Jackson.

Jackson looked from Vic to Six and fought back a laugh. “I have often complimented Vic on his...umm...hands.” He winked at Vic. “I kid, he’s a great guy.” He reached over, snagged the last dumpling, then signalled the waiter for more.

“I think so too.” She smiled at Jackson finding him charming in spite of his wound-up state. “He’s right too. If she has good people with her, then everything will be fine.”

"Listen to the pretty lady, J," counseled Vic. "She's right." He grinned at her and winked.

Jackson caught the wink and looked from Vic to Six and back. Finally a thought filtered into his chaotic thoughts. “Vic….”

"Hmm?", Vic didn't look at Jackson yet. He was watching Six.

Jackson waved his hand in front of Vic’s face. “Archadia to Vic.” Amusement was beginning to filter into his worry and it had everything to do with Vic.

His gaze shifted to Jackson. " What?"

“I…” He shook his head. “Never mind. I see you have other things on your mind.” The dumplings arrived and Jackson handed the empty plate to the server to make room. “Six, it’s been a pleasure to meet you.” He stood and leaned down to whisper to Vic. “Careful old man.”

"It's just dinner," he whispered back. "Now go on with yerself. Take some dumplings and go on."

“I’ll stop by the kitchen and get some.” Jackson stood up and smiled to them both. “Enjoy yer evenin’.” And he took off to the kitchen without further ado.

Six watched him go, then turned back to Vic. “I think he was hoping for your company.”

"But you have my company right now. He gets me all day and I can stop in and see him later."

“Will he last that long without blowing up?” Six asked. “Or will you?”

Pausing, he looked at her intently. How did she mean that? He chose a safe reading: "From the dumplings? No way! I have a special stomach just for these! Good thing, too, since they tend to leave ya hungry after just an hour or so." He looked the way Jackson had gone. "As for him, he already blew a gasket earlier today, when he heard about Oralia's injuries. He should be good for now."

“Alright.” She looked down at the plate of food. “Shall we get these to go?”

That's when Jackson's 'old man' comment hit him. He took a new look at Six and knew she was far too young for him to get entangled with, even if just for one night. "Ah, actually Six, you take those to go. They're great reheated, or cold even. I think you're right - I should go talk to J before he loses it."

She patted his hand and nodded. “I think so too. Go. I’ll get these wrapped up and good luck. He’s frightened, Vic. This Oz must be very special.”

"He waited a long time and went through hell to get her." He said, standing. Before he left, he leaned in and kissed Six's cheek. "Next time, we'll find somewhere that he won't interrupt us." He winked and took his leave.

Ensign Six
First Date Ever

Showing a Girl a Good Time

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Cock Blocker
The Nexus Club


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