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Reach Out And Touch Someone

Posted on Sun May 31st, 2015 @ 7:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa
Edited on on Sun May 31st, 2015 @ 7:06pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: EFS Korenna / Solis & Julisa's Quarters

* * * EFS Korenna - Somewhere In The Delta Quadrant * * *

The Enaran ship cruised silently through space, alone as far as the eye could see. Niro sat in the captain’s chair on the bridge, deep in thought as he looked at the small viewscreen to his right. The message had arrived earlier and had ignited his curiosity. He now debated just what to do about it. According to the message, several inquiries had been sent, leading the sender to believe it might be important.

He drummed his fingers idly on the armrest as he considered his next move. The one concerned had been an interesting partner in a dangerous mission. He’d been surprised at her inclusion but the one who arranged it knew what he was doing. It had been a success and they had recovered what was left of his brother. That was the last time Niro had seen her and hadn’t expected to hear from her ever again. His curiosity got the better of him and finally, he opened a channel to Starbase 900.

* * * Julisa & Solis’s Quarters * * *

The incessant beeping was really beginning to annoy Solis. It drew him up from a deep and much-needed sleep, and with a mumbled protest.

“I gave at the office….. tell ‘em to go ‘way….” and he pulled a pillow over his head.

Julisa hadn't been ignoring the sound; it had been incorporated into her dream - a warning that someone was right behind her, just about to catch her as she ran. Solis' voice and movement yanked her out of the dream. "Thank the gods," she mumbled and rolled out of bed.

Pulling on a thin robe, she went into the living room to answer the comm call. "Hello?", she asked as she sat down.

A familiar face appeared on the view screen and he looked at her closely. “I seem to have interrupted.”

"Interrupted? Nothing more than a nightmare, Niro." She smirked at him. "You look well, or are looks deceiving?"

Her question brought a ghost of a smile to Niro’s face. “That’s always a complicated question where I am concerned, Julisa. I take it, however, that you found your Vulcan again? You look far less...severe...than I remember you. In fact, I’d say freshly --”

"No need to speculate just because my hair is down. You did, after all, interrupt a nightmare - I don't wear my hair in a bun when I'm sleeping," she spoke sharply, verbally rapping his knuckles for trying to get a rise out of her. "I was hoping to hear of you, not necessarily from you. Recent events brought our stroll into a Cardassian prison to light."

“I must say, I like this side of you. It’s interesting.” He was silent for a few seconds as he looked back at her. “How did that happen? After your experience there, I assumed you’d rather die than revisit it, even in memory.”

"Sometimes whether we revisit things is out of our control. For me, an Admiral attempted to have me killed. At the same time, she drove your brother into a psych ward, again." Her tone was sharp and her words clipped. Seeing him again, having him arrogantly speculate about her sex life, reminded her she hadn't liked him very much on Bajor. Time, and the terror she'd felt, had eased that dislike. "All of it because of what was done on Bajor to your brother."

“I offered to take care of those memories for you.” Niro shrugged. “How is he anyway? I had hoped to hear of some improvement at least.”

"I recall what price you wanted for 'taking care of those memories'," she shook her head. "He has been improving; the admiral caused a setback, but he seems to be moving forward again. He has a girlfriend here; that's how well he's doing."

“I’m glad to see you didn’t fall victim to her attempt, Julisa. It would be a loss for your Fleet - you showed real backbone in a place that reduced most to little more than refuse to be tossed out.” He pondered what else she had to say. He had several questions, but one interested him more than the rest. “Nico...has a girlfriend. Really? I must say that is a huge surprise. Tell me about them.”

"I don't know anything to tell, Niro. Perhaps you should ask him yourself." His praise, though faint, pleased her in an inane way.

“Perhaps.” He let that subject drop and turned to the other matter of curiosity. “And what of that admiral?”

"She is on her way to San Fran for prosecution," Julia gave only what could be gleaned from public reports. "As Nico predicted, if she attempted to have you killed as well, that attempt failed."

“She is? Well then, that saves me some trouble, doesn’t it?” Niro’s smile returned, albeit a chilly one. “Is that why you were looking for me? Worried for my safety?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. "No, actually I was hoping for one more murder charge to levy against the admiral." Oh, yes, he had definitely reminded her she didn't like him.

“I’m crushed. I was so hoping you missed me and were ready to leave that station and….well some things are better left to the imagination I suppose.” He shifted in his seat and ran his hand through his long hair in a gesture so like Nico. “But to answer your question, I am fine. She likely had no luck finding me, which is how I like it. I only turn up where and when I wish to.”

"I see. And, yes, let's leave everything else to the imagination. Getting me away from my Vulcan isn't a task you could ever succeed at." She smiled.

Said Vulcan wandered out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts, still waking up. He brushed back his long hair as he passed and only glanced at the screen. “Morning, Nico,” he mumbled and passed on to the kitchen.

Niro laughed briefly. “He’s looking well.”

"You have no idea, Niro. Did you have more questions?"

“No. I am glad to hear that this rather large loose end has been trimmed, however. Both Nico and I owe you a favor. Maybe one of these days you’ll see me and I can repay you.” Niro’s expression had gone back to his usual, cold and unreadable one.

"Perhaps someday," she nodded, though she doubted Niro would ever be on her list of people to call for a favor, or for repayment of one. "Till then, I'm sure you'll stay safe, as will I. Thanks for getting in touch."

“Of course.” The channel closed and his face vanished from her screen.

Solis emerged from the kitchen, two mugs in hand. He passed one to Julisa. “How’s Nico? Nothing’s wrong is there?”

"That wasn't Nico, babe. That was Niro." She took a sip from the mug. "He was responding to my inquiries about him." His arrogance and sliminess had put her off.

Solis frowned, sensing her mood and he shuddered slightly. “Ugh. He’s that bad? And he’s the one who was part of that rescue? Sounds like it’s a good thing you haven’t seen him since.”

"Yeah, it is good. Funny how I had really glossed over his reality since the rescue. Next thing you know, I'll have elevated you and Dae to sainthood for coming in the nick of time on Betazed," she said, a playfully wicked gleam in her eye.

“I’ve already put him on a pedestal.” Solis grinned and mentally added Ehlana to that short list. “But not so I can look up his dress. It’s know...the reason you stated.”

She laughed and set her mug aside before tugging slightly at his shorts. "At least your pedestal people get to keep their clothes on."

“That depends on the person.” He grinned at her as he moved closer. “Now Earl? Definitely clothes. His wife? I’m still debating. And then there’s Ophelia. Definitely no clothes. And you of course but I can’t describe your pedestal in polite company.”

Laughing, she pulled him close for a kiss. "Wait... Why do you have Earl and Ehlana on pedestals? Did something happen during our year apart?"

“Besides getting the team back from New York? No, but he’d be lonely on a pedestal by himself. And besides, she’s hot. But don’t tell him I said so, okay?” Solis wrapped Julisa in his arms. “He’s annoying when he gets jealous.”

"That's not the only time," she muttered into his shoulder. "To be honest, Solis? I don't want to talk about Niro or Earl. I don't really want to talk, actually." She let him know just what she did want to do.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” He took hold of her and slung her up and over his shoulder, then turned towards the sofa. “ I’m on duty again in four hours.”

"Plenty of time...."

One Of Julisa’s Nightmares

Lt. Bajun Julisa

Lt. Solis
Equal Opportunity Admirer


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