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Gilroy Enters The Man Cave

Posted on Sun May 31st, 2015 @ 10:28pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Chance & Eli's Quaters

Why did you not bring me a cockroach? You know I cannot eat a replicated one. Those are already dead. They taste awful. Iggy bitched at Chance.

"Shut up, Iggs. You can have gagh tonight." Chance answered, annoyed with her.

“I think I'd rather eat a replicated cockroach,” Eli observed. “But it might be better with a little gravy on it. Maybe.” He looked at Iggy and grinned. “What do you think?”

The spider did not respond except to skulk towards a corner of the room.

"I'd say she's pretty pissed off at me," Chance said. He tossed his hands up. "I have studying to do."

“Me too. I promised Vor I’d go over this and get it back to him before we leave.” Eli frowned. “Iggy, stop thinking so loud, huh?”

Surprised, she shuffled in a pirouette and looked in Eli's general direction. I was not thinking at all, Eli. How could you hear me?

"You give off a little hum, even when you’re not thinking. Like white noise.” He smiled at Iggy. "Give me twenty and I’ll be done, I promise. Then we’ll go find a cockroach from Oz’s stash.”

Gilroy is here, she announced instead of agreeing.

The door chime pealed. Outside, Gilroy waited for one of the cadets to answer the door. He disliked coming here, just as he wasn't a fan of going to Oralia's quarters, because Iggy could usually be found at one or the other. She gave him the creeps.

Chance shrugged at Eli and answered the door. "Hey, Lieutenant Gilroy, come on in." He gestured for the part-Klingon to come in.

He did and immediately saw something that made his skin heat up. A drawing in pencil of a young man coming up out of a pool of water; it took a bare second for it to register that the man was Cadet Conradi. Gilroy looked away from the drawing and was face to face with Chance. "Ah, evening Cadets."

“Hi Lt. Gilroy.” Eli had followed his gaze and smiled. “I was rather pleased with it, yes.” Even though it had led to a big scene with his parents. “What brings you down to our little cave?”

"Your trip to Enara Prime," he answered. "Oz contacted me. You are to take a security team. And ensure that Ignatius has her container."

Travel box! I get to go to another new planet! Ignatius chirped.

Although he knew he might see her, Gilroy jumped anyway and grumbled something under his breath.

Bandersnatch, I know.

Eli laughed out loud at Iggy’s comment. “What team?” he asked. “We’ll be staying at my parent’s home but I’m sure they won’t mind.” Not much, he sent to Chance.

"A full team?" Chance shook his head. "Is that Oz's requirement? 'Cause I think that's overkill. I mean, any other Cadets going off on holiday would get no security."

Gilroy chuckled, "That's exactly what I said to her, Chance. Which is why your team is just Eric Edwards."

"Whew, that's a relief!" Chance looked at Eli and grinned, "Can't imagine showing up at the in-laws' place with our own entourage."

“Like that wouldn’t draw attention,” Eli muttered. Chance’s use of the word ‘in-laws’ got his attention however, and he raised his eyebrows. “Eric will be fine company I think. Have you told him yet, Gilroy?”

"No, it will be part of his morning's orders tomorrow. You don't have a departure set yet, do you?"

“I was going to bring that up tonight, actually.” Eli laid the pad he’d been reading aside, giving up for now. “How soon can you spare Eric?”

He is mated with the double-male, Norval with the Tigan worm, Iggy interrupted, sounding excited. Does this mean the worm will travel with us?

Gilroy blinked. Hearing the Ops officer referred to that way was... odd, at best. "If Norval Tigan decides to go, ...." He gave up and shook his head. "Eric can go whenever you decide to go, Eli." He paused and whispered to Eli, "Are you sure about taking...?" He gestured with a nod at Iggy.

“With Oz gone, and Jackson working so late most nights, I think it’s better if we do, don’t you Chance?” Eli looked over to Chance now. “She did fine on the away mission.”

Chance shrugged but any other response was cut off by Iggy, You are talking about me without using words. That is rude, Gilroy. And Chance. Oralia said they must take my travel box. That means I get to go along. She said so.

Suddenly giggling, Chance said, "Yup, Iggy's going."

“Why’s that so funny?” But Eli was smiling. Chance’s laughter bubbled up inside him through their mental link and he couldn’t help it. “Though I can’t wait to see my mother’s face….”

"Her wording, for one. And she just took Gilroy to task," Chance giggled harder.

Bewildered by, indeed, being taken to task on his manners by a giant spider, Gilroy added, "And you, Cadet. Anyway, the arrangements are made for Edwards to accompany you. I've passed on Oz's message about the box. Safe travels and goodnight." Gilroy headed for the door as if concerned that Iggy might come after him.

“Thanks!” Eli called out as the doors closed behind Gilroy. He propped his feet back on the coffee table. “That picture,” he motioned to Chance’s portrait, “sure warmed the cockles of Gil’s heart...or something else.” He grinned.

This room makes him uncomfortable.

"No, you make him uncomfortable, Iggs," Chance was over his earlier irritation with her and mostly done with his giggles. "I'd guess that the drawing just sort of... Maybe embarrassed him?"

Eli shrugged. “Could be but man, he reacted.” He smiled, then addressed Chance once more. “And”

"In-laws, yeah, your parents." Chance nodded then caught Eli's curiosity. "Oh... It's a human thing. Calling a boyfriend's family the 'in-laws'. Ah, sorry, I don't have any plans to propose."

Eli gave him a wink. “Probably for the best. Think how many hearts would break if I was off the market.” Now it was Eli who began to laugh until he had to wipe his eyes.

"Hey! Just as many would mourn me!" Chance laughed with Eli.

Could we go get a hissing cockroach now? Or, even better, a wriggly worm?

Ignatius J. Reilly-Zeferino
Cockroaches and Worms on the Brain

Cadet Chance Conradi

Cadet Eli Ziyad
On The Market…(Not Really)

Lt. Gilroy


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