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I'm offended by your face

Posted on Thu Aug 4th, 2011 @ 9:58am by Commander James Frost

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitian Forward Operating Base
Timeline: 2 Hours after arrival at Divitia Prime

Frost hated EVA suits. Unfortunately with the way the atmosphere was on Divitia Prime he didn't have a whole lot of choice. The forcefields were his first priority. His engineers would be a lot more effective once they were protected and free to set up the atmospheric filtering equipment without having their eyeballs melt.

Still, he really REALLY hated EVA suits. Especially in atmosphere. Felt like he was back on that Borg Sphere, stuck full of tubes and shit. Some of it was still on him but the few bits of tech still in and on his body had become something he was accustomed to. Heck he even liked some of his implants.

Aside from the Borg bits and pieces scattered throughout his body he also was inwardly griping at the fact that he wasn't just in atmosphere. He was in DUSTY atmosphere. Every minute or so he would have to wipe a layer of dust and grime off of his helmet visor so he could see what he was working on.

At the moment the subject of his focus was the last emitter for the shield that would be covering the Marines FOB. Once that was done he would have defense from whatever or whoever, while he started working on the rest of this wasteland.

After making a few more tweaks the forcefield would be up.

James made some adjustments and then tapped his commbadge. "Frost to Tech Sgt Bol." He said, directing his comms towards the marine who was overseeing power distribution for the FOB. "Start feeding power through to section Sierra-One-Niner."

A moment later the emitters hummed to life.... and then promptly died.

James grumbled to himself and started heading for the MOD that contained the PDU's (power distribution units).

"Always something." He muttered. "You wan't something done....."

Entering the MOD he saw the Tech Sgt playing with the interface on the PDU. After a moment he threw his hands up in frustration and kicked it.

"Sir we're going to need to request a new PDU from the Hammond."

"How the hell are we going to do that Sgt?" Frost glared at him. "I don't know if you are aware but with all the ionisation in the atmosphere we don't have comms until I get our relay online. No shield, no relay, no comms, mission epic fail!"

The Tech Sgt wasn't sure what to say. "Damn thing is full of dust sir."

Frost sighed and took off his glove, praising the powers that be that the MOD's were shielded at least, and positioned his fist 6 inches away from the PDU.

Two nanoprobes extended out of his hand and into the interface on the PDU. James didn't always get favorable reactions from command when modding his equipment with Borg tech but whatever got the job done was fine in his opinion.

Withdrawing his hand, he was please to see the PDU kick back to life and a moment later he could see the readout for the forcefields going green on all boards. Satisfied he made his way out of the MOD without another word to the Tech Sgt.

Heading for his MOD he was greeted by a Divitian also in EVA.

"Commander Frost?" He spoke, unsure."

"Yea that's me."

"I'm Nor'dol, one of Divitia Primes most prestigeous engineers." He said walking with James towards his MOD.

"That so?"

"Yes Commander. I've been assigned to assist you in whatever way possible to cleanse our atmosphere."

"Well that would be much appreciated Nor'dol." James said as they entered the mod.

Sealing the door behind him and removing his helmet he continued. "I can always use the extra hands."

The Divitian kept his helmet on, and just stared at Frost. He didn't say anything..... he just stared.

Then he spoke, he sounded a little apprehensive. "What's wrong with your face?"

James was confused. Then the realisation dawned on him. He pointed at his eye. "Oh! You mean this? I got this years ago from the-"

"The Borg!" Nor'dol sounded alarm. "You are Borg! The Federation has brought the Borg to our doorstep!!" He turned, opened the MOD and left as fast as he could.

"Wait a minute! I'm not Borg anymore! I just have bits and pieces left is all!" James called out as the Divitian ran to his transport, but he didn't stop running.

"Well shit, that's not going to end well." James sighed, tapping his commbadge. "Frost to Tech Sgt Bol, better start working on getting that comm relay set up. Something tells me Commander qeraQ' is about to get a rather nasty call and I'd like the chance to warn him if possible."

He closed the channel. "Great," He said to no one in particular" The Divitians are terrified by the Borg and therefore are offended by my face."


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