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Woody's Back In The House

Posted on Sun Jun 7th, 2015 @ 4:13pm by Jackson Banning V & Vic & Janice Gree

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club

The Nexus Club

It was early in the day at the Nexus and when Woodford arrived, the wait staff was just getting set up for the early reservations. Recognizing him, several of the servers waved.

“They’re in the back,” one of them informed Woody.

He thanked the young man and passed by the empty main bar and into the back corridor where the offices and dressings rooms were. Jackson’s office door was open and Woody could hear Jackson, Jan, and Vic talking over the previous evening. He was quiet as he approached the door, then stepped through, wearing a big smile.

“Honeys, I’m home! Did ya miss me?”

Jackson laughed out loud and dropped his feet from his desk, then stood. He stepped around the desk to hug Woody. “Welcome back you ol’ horse thief.”

“Good to be back,” Woody answered. “Now get outta the way so I can kiss my girl.” He swept Jan into his arms and gave her a long, deep kiss.

“Get a room you two,” Vic laughed. “Good to see you Woody. At least your back looks decent.”

Woody removed one hand from Jan, reached behind him and shot Vic a very rude gesture, which got another laugh from Vic.

"Woodford!" Jan laughed and got him to let her go - for the moment. "I want to see this backside." She turned him around... "Oh, yes, that is a good side."

“Keep talkin’ honey, flattery will get you’ everything.” Woody kissed her once more, then dropped into a chair. “Might wanna sit down, honey. Y’all won’t believe what happened on the transport as we were comin’ in.”

"You didn't seduce anyone on the transport?" That would be an unbelievable event. Jan smiled and sat in his lap.

“Nah, nothin’ like that. But there was a young woman there, kinda a pain in the ass to be honest. But she introduced herself to me as….” he paused for effect and looked at the other three. “Dr. Solis’ wife.”

Jackson blinked. “As who?”

"Isn't Solis that Vulcan dating the prosecutor, Julisa?" Jan looked at Jackson for confirmation.

Jackson nodded. “He is. You know him Vic, long hair, earrings.”

Vic uttered a curse. “How’s that possible? He and Lt. Bajun are….how to put this politely...about two seconds shy of stripping each other down every time I’ve seen them.” He tapped the side of his head. “Trust me, I know.”

Woody shrugged. “That’s what she said. Something is screwy somewhere and I won’t be surprised if there’s some major fireworks. I gotta say though, that kid is about as airheaded as they come. The girl, not the Doc.”

"Yeah, the doc would need to be pretty sharp to keep up with that prosecutor. And a sweetheart, 'cause she's not." Jan shook her head. "If he's married to someone else... I wouldn't want to be him when she finds out."

“Me either,” Jackson agreed. “But none of it makes any sense.” He frowned, knowing a chapter or two of the Julisa story that the rest did not. “I agree with Woody. Somethin’s screwy in all this. Did she give a name?”

“No, just that he was her husband.” Woody smiled now. “But follow the screamin’ and you may find ‘em.” He shot Jan a look. “On second thought, that might be Jan an’ me so don’t.”

Jan nudged him and laughed.

"TMI, Woody,” Vic quipped.

“Yeah, but about that.” Jackson looked from Woody to Jan. “I promised her time off once ya got here, bro. I owe her for coverin’ for me when I was in the brig. So take what ya want darlin’.”

“The brig? Do I wanna know?”

“Read the news, you’ll see the story about an admiral’s fall from grace,” Jackson answered.

"You know he's married to the Chief of Security. She likes keeping him in the brig while she's gone," Jan joked, winking at Jackson. "It does make him happy to see her."

“Hey, it wasn’t Oz that locked me up this time,” Jackson protested. “It was Gilroy and Edwards.” He didn’t even have time to realize how that sounded before Vic began to laugh. Jackson looked over at him and glared. “Hush up you. Or I’ll tell your dirty old man story.”

"Vic has a dirty old man story? How have...wait, I have heard this. The young thing, Six? I saw her in here a couple of days ago."

“Got it in one, Jan.” Jackson winked at her and Vic grumbled.

“Six?” Woody asked. “Unusual name.” He eyed Vic and smiled. “How young?”

Vic opened his mouth to speak but Jackson jumped in. “Twenty-two.”

“Hmm….” Woody mused. “That’s just about perfect isn’t it?” You’re what? Thirty somethin’? That’s not too bad. I mean, when ya get right down to it, I’m really a young thing where Jan’s concerned but trust me, kid. Do not ever tell a woman she’s old, even if she’s El-Aurian. How many years do ya think have on me sugar?”

She lightly cuffed him on the side of the head. "Don't ask that. What's really relevant is that the difference between Six and Vic is about the same as the difference between Jackson and his wife."

“Ow!” Woody rubbed his head, then nodded. “Good point there Vic. Seems ta me ya need to get over yerself and grab her. Politely of course.”

Vic rolled his eyes. “Now I see where J gets it. Are the other three of you as bad as you two?”

“Worse,” Jackson and Woody answered at once.

“In that case, I’m skipping the family reunion.” Vic rose to go. “I need to go get to what it is you two pay me for.”

Jackson waved him out, then looked to Jan and Woody. “So I suppose I’m not gonna see you two for a few days?”

"At least," Jan said, smiling broadly. "So long as my young stud can keep up, of course."

Jackson covered his ears. “Lalalalala..I am not listening and Jan is still talking.…save me, my brother.”

Woody laughed and rose. “Sure. I wouldn’t wanna injure your tender virgin ears.” He took Jan by the hand. "Let’s go before he changes his mind.”

"Bye-bye, Jacky!," She laughed and, together, she and Woody disappeared from the office.

Jackson watched them go and shook his head. It did him a world of good to see Jan so happy. Still, with her off for several days and Eli and Chance taking off for Enara Prime, and Oz still gone, it was going to be a little lonely for the time being. Such was life. He wondered idly what Vic intended to do about Six, then smiled. If he knew Vic, whatever he did would be at a snail’s pace. The thought made Jackson laugh and he rose to get ready for the evening.

Woodford Banning
Big Brother Is Back

Janice Greer
The True Cradle Robber

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Tender Virgin (Not!)
The Nexus Club

Just About Right...According To Woody


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