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En Route To Enara Prime

Posted on Sun Jun 14th, 2015 @ 10:58pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Eric Edwards & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Federation Shuttle Lapidus

=^= Federation Shuttle Lapidus=^=

Eric had settled comfortably into the pilot’s seat and plotted their course for Enara Prime, the few lessons he had taken with Norval paying off. His navigation skills had definitely improved, even if most of their time was spent with other… activities. The thought brought a smile to the Lieutenant’s face as he locked in the coordinates and strolled back into the slightly larger common area.

“Well, we’re on our way boys. I’m hoping this is relatively uneventful,” he added, as he used a hand to brush back his blonde hair. “But if there’s anything I should know about your homeworld, Eli, now’s probably the time.”

I know this! Enarans are telepathic!, Iggy piped up, though she continued grooming herself.

Eric chuckled, shaking his head. He was surprised how … normal it felt to have a spider’s thoughts in his mind. “Sorry, Iggs, I half forgot you were here. So, boys and lady. And we’re happy to have you along.”

Thank you, Eric. I can help you protect these two. I saved the Hammond on my last mission, she said, running her pedipalps over her fangs.

Eli laughed aloud. “Yes, Iggy, everyone there is telepathic.I am curious to see how that will affect you. At least no one will think it strange to hear you in his head, they’re used to it.”

"And, just fyi, the spider spins a hell of a yarn," Chance said. "Saved the whole ship, didn't you, Iggy?" He rubbed one of her legs with a fingertip.

More than you did, she shot back.

Eli laughed again. “Same old argument, huh?” He turned to Eric as he debated what to start with. “Well, Enara Prime is, as you say, a little different. They have this idea of the status quo and anyone who doesn’t fit that is therefore a danger and must be eradicated. That’s why I had to vanish from there. Torres on Voyager started something when she discovered what was really happening and I wanted to help see it through. It didn’t make me very popular. Needless to say, those who have the preferences we do are looked upon as pariahs, to put it bluntly.”

Is that an 'our persuasion' comment?

Chance winced; he'd just explained "persuasion" to Iggy in the back of the shuttle. "It is, isn't it, Eli?"

“Yes. My mother’s reaction gave a good clue to how it will be there...assuming they know. I can guarantee she hasn’t made it known, she would be...ashamed. And I apologize for that now.” Eli frowned. “Which means, Iggy, no spilling the beans, okay?”

Eric frowned. "Is there a... code of etiquette," he wondered. "Most telepaths where I'm from stay out of your head unless invited," he clarified, "and I don't hide what I am."

“Yes, there is, at least where you all are concerned. They wouldn’t dare cross that line, though I can’t be sure where I am concerned. I know what they told Kh’ali but I won’t rest easy till everything is signed and done and we are on our way home.” Eli smiled a moment. “Besides, you are the guests of my parents, who are well-regarded. They wouldn’t stand for such an insult, no matter what they may think of our relationship, Chance.”

"That's promising," Chance said. "Perhaps another reason why we shouldn't have Iggy prank your mom."

I cannot hide what I am, Eli. Iggy sounded sad.

"You," Eric said, "are a citizen of the Federation. That goes for Iggy as well as Eli," he added, pointing for emphasis, "and I'm not about to tolerate abuse of either of you. We get these papers signed and we go home. Nice. And. Easy," he stressed. "No one hides what they are, but we don't volunteer anything potentially harmful either. They can't fire without ammo." He paused a moment to wonder if Iggy even understood that.

What do bullets have to do with what we are?

Chance sighed, "I'll explain that later, Iggs."

“He’s right.” Eli smiled once more. “Get it done and get the hell out is my motto for this trip. And woe be unto them if they lied. They’ll have to deal with a pissed off Klingon and no one wants that.”

Eric's frown was lopsided. "Don't count on Commander Kh'ali. She's got influence," he admitted, "but we're a long way from home. We need to rely on one another." The Security officer in him was already planning for the worst. He nodded at Chance. "How much has your sister taught you?"

Chance blinked. "Tons...? I mean, I know what a pain in the ass girls are thanks to her. High maintenance, moody.... And she used to regularly kick my ass as a kid. I know hand-to-hand, if that's what you're asking."

Eli snickered. “I think he meant security type things but I can vouch for the fact that he is very effective at tackling people.” He looked from one to the other. “Umm...just saying.”

Eric rolled his eyes, but still smiled. "You keep him safe, Chance. You're going to be closer to him than I can be."

Eli waggled his eyebrows at Chance, then turned serious. “Let’s hope he has no need to, Eric. He might have to protect Iggy, she will cause a sensation there I think.”

I am sensational!

"I think she needs to molt again, just so her ego can fit into her exoskeleton with her," Chance commented. "But, yeah, Eric, I'll keep Eli safe."

The Lieutenant laughed out loud at Iggy’s exclamation. “That you are, little lady.” He gave Chance a satisfied nod. “I hope I’m over-preparing,” he admitted, “but the last time I got lax I wound up in sickbay. At least Ian was appreciative,” he shrugged. “So, enough with the downers! We know what we’re here to do, but there’s likely to be a night or two of processing documents. Anything fun to do on Enara Prime?”

“Sure.” Eli nodded. “One of the loveliest places I’ve ever seen is about a half-day’s hike and it’s also a favorite gathering place for my friends. There’s also a network of catacombs from the ancient past of Enara if you like that sort of thing. You all will get to meet my older brother too, and he’s always got something interesting in the works.”

"Let's go for a hike and meet some of your friends," Chance suggested.

Catacombs? I would like to see those. They are like burrows, but large enough for bipeds, yes?

"Yeah, big enough for bipeds, Iggs. But they'll be dark and damp and...."

Iggy cut Chance off, Perfect! Take me there!

Chance laughed and smiled at Eli. "Looks like we have a few things to do."

“And expect a big dinner the night we arrive. Family is coming in, Dad said, since they’ve not seen me in a while. Sorry fellows, but prepare for cheek pinching and hearing how much I’ve grown about a million times.” Eli grinned. “If it gets too dull, we can sneak out after.”

"Um... I'll just stand off to one side during the cheek pinching, ok?" Chance laughed then moved to take a seat and buckle in. "C'mon, Iggy, sit with me." When the arachnid crept closer to him, he bent and lifted her to his lap.

I, too, will be off to the side. I have no cheeks to pinch. And if they pinch my legs, the might break.

"There's an image for us all," Chance muttered.

Eli stood and stretched. “I’m going to get a little sleep so I can spell Eric later on.” He rested a hand on Chance’s cheek, then made his way to the bunks in the back.

"Right-o," Eric said. "Sounds like we can do a bit of hiking or spelunking in our down time. Get some rest cadets," he added as he ducked back through the door into the cockpit. "I'll make sure we're still on course."

Lt. Eric Edwards
Cadet Junior Grade Eli Ziyad
Cadet Junior Grade Chance Conradi
Egomaniacal Ignatius J. Reilly-Zeferino


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