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Three Telepaths And A Human Go Into A Bar

Posted on Sun Jun 14th, 2015 @ 6:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Solis & Jackson Banning V & Vic & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club

The Nexus Club

Jackson finished the last of his lemonade (minus the bourbon since he was doing the late show tonight) and gave the glass back to Vic.

“Here you are, old man.” He laughed at his own joke, and laughed harder at Vic’s frown. “What? You’re still watchin’ from the sidelines.”

“Well, I…..” Vic emptied the ice from Jackson’s glass and lowered it into the suds to be washed. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I’m still thinking.”

“I can understand that better than anyone.” Jackson leaned over the bar and lowered his voice. “You gave me the ‘quit thinking’ speech once, remember? So I know, bud...I know.” He smiled and turned to go. “I’m havin’ dinner with some old friends and we’ll be in the dining room. Call if you need me but I’ll be done and can scoot out before too long.”

“Enjoy.” Vic waved him off and went back to his glasses.

* * *

Knowing that she would be under scrutiny tonight, just as she had been earlier that day, Julisa had chosen her outfit with care. The gleaming gold gown clung to her curves as she entered the Nexus. Camille showed her to a table and, as Julisa settled in and ordered a drink, Jackson approached her. She smiled in greeting, "Mr. Banning, good to see you."

“Mr. Banning now is it?” Jackson flashed Julisa a smile as he sat down. “Am I in trouble?”

"Of course not," she laughed. "Old habit, I suppose." Dropping her smile, she asked him, "You know Niro is here, right? And he'll be here for dinner?"

“A little bird told me, yes.” Jackson left it at that as he sat. “Strange isn’t it Julisa? The three of us back together again? I honestly never though it would happen but I guess stranger things have. The only ones missin’ are Jim and Nico and the reunion would be complete.”

"Nico is missing for a good reason, at least, since he just married Drusilla Dupree yesterday." Jules smiled.

“He did what??” Jackson leaned closer across the table. “Really? Well, well…..and people say I’m a hound dog.” He laughed and shook his head. “I’ll remember to send ‘em a little somethin’ once they are back on station.”

“Send who something?” Solis had arrived after a quick detour home to get into something besides his medical uniform. He now wore tuxedo pants, a loose fitting v-neck shirt and a bolero jacket. His hair was down and since he was off duty, his hoop earrings were back in place. “Evening Jackson.” He bent to kiss Julisa.

"Hi, love," she said after the kiss. "We were talking about Nico and Dru getting married."

“A little surprising still. Hi Jackson, long time no see.” Solis sat down beside Julisa and brushed back his hair. “I really should get here more often.”

“Good ta see ya,Solis,” Jackson drawled. “And yes, yes you should. I can imagine, though, that your job’s never a quiet one. At least I’m not on call when I’m not here.” Jackson raised his hand to summon a waiter and ordered several bottles of various wines. He then looked to Julisa. “Have you prepared him for our fourth guest?”

"Much as I can," she nodded. "I told him Niro would likely go fishing for some memories, just because he can."

“Likely. If he gets his thrills seein’ visions of me an’ Oz instead of findin’ his own. oh well.” The wine arrived and Jackson waved aside the tasting. “Just pour, I picked it all out, I know it’s good.”

The server filled four glasses and set the bottle aside in the stand beside the table before moving away.

A laugh escaped Solis as he reached for his glass. “He may be sorry if he looks in my head. It’s not really a place for polite company.”

"Don't I know it?" Julisa joked, wrinkling her nose at Solis. "I don't mind, but sometimes, the things I see in there," playfully, she shuddered.

“Hey you knew what you were getting into.” Solis began to laugh and then a shadow fell over the table.

“Good evening, I hope I’m not late.” Niro had dressed for the occasion in black pants and white dinner jacket, but he had skipped the tie, leaving his shirt open. “Julisa, you look lovely.” He offered his hand to Solis. “You would be Dr. Solis. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Solis stood and shook Niro’s hand. “A pleasure Niro.”

Finally Niro sat by Jackson and smiled. “It’s been a long time J. It would seem that married life agrees with you.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Jackson replied. “Well, then again, you likely do. Fair warnin’ I charge admission for viewin’ the movies.”

His comment got a laugh from Niro. “So noted. You would make a fortune.”

“Well I don’t wanna brag but….”

“That’s enough Jackson, even for me.” But Solis was smiling.

Niro looked up, regarding Solis for a long moment. It doesn’t seem to me that there is ever enough for you.

The wine Solis was sipping caught in his throat and it took a valiant effort not to spit it back onto the table. He coughed and finally got it down. Without a word, he raised his glass and gave Niro a nod.

Julisa saw the exchange, but she hadn't been touching Solis, so hadn't been privy to the comment. "Did you find something to entertain you this afternoon, Niro?"

“I did, actually. I must say this station is amazing in what it has to offer. But then you are here every day, it must seem commonplace.” Niro wondered if Julisa had seen the woman in the bar. Not that it mattered, really.

“I don’t know about that,” Jackson mused. “Life here is never dull, no matter how long we’ve been here. Kinda surprisin’, actually.”

"When I was assigned here, I was told it would be boring. It hasn't quite lived up to that," Julisa commented, getting a twinge of a headache as she recalled their trip to Betazed.

Niro’s gaze slid over to Julisa, his expression wary. He sensed the headache and wondered just how long the block he’d left would hold. “Should we order? I’ll have what you’re having Julisa.”

And immediately, Jackson began to laugh as he summoned the waiter. He’d be willing to bet that Niro already was, at least mentally.

“Good idea.” Solis blinked, then closed his menu. “You know what’s good Jackson, I’ll leave it to you.” His voice was suddenly a little hoarse. He refilled his wine glass and drained off half of it.

Frowning at Niro, Julisa worked at keeping up her mental blocks against him. When the server came, she ordered one of the hottest Bajoran dishes on the menu. She wanted to see how much heat Niro could handle. "Didn't you want to chat with Jackson, Niro?"

“There’s a few things he and I need to go over later. I thought this dinner might be a good chance just to catch up and enjoy ourselves.” A smile flashed across Niro’s face. “I’d like to propose a toast. To you, Julisa, and Solis. I’m glad you two have finally found yourselves together again.” He raised his glass and drank.

“The man has a point. “Jackson also raised his glass, then finished off what remained in it. “You gave up a lot to help us when we needed you and for that we’ll be forever grateful.”

"Well, you're welcome. Really, without Niro, I wouldn't be here," she smiled at Niro and raised her glass to him before taking a sip.

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Niro laughed.

* * *

“So then, I get the call from Julisa.” Jackson reached for his after dinner coffee. “Sayin’ that they were out and if I ever sent her anywhere like that again, she would kick my ass for years to come.” He motioned to Julisa across the table. “Y’all know her, ya know she would too.”

“To borrow your phrase, Jackson, you are singing to the choir,” Solis laughed.

"Hey, I've been very nice since coming to this station," Julisa defended herself, laughing. "But, yeah, I've never been so scared as I was in that prison. Betazed was a walk in the park, comparatively."

At the mention of Betazed, Niro once again looked at Solis, but it was brief, as he reached for his wine glass.

Jackson pushed his coffee aside and stood. “Julisa, care for one dance before I have to get up on stage?”

"I'd love to, Jackson," she took his hand, stood and let him lead her onto the dance floor. "Think it's safe to leave those two alone?"

“If anyone can handle Niro, it’s your husband,” Jackson answered, then swept her away.

Back at the table, Niro studied Solis for a few seconds. Julisa did have wonderful taste, he thought, but then he only had a few minutes and he needed to warn this man before him.

“You have a problem, Solis,” he began. “With Julisa.”

“Oh?” That wasn’t what Solis was expecting, given the way Niro had been having such fun in his thoughts by stirring him up all during dinner.

“Betazed,” Niro informed him. “I know what happened. I saw both memories in her head and the real one’s trying to break through.”

Sudden panic jumped into Solis’ eyes. “That can’t happen.”

“I tried to block it a bit more but I don’t think it’s holding.” Niro shrugged. “I just thought you should be prepared so you can figure out what you’re going to tell her when it happens.”

“Oh...thank you. I..appreciate that.” Solis’ own thoughts were scattered now as he considered the possibility that the secret would get out. “We are under orders not to tell her but if she remembers, there’s nothing I can do about that other than give her the story.”

“Temporal Affairs can be funny about stuff like that but for her own mental health, better that it does come out. The conflict will eventually cause problems as you well know.” Niro smiled finally. “I probably should apologize for my vicarious enjoyment of you this evening. Probably should but I won’t. You and Julisa are very lucky, in more ways than one, especially since you are getting a second chance.”

“I know. It seems you and I both have seen how temporary life can be. You gave Nico a second chance too. That’s huge.” Solis paused, looking out at the dance floor before he continued. “And thank you for keeping her safe.”

“My pleasure.” That seemed to amuse Niro and he smiled widely. It certainly had been. Once more he popped into Solis’ head and with the slightest nudge, sent a blaze of desire racing through the Vulcan.

Solis’ hand tightened around his water glass and just as Jackson and Julisa reached the table, he stood. “I hate to eat and run, but it’s an emergency.” He took hold of Julisa’s hand. “Thanks Jackson.”

"Oh!" Julisa was surprised by Solis' grip, but then she shot a glare at Niro before laughing, "You're such a jerk, Niro! See you two around!" She headed off with Solis.

Jackson laughed as he took the padd from the server and entered his code. “She’s right, yer incorrigible. You stickin’ around for my set kiddo?”

“Sure. I could do with a little dancing myself.”

“Good enough. Hang out till we close and we'll hit the Wormhole.” Jackson patted Niro on the shoulder. “Good to have ya back.”

“Oh it’s good to be here,” Niro answered as Jackson took to the stage.

Jackson Banning V
Dr. Solis
Bajun Julisa

The Old Gang Back Together….For Now


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