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Posted on Fri Jun 26th, 2015 @ 2:22pm by Major David Lorenz & James Holbridge & Matt Collins
Edited on on Fri Jun 26th, 2015 @ 2:24pm

Mission: Further Challenges


"....and it behooves us to be ready to assist our brother jarheads if the need arises." Lorenz finished his statement. "There's gonna be some new faces on the station, and I am informed by the head shed that if there are any difficulties acclimating our brother Marines to the Delta Quadrant way of doing things the offending parties will be rotated to the new colony site to provide security watch on the waste processing facilities."

"A real shit job, to be sure, lads!" Chief Harrison called out, causing the assembled officers to laugh politely.

"That's right, Q-Ball!" Lorenz returned. "Let's get the gear for the new detachment prepped. No sense in letting our new transports get dusty. Oh, yeah, and someone send a message to Smith in Aviation and tell him that transport idea of his was green-lit. That's all."

As soon as the room was clear, Tom Franklin and Quentin walked over to where Dave stood, still studying his padd. "What say we knock off early today and get snockered?" Quentin said loudly to Franklin.

"Sounds good. There's a new drink called a Senseless Scotsman!" Dave smiled, his eyes still on the padd. "How are your boys and girls doing?"

"Ready for their first cotillion, sir! They still need help with their dressing gown stitches."

"Okay. Might be time for a live-fire down on the Archadian Gunnery Range. "I'll get the permissions and you boys can skirmish against the women of Archadia Prime."

Tom Franklin grinned shamelessly. "Maybe they'll offer you pity sex for losing graciously!"

Harrison turned to Franklin. "At least I have been laid twice in this decade, bucko!"

Lorenz left his two friends in the office to argue. He had a mission of mercy to perform.

**********Holbridge Enterprises Office Suite**********

Dave walked through the reception area and, as usual, barged into Jim's office. What Dave saw shocked him. Gone was the flippant, kiss-my-ass fighter pilot of old, replaced by a man who had been visibly wounded and had never recovered. "Looks like you ran into a damned Nausicaan greeting committee,"

Jim looked up from his viewer. "Hey, buddy!" he smiled weakly. "Look man, you saved my life and I owe you. I have my guys in the shipyard busy copying the Ghost. I talked to the general and he likes the idea of a medium-sized transport. So, with the approval of Command, you can christen the ship when she's off the ways in about seven months."

Dave smiled at his friend's half-hearted effort. "Thanks!" You don't look so hot!"

"Neither would you after being stabbed by a fucking Cardassian killer pygmy woman!" Jim replied in annoyance. "Is this a social visit, because I am a busy man..."

"You know, I thought maybe you were okay after your time in the hospital, but you are hiding in this office!" Dave pressed. "I have been keeping tabs on you these last few days. You don't sleep worth a damn, you are irritable, and don't act like a loving husband to your wife! Now what is going on with you?"

Jim took a deep breath. "I have been thinking a lot about Dalorath since the stabbing."

Dave nodded his head. "You don't have to tell me about it, I was there, remember?"

"I think I may have to go back there, pal." Jim said quietly. "Not physically,, but maybe take a stroll down memory lane."

Lorenz tapped his com-badge. "Lorenz to Collins, are you on the base?"

=/\=In the wardroom, Dave.=/\= came the reply via subspace radio

"Get you ass to the main office. Jim needs to tell you something."


Jim sat in his chair and faced his friends. "I have only told this story one time to IAD after my return," Jim said to the younger Collins. "Lorenz was with me and let me tell you, it was hell-on-earth......"


Holbridge's side hurt like hell, and there was dried blood caked on his arms and legs, yet he shuffled at a fast trot with the rest of the prisoners as they made their way into the greeting area. A thing, cadaverous Cardassian was waiting for them. "Greetings, I am Gul Maknet, and I want to welcome you all to our latest reconditioning facility. You will find that we have all of your needs provided for and I look forward to getting to know you as the days, weeks, and moths roll by."

"What an asshole!" the man next to Jim muttered, then was seized by two Cardassian guards and brutally pushed to the ground. the two Cardassians began to kick the man, only to have Jim Holbridge throw a series of right hands at the nearest Cardassian, stunning him into submission. The other Cardassian pulled out a baton and whacked Jim and the other human on the head.

"That didn't work like I thought!" Jim muttered as the darkness took him.


A post by:

Jim Holbridge
Remembering The Past


Major Dave Lorenz
Can't Keep Quiet


Matt Collin


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